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Ember CLI Media Queries

Ember CLI Media Queries makes it easy to listen to changes to media query matches. It is heavily inspired by Ember CLI Responsive but has been reworked for Ember 2.0 (1.13 also supported) and implemented as a service.


Defining Media Queries

Extend media-queries service to define your media queries (e.g. breakpoints, device orientations) in the media property.

// app/services/media-queries.js
import MediaQueriesService from 'ember-cli-media-queries/services/media-queries';

export default MediaQueriesService.extend({
  media: {
    mobile:      '(max-width: 768px)',
    tablet:      '(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 992px)',
    desktop:     '(min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px)',
    jumbo:       '(min-width: 1201px)',

Observing Media Query Changes

Inject the service on to your components (controllers, routes, or anything!).

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  mediaQueries: Ember.inject.service()

You then can detect each media query match`:

  this.get('mediaQueries.isMobile'); // => true

Also in templates:

{{#if mediaQueries.isDesktop}}
  Desktop view!

Media Query Class Names

mediaQueries.classNames returns a string of class names so you can easily bind it to a component

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  mediaQueries: Ember.inject.service(),
  classNamesBindings: ['mediaQueries.classNames']

will render:

<div class="ember-view media-desktop"></div>

By default, class names are dasherized and prefixed with media-. You can change this behavior by overriding classNameFromQueryKey when you extend the service. For example:

// app/services/media-queries.js
import MediaQueriesService from 'ember-cli-media-queries/services/media-queries';

export default MediaQueriesService.extend({
  media: {
    desktop:     '(min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px)',
    // ... other rules omitted

  classNameFromQueryKey(key) {
    return `--${key}`;

will render the component as:

<div class="ember-view --desktop"></div>

Supporting IE 8 and 9

Since IE 8 and 9 does not support matchMedia. You need to include a polyfill from Bower to make this work.

Run bower install matchMedia -S then import the module in your ember-cli-build.js

// ember-cli-build.js


Since we cannot resize the window in PhantomJS, Ember CLI Media Queries provides an emulate function to emulate the media query changes. Please note that this does not actually change the window size but merely what media-queries service returns.

Integration Test

Inject media-queries service and call emulate at the beginning of your test code, before you render your component.

  this.get('media-queries').emulate('mobile', 'portrait'); // Set isMobile and isPortrait to true

The arguments for emulate must be strings of all the media queries you want to match. Media queries not listed in the arguments will be set to false.


  1. If you want to call emulate after the component is rendered, you need to wrap the call within so the component can detect the changes in the media queries.
  2. emulate overrides the values temporarily. Window resize will trigger re-evaluation and might cause unexpected result. Therefore emulate should not be used in the browser.
  3. To keep this function simple, it does not validate whether your matches are possible or not (e.g. being both mobile and desktop and the same time). Therefore, it is your responsibility to make sure that your emulation makes sense.

Using with FastBoot

(FastBoot)[] runs Ember in Node.js and returns server-rendered HTML to the browser. There is no effective way to detect browser size on the server and so Ember CLI Media Queries is not very useful in FastBoot mode. By default, all the matches will be considered false (i.e. it is neither mobile nor desktop), so you need to consider this while developing for FastBoot. However, you can use emulate function (see above) to change the default matches.

For example, you can detect FastBoot when you initialize the media-queries service and emulate mobile device.

// app/services/media-queries.js
import MediaQueriesService from 'ember-cli-media-queries/services/media-queries';

export default MediaQueriesService.extend({
  media: {
    desktop:     '(min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px)',
    // ... other rules omitted

  fastboot: Ember.inject.service(),

  detectFastboot: Ember.on('init', function() {
    if (this.get('fastboot.isFastBoot')) {

Migrating from Ember CLI Responsive

  1. Make a media-queries service that extends 'ember-cli-media-queries/services/media-queries' and move media query rules from app.js here. (See Defining Media Queries)

Remove import 'ember-cli-responsive/responsive' from your app.js and App.responsive call.

  1. Unlike Ember CLI Responsive, Ember CLI Media Queries does not inject its service automatically onto routes, controllers, components, and views.

You can either inject the service manually where you use it. (Please note that Ember CLI Responsive use media as the name of the injection, but you can choose different name here)

  media: Ember.inject.service('media-queries'),

Or use an Initializer. See an example Initializer on the dummy app.

For more information on using ember-cli, visit