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The goal of funcharts is to provide control charts for functional data.

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The goal of funcharts is to provide control charts for the statistical process monitoring of multivariate functional data densely observed on one-dimensional intervals. The package is thoroughly illustrated in the paper of Capezza et al. (2023). The package provides the methodologies proposed in Colosimo and Pacella (2010), Capezza et al. (2020), Centofanti et al. (2021), Capezza et al. (2024a), and Capezza et al. (2024b). Moreover, this package provides a new class mfd for multivariate functional data that is a wrapper of the class fd of the package fda. See the vignette("mfd", package = "funcharts").

In particular:

  • Colosimo and Pacella (2010) proposed control charts for monitoring functional data based on functional principal component analysis. vignette("colosimo2010", package = "funcharts")
  • Capezza et al. (2020) proposed control charts for monitoring a scalar response variable and functional covariates using scalar-on-function regression. See the vignette("capezza2020", package = "funcharts").
  • Centofanti et al. (2021) proposed the functional regression control chart, i.e. control charts for monitoring a functional response variable conditionally on multivariate functional covariates. See the vignette("centofanti2021", package = "funcharts").
  • Capezza et al. (2024a) proposed the adaptive multivariate functional EWMA control chart.
  • Capezza et al. (2024b) proposed the robust multivariate functional control chart.


You can install the CRAN version of the R package funcharts by doing:


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


  • Capezza C, Centofanti F, Lepore A, Menafoglio A, Palumbo B, Vantini S. (2023) funcharts: control charts for multivariate functional data in R. Journal of Quality Technology, doi:10.1080/00224065.2023.2219012
  • Capezza C, Lepore A, Menafoglio A, Palumbo B, Vantini S. (2020) Control charts for monitoring ship operating conditions and CO2 emissions based on scalar-on-function regression. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 36(3):477–500, doi:10.1002/asmb.2507
  • Capezza, C., Capizzi, G., Centofanti, F., Lepore, A., Palumbo, B. (2024a) An Adaptive Multivariate Functional EWMA Control Chart. Accepted for publication in Journal of Quality Technology.
  • Capezza, C., Centofanti, F., Lepore, A., Palumbo, B. (2024b) Robust Multivariate Functional Control Charts. Technometrics, doi:10.1080/00401706.2024.2327346
  • Centofanti F, Lepore A, Menafoglio A, Palumbo B, Vantini S. (2021) Functional Regression Control Chart. Technometrics, 63(3), 281–294. doi:10.1080/00401706.2020.1753581
  • Colosimo BM, Pacella, M. (2010) A comparison study of control charts for statistical monitoring of functional data. International Journal of Production Research, 48(6), 1575-1601. doi:10.1080/00207540802662888


The goal of funcharts is to provide control charts for functional data.






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