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Python application that can be used to download GOES imagery on Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3 Storage.


Command-line tool and Graphical User-Interface available.

Available Products

Some products with (C - CONUS), (M - Mesoscale) or (F - Full-disk) option.

  • ABI-L1b-Rad - ABI L1b Radiances
  • ABI-L2-CMIP - ABI L2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery
  • ABI-L2-MCMIP - ABI L2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery (Multi-Band Format)
  • GLM-L2-LCFA - GLM L2 Lightning Detection
  • ABI-L2-ACHA - ABI L2 Cloud Top Height
  • ABI-L2-ACHT - ABI L2 Cloud Top Temperature
  • ABI-L2-ACM - ABI L2 Clear Sky Mask
  • ABI-L2-ACTP - ABI L2 Cloud Top Phase
  • ABI-L2-ADP - ABI L2 Aerosol Detection
  • ABI-L2-AOD - ABI L2 Aerosol Optical Depth
  • ABI-L2-COD - ABI L2 Cloud Optical Depth
  • ABI-L2-CPS - ABI L2 Cloud Particle Size
  • ABI-L2-CTP - ABI L2 Cloud Top Pressure
  • ABI-L2-DMW - ABI L2 Derived Motion Winds
  • ABI-L2-DSI - ABI L2 Derived Stability Indices
  • ABI-L2-DSR - ABI L2 Downward Shortwave Radiation
  • ABI-L2-FDC - ABI L2 Fire (Hot Spot Characterization)
  • ABI-L2-LST - ABI L2 Land Surface Temperature
  • ABI-L2-LVMP - ABI L2 Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile
  • ABI-L2-LVTP - ABI L2 Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile
  • ABI-L2-RRQPE - ABI L2 Rainfall Rate (Quantitative Precipitation Estimate)
  • ABI-L2-RSR - ABI L2 Reflected Shortwave Radiation TOA
  • ABI-L2-SST - ABI L2 Seas Surface Temperature
  • ABI-L2-TPW - ABI L2 Total Precipitable Water
  • ABI-L2-VAA - ABI L2 Volcanic Ash: Detection and Hight
  • SUVI-L1b-Fe093 - Solar Ultraviolet Imager L1b Extreme Ultraviolet Fe093
  • SUVI-L1b-Fe131 - Solar Ultraviolet Imager L1b Extreme Ultraviolet Fe131
  • SUVI-L1b-Fe171 - Solar Ultraviolet Imager L1b Extreme Ultraviolet Fe171
  • SUVI-L1b-Fe195 - Solar Ultraviolet Imager L1b Extreme Ultraviolet Fe195
  • SUVI-L1b-Fe284 - Solar Ultraviolet Imager L1b Extreme Ultraviolet Fe284
  • SUVI-L1b-He303 - Solar Ultraviolet Imager L1b ExtremeUltraviolet He303


Clone the repository:

git clone

Go to the source code folder:

cd goes-downloader


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python [-h] -satellite {GOES-16,GOES-17}
                        -products PRODUCTS [PRODUCTS ...]
                        -start YYYYMMDD [-end YYYYMMDD]
                        [-hours HOURS [HOURS ...]]
                        [-channels CHANNELS [CHANNELS ...]]
                        -output OUTPUT

A tool to download GOES data from AWS.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -satellite {GOES-16,GOES-17}, -sat {GOES-16,GOES-17}
  -products PRODUCTS [PRODUCTS ...], -p PRODUCTS [PRODUCTS ...] List of products
  -start START, -s START Start date
  -end END, -e END       End date
  -hours HOURS [HOURS ...], -hrs HOURS [HOURS ...] List of hours
  -channels CHANNELS [CHANNELS ...], -ch CHANNELS [CHANNELS ...] List of channels
  -output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT Path to output directory that will be used to save files
  -version, -v show program's version number and exit


Download GOES-16 ABI-L1b data (Full-disk), 8 April 2020, 13h, Channels: 01 (VIS), 08 (WV) and 13 (IR). -satellite GOES-16
                   -products ABI-L1b-RadF
                   -start 20200408 -hours 13
                   -channels 01 08 13
                   -output ./my_output_dir
Download GOES data:   6%|█████     | 1/18 [02:35<43:59, 155.29s/file]

Download GOES-16 GLM data, between 8 April 2020 and 10 April 2020, All-hours. -satellite GOES-16
                   -products GLM-L2-LCFA
                   -start 20200408 -end 20200410
                   -output ./my_output_dir
Download GOES data:   1%|| 68/12960 [00:57<3:01:12,  1.19file/s]

Graphical User-Interface
