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IntelliJ Installation Guide

Chick Markley edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 5 revisions

Installation Guide for IntelliJ Version as of this writing: 2018.1.x

You will need the following installed on your machine.

On Mac OS X, you can use brew for most of these

On Windows you will need to find binary installers

Currently accepting all defaults should work during the installation process of each of these

  • Install Java JDK 1.8+ Windows 64-bit (Mac users will likely already have this)

  • Install SBT

  • Install git After these installs If you have command shells, kill them and start new ones to pick up any changes to paths. Run java -version, you should see that it’s 1.8.x Run sbt --version, this will take a while as it caches all kinds of stuff Run git --version

  • Install IntelliJ, download CE (community edition (free))

    • Use 64-bit launcher
    • Create associations with java
    • Download and install JRE x86 by jetbrains
    • Take remaining defaults
  • Now follow steps in the project README to build a project.

  • Start IntelliJ

    • From file menu or splash page use "open" project
    • open will take you to the "Import project from sbt page
      • Make sure Project JDK is 1.8 or higher
      • Other default settings should be ok
      • Hit ok
    • First time through IJ will take a while to initialize everything.
      • Watch bottom of window status line, wait until processes running message goes away
    • Using Project menu navigate to /src/test/scala/gcd
    • Open GCDUnitTest.scala
    • Go to line with "Basic test using Driver.execute"
    • Right click on that line and highlight Run GCDTester.Basic test and click
    • This should execute a simple test.
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