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How to manually draw stuff on a texture

rptr edited this page May 19, 2019 · 3 revisions

How to manually draw stuff on a texture/image?

There is a Urho3D::Image class whose pixel data can be directly accessed and manipulated:

Create a new image and give it the size 1024x1024 and four color channels (RGBA).

    Urho3D::SharedPtr<Urho3D::Image> image=new Urho3D::Image(context);
    // one can use this SetPixel function with the color type
    // or one can use this function which is faster
    // or one can directly access the data which is the fastest way:
    // get a pointer to the data. Each pixel with the four channels 
    // (each channel is one byte) can be seen as a 32bit number.
    uint32_t* data=(uint32_t*)_image->GetData();
    // The data size is width * height * channel count.
    // Here 1024*1024*4=4194304 bytes.

    // A pointer to the end:
    uint32_t* data_end=data+image->width()*image->height();  

Since data is a pointer to a 4 byte "structure" it is automatically incremented in full 4 byte steps. data++; would increment it by 4 and data+=width*height; is actually incrementing it by width*height*4 bytes.

for(;data<data_end;++)   // iterate through the whole image
    *data=0xFF8080C0;    // Fill it with a color.

You could use the same approach to manually draw something on it (like a line, text or a gradient).

Use the Image

The image can be converted to a 2D texture:

Urho3D::SharedPtr<Urho3D::Texture2D> texture=new Urho3D::Texture2D(_context);

If you want to display it on the screen without scaling it, it is better to turn of filtering and only use one mip map level:


Set the size and type of the texture:


To fill the texture with data we have two options:

// Give it the image to get the data from.
// Or give it the image data directly (this is faster):

This Texture2D could be set to a material to use it in the 3D world:

Or you can make a sprite to display it on the screen:

    Urho3D::SharedPtr<Urho3D::Sprite> sprite=GetSubsystem<Urho3D::UI>()
    // it will use a binary alpha mask if the mode is not set to blend_alpha.

See the samples or for more details.