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A Random Walk Down Executions or: You Could Have Invented Executions or: Learn You An Execution For Greater Good

The following is a guide to understanding Scalding's com.twitter.scalding.Execution type.

What is a Scalding Execution?

A Scalding job (lowercase 'j') is the distributed completion of a DAG of Hadoop jobs that read, transform, and write data, usually to the Hadoop Distributed File System. A Scalding Execution is conceptually a plan to run zero or more Scalding jobs. The Scalding library has another paradigm, the Scalding Job class, that enables users to plan a single Scalding job in the constructor of a class. Execution is a newer, more composable, and more functional approach to running Scalding jobs.

Why would I want to use an Execution?

The Scalding Job class uses a more object oriented programming approach to planning Scalding jobs, which often makes it more difficult to reason about and extend functionality. In addition, running multiple Scalding Job instances is poorly supported.

Scalding Execution, on the other hand, is inspired by functional programming and composes easily. Here are a few things that are much easier with Scalding Execution:

  • Calling out to a service asynchronously to read or write some state before or after a Scalding job runs
  • Running multiple Scalding jobs or not running any Scalding jobs at all
  • Using the output of one Scalding job to decide how to plan future jobs
  • Running one Scalding job repeatedly until some condition is met, such as for Machine Learning applications
  • Unit testing

These situations come up frequently when integrating Scalding jobs into an analytics workflow.

Reasoning about how Executions work

A good starting model for thinking about Scalding Execution is scala's asynchronous primitive Future, which is a container for some value that will either be available in the future or throw an Exception. A Scalding Execution is similar in that it computes a value in a analytics-focused environment or throws an Exception. Like Future, Executions can also can be chained together for great effect (as we'll examine later); however, a fundamental difference is that a Future represents a computation that has already been scheduled, whereas an Execution is a plan to run some computation. For now, we will use a simplified version of Execution to understand it.

At its heart, a Scalding Execution wraps a function that takes in a Scalding Config and a Scalding Mode and does something. A Config contains configuration properties for the running of a Scalding job. The Mode tells the Scalding job what environment (in-memory, in a local Hadoop cluster, in a remote Hadoop cluster) to run under. The Scalding Mode also contains an Args object, which represent Scalding-specific arguments passed on the command line.

Here's our simplified Execution:

import com.twitter.scalding.{Config, Mode}

case class Execution[T](private doSomething: (Config, Mode) => T) {
  def run(config: Config, mode: Mode): T = {
    this.doSomething(config, mode)

object Execution {
  def getConfig: Execution[Config] = {
    def newDoSomething(config: Config, mode: Mode) = config


  def getMode: Execution[Mode] = {
    def newDoSomething(config: Config, mode: Mode) = mode


So, the function doSomething above takes in a Config and Mode and gives us a T. It is encapsulated inside of Execution, so we cannot access it directly, but only call the run method to invoke it.

There's also a companion object Execution that enables us get the Config or Mode. A use of Execution might look like:

val config: Config = ???
val mode: Mode = ???, mode)  // Returns the config

Not very useful yet.


Just like scala's Seq, Option, Future, etc., Execution can be mapped over with its map method. In the context of Seq, calling the map method will transform every element into a new element via some function. In Execution, the map method gives us a new Execution that will produce the value of the old Execution and then transform that value with the function. Remember, Execution is a plan to do something; it won't be run until we call the run method:

case class Execution[T](private doSomething: (Config, Mode) => T) {
  def map[U](transform: T => U): Execution[U] = {
    def newDoSomething(config: Config, mode: Mode): U = {
      val result = this.doSomething(config, mode)


  // ... other previously defined methods ...

This is pretty powerful. Execution can now be used to access anything in the Config or Mode, or even do arbitrary work:

val config: Config = ???
val mode: Mode = ???

val funProperty: String = Execution
  .map { config => config.get("fun") }
  .run(config, mode)  // Returns the config value for "fun"

val fivePlusThree = Execution
  .map { _ => 5 + 3 }
  .run(config, mode)  // Returns 8


We take an arbitrary scala expression and wrap it in Execution so frequently that we're going to add a helper method, from, for it:

object Execution {
  def from[T](value: => T): Execution[T] = {
    def newDoSomething(config: Config, mode: Mode) = value

  // ... other previously defined methods ...

Why is it value: => T and not value: T? This scala syntax here => is "call by name" and is essentially receiving a function of 0 parameters. Check out the scala documentation for more.

At this point, we can write an Execution that reads from a service and uses its result to do something:

val config: Config = ???
val mode: Mode = ???
val service: String => String = ???

val callOutToService = Execution.from {
  service("eat galaxies")

val reversedServiceResult = { serviceResult =>
}, mode)  // Returns the reversed serviceResult

Running a Scalding job

Writing a single Scalding job with TypedPipe and Grouped will not be covered in this tutorial; however, in order to run Scalding jobs with Execution, we need to be familiar with with 2 methods on TypedPipe: writeExecution and toIterableExecution:

val config: Config = ???
val mode: Mode = ???

val source: TypedSource[Int] = ???
val sink: TypedSink[String] = ???

val scaldingJob: Execution[Unit] = TypedPipe
  .map { i => i.toString }
  .writeExecution(sink), mode)  // Returns ()

The TypedPipe method writeExecution parallels the normal write method on TypedPipe, but instead of planning the result inside of a Scalding Job class, writeExecution yields a plan to run that Scalding job as an Execution. The type parameter is Unit because the purpose of the Execution created from the TypedPipe is to have side-effects by writing to the TypedSink argument.

val config: Config = ???
val mode: Mode = ???

val source: TypedSource[Int] = ???
val sink: TypedSink[String] = ???

val scaldingJobResults: Execution[Iterable[String]] = TypedPipe
  .map { i => i.toString }

  .map { results => results.foreach(println) }
  .run(config, mode)  // Returns ()

The TypedPipe method toIterableExecution creates an Execution plan to expose the output of the TypedPipe in the local environment. This is useful if we need to use the output of a Scalding job to decide what to do next. Note that there's no guarantee on the order of the data and for large datasets, the length of the Iterable could be significant.


So far, we've seen how to examine the Config, Mode, wrap an arbitrary expression in an Execution object, and run a Scalding job. We've alluded to the idea that we can use the output of one Execution to plan another, but haven't talked about how to do that. One may be familiar with the method flatMap on various types in scala, just like map. flatMap behaves differently depending on the type.

For example, an Option contains either one value (Some) or no values (None). When we flatMap on an Option, if there's a value in the Option (Some), the function we pass to flatMap examines the value inside the Option to produce a new Option:

def isEven(i: Int) = i % 2 == 0
val maybePrimes = Some(Seq(2, 3, 5))                     // Some(Seq(2, 3, 5))
val maybeFirstEven = maybePrimes.flatMap(_.find(isEven)) // Some(2)

Executions focus on planning analytical work (like Scalding jobs), so Execution's flatMap method behaves analogously to Option's and enables us to use the result of one Execution to plan another:

case class Execution[T](private doSomething: (Config, Mode) => T) {

  def flatMap[U](planNextExecution: T => Execution[U]) = {

    def newDoSomething(config: Config, mode: Mode): U = {
      val firstResult = this.doSomething(config, mode)
      val nextExecution = planNextExecution(firstResult), mode)


  // ... other previously defined methods ...

Again, remember the Execution is just a plan until we call the run method with a Config and Mode. So after calling flatMap, the new Execution will create a plan to run itself, plan a new Execution based on the result of running itself, and then immediately run the newly planned Execution. ZOMG!

At this point, we have most of the methods necessary to do some pretty useful work:

val config: Config = ???
val mode: Mode = ???
val loggingService: String => Unit = ???

val announceStart = Execution.from(loggingService("Starting job"))
val announceStop = Execution.from(loggingService("Stopping job"))
val scaldingJob = TypedPipe
  .from(/* ... */)
  .map(/* ... */)
  .writeExecution(/* ... */)

val scaldingJobWithAnnouncements =
  announceStart.flatMap { _ =>
    scaldingJob.flatMap { _ =>
  }, mode)  // Returns ()

As always, remember that we are creating a plan to run a Scalding job (and logging service announcements), not actually running this code. Until we've called Execution's run method, no work has been done (besides instantiating the loggingService).

While the code we run in the TypedPipe methods map, filter, etc. may happen in a different run environment according on the Mode (e.g. remote Hadoop cluster), everything else in the Execution is happening locally, such as the calls to the loggingService.

Also note that we have to call flatMap twice here. If we had written

val scaldingJobWithAnnouncements =
  announceStart.flatMap {

the scaldingJob Execution would be "orphaned" and never run. We would be constructing a plan to run scaldingJob, but then throwing it away and making announceStop follow after announceStart because it is the value that is returned.

The Real Execution

Thus far, we have only discussed the simplified version of Execution to make it easier to understand. Here, we will talk about the real Execution in Scalding and how to make best use of it.

Executions are actually asynchronous

Our case class Execution above does all work synchronously--only one thing at a time. In reality, Execution uses scala's scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext to schedule tasks asynchronously. So, if we want to turn non-Scalding asynchronous tasks into planned Executions for use with Scalding, we can use the Execution companion object's method def fromFuture[T](fn: ExecutionContext => Future[T]): Execution[T] to schedule a scala Future on the same ExecutionContext that the Execution is using:

Execution.fromFuture { implicit executor: ExecutionContext =>
  Future { /* ... asynchronous task ... */ }

Additionally, the run method from our simplified Execution above, in the real Execution, takes in a scala ExecutionContext and yields a Future, so we can actually run Execution alongside other asynchronous scala code:

val config: Config = ???
val mode: Mode = ???

val scaldingJob: Execution[Unit] = ???
implicit val executor: ExecutionContext = ???

Future { /* ... asynchronous task ... */ }
  .flatMap{ _ =>, mode)(executor) }

But in general, we recommend that one extends ExecutionApp (below) and plans asynchronous actions from within that environment instead of integrating Executions into existing asynchronous environments.


Hadoop workflows often use key-value properties (e.g. -Dmapred.min.split.size=1073741824) passed to the hadoop command line to tweak aspects of how the Hadoop job(s) in the Scalding job will run. Additionally, if one is accustomed to using the Scalding Job class, it may not be apparent how to query the Args object to decide how to build the TypedPipes. The Execution API provides this through a main class ExecutionApp:

trait ExecutionApp {

  def job: Execution[Unit]

  // Subclasses can be used as the main class for the JVM
  final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = // ...

  // ... other defined methods ...

For ExecutionApp, we need to implement the job method with our Execution and ExecutionApp's main method will parse the command line, instantiate the Config and Mode objects, and call our Execution.

In the Execution API, to access the Args object inside of the Mode object, there is a convenience method getArgs on the Execution companion object:

import com.twitter.scalding.{DateOps, DateParser}

object MyExecutionApp extends ExecutionApp {
  override def job: Execution[Unit] = Execution.getArgs.flatMap { args =>

    // This is similar to the functionality in Scalding's DefaultDateRangeJob
    val dateRange = DateRange.parse(args.list("date"))(DateOps.UTC, DateParser.default)


object MyExecution {
  def fromDateRange(dateRange: DateRange): Execution[Unit] = {
    val source: DateRange => TypedSource[T] = ???
    val sink: DateRange => TypedSink[T] = ???

      .map(/* ... */)

Handling failures

Much like scala's Try and Future types, Executions can either succeed with some result or fail with a Throwable. There are methods on Execution to handle failures and recover from them:

def withRetries(retries: Int)(execution: Execution[Unit]): Execution[Unit] = {
  execution.recoverWith {
    case t: Throwable if retries > 0 =>
      logger.warning(t, s"Failed to run execution. Retrying $retries more time(s).")
      withRetries(retries - 1)(Execution.withNewCache(execution))

The method recoverWith parallels the method by the same name in Future: it takes a PartialFunction that enables us to recover from specific failure cases with another Execution (if the PartialFunction matches). In our example above, we are retrying an Execution a finite number of times. Read the section below on the cache for more information on Execution.withNewCache.

Execution cache

When running an Execution, it keeps a cache of the previously computed Execution results (the values exposed in the map and flatMap methods). This is handy because Scalding jobs are expensive to re-compute. Specifically, the cache is keyed on (Config, Execution), so if we want to repeat an Execution with side-effects, wrapping an Execution with Execution.withNewCache will invalidate the cache for that Execution and ensure that it is re-computed.


To run multiple Executions at the same time, there is a method zip defined both on the Execution type and companion object. The zip method will run multiple Executions concurrently and yield their results once all the Executions have finished as a tuple:

val sumExec: Execution[Double] = ???
val countExec: Execution[Long] = ???

val averageExec: Execution[Double] = Execution
  .zip(sumExec, countExec)
  .map { case (sum, count) => sum / count }

There's a convenience method on the Execution companion object called sequence that will run a Seq[Execution] in parallel and expose the results as a Seq. Additionally, the method withParallelism enables running only a specific number of a Seq[Execution] at once:

val count: Int => Execution[Int] = ???

val counts: Seq[Execution[Int]] = Seq.fill(10)(count)

  .map { numbers => numbers.sum }

  .withParallelism(counts, parallelism = 3)
  .map { numbers => numbers.sum }

Config changes

In each example above, the Config object never changes. Sometimes, we desire to set a Config property for only one Execution, but not the others. Execution.withConfig applies a transformation to the Config object, localized to one Execution:

val execution: Execution[Unit] = ???

Execution.withConfig(execution){ config =>
  config + ("mapred.min.split.size", "67108864")

Unit Testing

If we make good use of dependency injection (passing a function's dependencies to it), testing Executions is not terribly difficult. That being said, much of the complexity is in the Scalding TypedPipe, so it often times may seem like overkill to write unit tests for Executions (and often is) after writing them for a TypedPipe transformation function.

When running Executions in a test environment, it's useful to use the waitFor method on Execution to block on an Execution to finish. Also, just like for the Scalding Job class, defining our Scalding job in terms of transformations on TypedPipes makes it easy to test that functionality with TypedPipeChecker:

// Code
object EvensExecution {
  def onLongs(longs: TypedPipe[Long], sink: TypedSink[Double]): Execution[Unit] = {

  def keepEvens(longs: TypedPipe[Long]): TypedPipe[Long] = {
    longs.filter(_ % 2 == 0)

// Test
import com.twitter.scalding.TypedPipeChecker
import com.twitter.scalding.typed.MemorySink
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
import scala.util.Success

class EvensExecutionTest extends WordSpec {
  "EvensExecution" should {
    "write only evens" in {
      val numbers = Seq(1, 2)
      val expected = Success(Seq(2))

      val sink = new MemorySink[Long]

      val exec = EvensExecution.onLongs(TypedPipe.from(numbers), sink)

      val result = Execution.waitFor(Config.default, Local(true))

      assert(result == Success(()))
      assert(sink.readResults == expected)

    "filter out odds" in {
      val numbers = Seq(1, 2)
      val expected = Seq(2)

      val pipe = EvensExecution.keepEvens(TypedPipe.from(numbers))
      val result = TypedPipeChecker.inMemoryToList(pipe).toSeq

      assert(result == expected)