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Urho3D Wishlist

Vitor Massaro da Silva edited this page Nov 17, 2019 · 5 revisions

Urho3D Wishlist

Features and other ideas for Urho and/or libraries/modules for Urho. Often it's not easy to say if something should be an Urho feature or a separate library, so just put all things you would like in that direction here. Also add things you are working on and that are going to be or could be turned into an easily integratable library. Ideas on how to do such systems are welcome as well.

There could be separate pages if the sections get to long. Also demand lists like "I need X to be able to do Y, Z and W and currently there's nothing that fulfills that".

efficient vegetation or similar geometry

Ogre has PagedGeometry.

weather system with a day night system, clouds and effects

There's ProcSky for Urho (clouds not included).

Ogre has SkyX.

water with nice effects for over and under Water

Ogre has Hydrax.

voxel geometry

This is editable terrain with caves and overhangs, like Space Engineers or TUG have.
Could be done with marching cubes to be smooth-ish. It could also be based on blocks like Minecraft or FortressCraft. These two approaches could potentially share a lot of the code.

better and easier GUI system

Urho has a GUI subsystem but several people want/need a better one. There have been several third-party integrations in development or complete:

Screen Space Reflections (SSR)

Could be used for reflective surfaces like mirror or any kind of reflective surface like metal, wet floor, water, ...

Encrypted Resources

There is a demand for some kind of resource encryption:

I think Ogre can use encrypted ZIP-archives to load resources.

Support to 32 bit system and old graphic card without support to hardware acceleration or new resources.

Possibles candidates for hardware acceleration in PC without good graphic card is the SwiftShader project.

  • Sure that this lib result in performance lost. So add a build variant that make no usage of Shader Models higher than 1.