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File metadata and controls

244 lines (195 loc) · 10.6 KB

RegParser [BETA]


RegParser (rp) is a python wrapper script for python-registry framework (@williballenthin [FireEye]). This command-line utility is designed to slightly extend and facilitate framework’s capabilities. In general it’s used to parse any offline windows registry hives during malware hunting or forensic investigations.

It comes with following major features:

  • Search for a registry key, value name or value data patterns described by a comma separated: strings, regex strings or utf8 hex binary strings
  • Search for value data by its size, specified by operators like range, equality or inequality
  • Search for registry modified keys at given date and time, specified by regex string pattern or range, or inequality operators
  • Query the registry keys or values (including partial wildcard support)
  • Enumerate and display hidden keys and values
  • Hash registry value content
  • Detect hive type
  • Export results to .REG format (Simplifies malware analysis/infection reproduction based on file-less registry load points)
  • Export results to SQLite (Used by regparser for plugin’s baseline)
  • Export results to CSV or stout
  • Customize output data (21 different format fields)
  • Easy plugin implementation and support with built in plugins like "autoruns", "services", "apt", "macro"
  • Plugins baseline support

Note: More details in README.pdf

Minimum Requirements:

  • Python 3.6.1 Framework
  • Operating system: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Cygwin

Installing Dependencies:

pip install -U pip
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
In proxy enabled environment: 

pip --proxy http://PROXY_IP:PORT install -U pip
pip --proxy http://PROXY_IP:PORT install -U -r requirements.txt
REMARK: Regarding git configuration: 

To add proxy support: 
    git config --global http.proxy
    git config --global http.proxy

To remove proxy support: 
    git config --global --unset http.proxy

Installing the program:

git clone
cd regparser
python -h

Updating the program:

cd %regparser_location%
git pull


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Script arguments:

                        File/Folder with offline registry hive(s) to parse
                        [raw or .zip format supported]
  -r, --recursive       Enables recursive search for --source folder
  -c, --case-sensitive  Enables case sensitive search (Default: case-
  -v, --verbose         Sends verbose debug data to stdout (Used for

Query arguments:

  -qk QUERY_KEY, --query-key QUERY_KEY
                        Query given comma separated registry keys, example:
                        -qk "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
                        (all registry values from queried key(s) would be
  -qv QUERY_VALUE, --query-value QUERY_VALUE
                        Query given comma separated registry values, example:
                        -qv "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ctf
                        mon.exe" (only the queried value would be printed)
  -qs, --query-subkeys  Display root sub keys of given registry hive (Default:

Search arguments:

  -tm KEY_MODIFIED, --time-modified-string KEY_MODIFIED
                        Comma separated regex date patterns: -tm "2014-09-04
                        09:50",”2013|2014” would search for all keys modified
                        in 2014-09-04 at 09:50 and on 2013 or 2014
  -td KEY_MODIFIED_DT, --time-modified-datetime KEY_MODIFIED_DT
                        Comma separated Date time patterns:
                        [datetime]..[datetime] or [Operator][datetime], where
                        opertor is one of: ">", "<". Example: -td "2014-09-04
                        13:12:19..2014-09-04 13:12:25.703125",">2014-09-04"
  -ks KEY_STRING, --key-string KEY_STRING
                        A string value, example: -ks "\Run" would search for
                        all keys having given string anywhere in their key
                        path string
  -kr KEY_REGEX, --key-regex KEY_REGEX
                        A regex string, example: -kr "\\Run$" would search for
                        all keys which ends with "\Run" string
  -kb KEY_BIN, --key-bin KEY_BIN
                        A binary value expressed in UTF8 escaped hex string,
                        example: -kb "\x5C\x52\x75\x6E" would search for all
                        keys having given sequence of bytes anywhere their key
                        path bytes
  -vs VALUE_STRING, --value-string VALUE_STRING
                        A string value, example: -vs "ctfmon" would search for
                        all values having given string anywhere in their value
  -vr VALUE_REGEX, --value-regex VALUE_REGEX
                        A regex string, example: -vr "ctfmon\.exe$" would
                        search for value name which ends with "ctfmon.exe"
  -vb VALUE_BIN, --value-bin VALUE_BIN
                        A binary value expressed in UTF8 escaped hex string,
                        example: -vb "\x63\x74\x66\x6D\x6F\x6E" would search
                        for all values having given sequence of bytes anywhere
                        their name bytes
  -ds DATA_STRING, --data-string DATA_STRING
                        A string value, example: -ds "CTF" would search for
                        all values having given string anywhere in their data
  -dr DATA_REGEX, --data-regex DATA_REGEX
                        A regex string, example: -dr "^CTF" would search for
                        all values which starts with "CTF" string
  -db DATA_BIN, --data-bin DATA_BIN
                        A binary value expressed in UTF8 escaped hex string,
                        example: -db "\x43\x54\x46" would search for all
                        values having given sequence of bytes anywhere their
                        data bytes
  -dl DATA_SIZE, --data-size DATA_SIZE
                        Comma separated Data size patterns: [int]..[int] or
                        [Operator][int], where operator is one of: ">", "<" or
                        "=". Example: -dl "3000..3225","=3226"

Output arguments:

  -b, --baseline-output
                        Output to SQLite3 format (Used for baseline)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Filepath to output file (Default: stdout)
  -a, --output-format-all
                        Output all format fields [Time consuming task]
  -e EXPORT_FOLDER, --export-registry-folder EXPORT_FOLDER
                        Folder path for exported .reg files
  -E EXPORT_FILE, --export-registry-file EXPORT_FILE
                        File path for exported single .reg file
  -f OUTPUT_FORMAT, --output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
                        Format of output data: field,field,field
  -d FIELD_DELIMITER, --output-delimiter FIELD_DELIMITER
                        Used to separate the output fields (Default: ","

Plugin arguments:

                        Specify plugins to run with their parameters:
                        ["autoruns -d","services"


Following query would execute autoruns-like scan and enumerate services on all hives from the hives/ folder recursively. (Result would be printed into standard output) -r -s hives -p autoruns,services

Following query would display immediate sub keys of every registry hive in “hives/ folder”. (This option ignores the output format specified by -f option) -s hives -qs

Output :

hives/NTUSER.DAT,Control Panel
hives/NTUSER.DAT,Keyboard Layout
hives/NTUSER.DAT,UNICODE Program Groups
hives/NTUSER.DAT,Windows 3.1 Migration Status

Following query looks for value named “StubPath” in every sub key of “…\Installed Components” key. (It demonstrates limited wildcard support) -s hives/sys_SOFTWARE.tmp -qv "Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\*\StubPath"

Output (Shortened):

sys_SOFTWARE.tmp,,CMI-CreateHive{199DAFC2-6F16-4946-BF90-5A3FC3A60902}\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820},StubPath,C:\Windows\system32\Rundll32.exe C:\Windows\system32\mscories.dll,Install

Following query looks for all keys which end on “\Run” or “\RunOnce” (It demonstrates the regex support) -s hives/sys_SOFTWARE.tmp -kr "\\Run$","\\RunOnce$"

Output (Shortened):

sys_SOFTWARE.tmp,,CMI-CreateHive{199DAFC2-6F16-4946-BF90-5A3FC3A60902}\Microsoft\Group Policy\Client\RunOnce,{ECDBB9F9-F918-4B9C-BCA5-BC7518869245},
sys_SOFTWARE.tmp,,CMI-CreateHive{199DAFC2-6F16-4946-BF90-5A3FC3A60902}\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,IMSS,"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IMSS\PIconStartup.exe"

Following query demonstrates how to search for hidden value names containing a NULL byte (\x00). Thanks to -v option you may observe what’s the real binary search pattern. Additionally via -f option you may adjust the output format, this time we are especially interested in “value_name_unicode” so we can see the exact position of the NULL byte: -v -s hives/NTUSER-Trojan.Poweliks.dat -vb "\x00" -f "key_path,value_name_unicode,value_content"

Output (Shortened):

PARSER Started: 2017-08-13 13:21:21
WARNING: Binary arguments (-kb, -vb, -db) do not support case insensitive mode. Enabling cases-sensitive mode...
Loading hives from: hives/NTUSER-Trojan.Poweliks.dat
- hives/NTUSER-Trojan.Poweliks.dat

- Export to: None
- Case sensitive: True

Search entries:
- { VALUE  |   BIN  |   b'\x00\x00' }

Load hive: hives/NTUSER-Trojan.Poweliks.dat
$$$PROTO.HIV\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,b'\x00\x00a\x00',rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";document.write("\74script language=jscript.encode>…