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fluct Native Ads Spec 1.2

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Native Markup Request Object

Field Always Passed Type Default Description
ver Yes string 1.2 Version of the Native Markup Request
context integer - See 7.1 Context Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
contextsubtype integer - See 7.2 Context Sub Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
plcmttype integer - See 7.3 Placement Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
plcmtcnt integer 1 The number of placements in the layout
seq integer 0 0: the first ad, 1: the second ad, ...
assets Yes array of objects - See Asset Request Object
aurlsupport integer 0 Whether or not the assets URL is supported
durlsupport integer 0 Whether or not the DCO URL is supported
eventtrackers array of objects - See Event Trackers Request Object
privacy integer 0 Set to 1 when buyer-specific privacy notice is supported
  • Unlike IAB OpenRTB Native Ads Spec 1.1 and older, the Native Markup Request Object specified above is the root object.

Asset Request Object

Field Always Passed Type Default Description
id Yes integer - Unique asset ID
required integer 0 Set to 1 when the asset is required
title object - See Title Request Object
img object - See Image Request Object
video object - See Video Request Object
data object - See Data Request Object
  • Each asset object contains only one of title, img, data, or video.

Title Request Object

Field Always Passed Type Default Description
len Yes integer - Max. length of the text in the title

Image Request Object

Field Always Passed Type Default Description
type integer - See 7.5 Image Asset Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
w ingeter - Width of the image in pixels
wmin integer - Min. width of the image in pixels
h integer - Height of the image in pixels
hmin integer - Min. height of the image in pixels
mimes array of strings All types allowed List of the supported MIME types

Video Request Object

Field Always Passed Type Default Description
mimes Yes array of strings - MIME types supported
minduration Yes integer - Min. duration in seconds
maxduration Yes integer - Max. duration in seconds
protocols Yes array of integers - Video protocols supported. See OpenRTB video protocols

Data Request Object

Field Always Passed Type Default Description
type Yes integer - See 7.4 Data Asset Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
len integer - Max. length of the text in the element

Event Trackers Request Object

Field Always Passed Type Default Description
event Yes integer - See 7.6 Event Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
methods Yes array of integers - See 7.7 Event Tracking Methods of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2

Native Markup Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
ver Yes string 1.2 Version of the Native Markup Response
assets Yes array of objects - List of native ad assets. Required when no assetsurl. Recommended even when assetsurl is present
assetsurl string - URL of an alternate source for the assets object
dcourl string - URL of a dynamic creative spec source
link Yes object - See Link Response Object
eventtrackers array of objects - See Event Trackers Response Object
privacy string - URL of the buyer's targeting activity information
  • Unlike IAB OpenRTB Native Ads Spec 1.1 and older, the Native Markup Response Object specified above is the root object.

Asset Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
id Yes integer -
required integer 0 Set to 1 when the asset is required
title object - See Title Response Object
img object - See Image Response Object
video object - See Video Response Object
data object - See Data Response Object
link object - See Link Response Object

Title Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
text Yes string - The text in the title
len integer - Length of the title being provided

Image Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
type integer - See 7.5 Image Asset Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
url Yes string - URL of the image asset
w Yes integer - Width of the image in pixels
h Yes integer - Height of the image in pixels

Video Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
vasttag Yes string - VAST XML

Data Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
type integer - See 7.4 Data Asset Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
len integer - Length of the element being provided
value Yes string - String of the data to be displayed

Link Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
url Yes string - Landing URL of the clickable link
clicktrackers array of strings - List of third-party tracker URLs to be fired on the click event

Event Trackers Response Object

Field Required Type Default Description
event Yes integer - See 7.6 Event Types of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
method Yes integer - See 7.7 Event Tracking Methods of IAB Native Ads Spec 1.2
url string - URL of the image or js