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Prometheus exporter for OpenBmc telemetry

Deployment instructions.

  1. Build Docker image

    Currently this repo does not build Docker images automatically.
    Use following commands to build your Docker image:

    cd service-code
    # build Docker image
    docker build -t your-local-registry/prometheus-openbmc-exporter:latest .
    # push Docker image to your local registry
    docker push your-local-registry/prometheus-openbmc-exporter:latest
  2. Deploy the Prometheus Exporter to your Kubernetes cluster

    This repo includes a Helm chart that can be used to deploy the Prometheus exporter service.
    Create a file with credentials to BMC. For security reasons, credentials need to be specified for every node separately.

    Example deployment:

    helm upgrade \
          -i pbmc \
          --namespace pbmc \
          -f deployment-example-credentials-file.yaml \
          --set image.repository=your-local-registry/prometheus-openbmc-exporter:latest \
  3. Configure Prometheus server. Example static configuration:

      - job_name: 'openbmc'
        metrics_path: /metrics
          - targets:
              - https://node1
              - https://node2
              - https://node3
        - source_labels: [__address__]
          regex: (.+)
          target_label: instance
          replacement: $1
        - source_labels: [__address__]
          regex: (.+)
          target_label: __param_target
          replacement: $1
        - separator: ;
          regex: (.*)
          target_label: __address__
          replacement: pbmc-openbmc-prometheus-exporter.pbmc
          action: replace

Verify your deployment

  1. In the Prometheus server Targets section, you should be able to find your nodes:

    Prometheus Targets Section

  2. You can also query the exporter itself for your nodes telemetry:

    export BMC_EXPORTER_SVC=$(kubectl -n pbmc get svc -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}")
    curl -s http://$BMC_EXPORTER_SVC/metrics?target=https%3A%2F%2Fnode1 | head -8
    # HELP bmc_temperature_celsius 
    # TYPE bmc_temperature_celsius gauge
    bmc_temperature_celsius{sensor="BMC Temp"} 33.312
    bmc_temperature_celsius{sensor="CPU1 P12V PVCCIN VR Temp"} 39.0
    bmc_temperature_celsius{sensor="CPU1 P12V PVCCIO VR Temp"} 42.0
    bmc_temperature_celsius{sensor="CPU1 VR Mem ABCD Temp"} 32.0
    bmc_temperature_celsius{sensor="CPU1 VR Mem EFGH Temp"} 32.0
    bmc_temperature_celsius{sensor="CPU1 VR P1V8"} 31.0