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Triśaṅku - Fork the Heavens

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Headless Kubernetes meets truly native GitOps. A set of Kubernetes controllers to configure/provision Kubernetes controllers to be as loosely coupled as human operators, with eventual consistency in every sense of the term.



Kubernetes controllers are typically control-loops that reconcile some specification captured in a Kubernetes object with the corresponding downstream state. The Kubernetes objects, which capture both the specifications and the status of some object the particular controller is responsible for, act as a point of coordination between the specification, the status and the action required to reconcile the two. Typically, the source of specification is external to the particular controller and the controller is responsible for keeping the status up-to-date and taking actions to reconcile the status with the specification. The Kubernetes objects are documents hosted on the kube-apiserver which in turn relies on storage components such as etcd. This architecture is designed to enable eventual consistency.

Kubernetes controllers bring automated specialised components close to the way human specialists typically work in the real world. The operator pattern is explicitly modeled after human operators. But there remains a difference between the human operators and Kubernetes controllers.

Human Interaction

Human interaction

The ways human operators act and coordinate amongst one another in the real world is eventually consistent (the real world is the ultimate eventually consistent system).

Coordination amongst Kubernetes Controllers

Coordination amongst Kubernetes controllers

The way Kubernetes controllers act could be called eventually consistent in the sense that it normalises the desired and the actual states of the system diverging and made to converge continually.

But it manages the consensus regarding the last seen desired and actual states in a central system, namely, the kube-apiserver. (or possibly some extension server). So, while the individual controllers may be eventually consistent, the coordination between them is strongly consistent, or atleast rigidly structured.

  • With this centralised design for consensus, the individual controllers can at best idle around if they do not have access to the kube-apiserver.
  • Also, because of this centralisation of consensus, any caching done by the controllers will have to be a write-through cache. I.e., the caches can be stale (do not have the latest data from kube-apiserver) but not dirty (have changes not yet sent to the kube-apiserver).

It is interesting to think about ways to eliminate this remaining difference between the way humans operators and controllers coordinate, if only as a thought experiment. But it is quite likely that there are real-world scenarios that might benifit from an eventually consistent model for coordination between specialised controllers.


Once upon a time, Triśaṅku, a king, wanted to ascend to the heavens while still in his mortal body. When he requested the sages to perform a yajña to make this happen, he was cursed and disgraced by them, including the royal preceptor, sage Vasiṣṭha, saying that only entering the heavens after shedding the mortal body was dharma and doing so before that was not. Sage Viśvāmitra, however, agreed to perform the yajña. As the yajña proceeded, Trishanku started ascending to the heavens, but he was kicked out at the gates by Indra, the king of Gods. Upon seeing Triśaṅku fall from the heavens head first, Viśvāmitra vowed to fullfil his promise to Triśaṅku and proceeded to create an alternative heavens in the southern sky (where Triśaṅku had fallen) and install Triśaṅku as the rival Indra there. On a panicked Indra's pleading, Bṛhaspati, the preceptor of Gods, managed to convince Viśvāmitra to abandon this project lest the universe fall into chaos, but on the condition that the nascent alternative heavens around the upside-down Triśaṅku can remain in the southern sky. The modern-day constellation Crux (also known as the Southern Cross) forms a part of this abandoned alternative heavens.

Summary in programming jargon

Viśvāmitra's pull request (Triśaṅku) to the heavens was rejected by Indra. So, Viśvāmitra forked the heavens. On pleading from Indra, Brihaspati pursuaded Viśvāmitra to stop working on the fork further, but not without the existing changes from the fork being merged as a proof of concept for an alternative implementation.

Moral of the story

Even the consensus in the heavens was negotiated!


The problem of eventual consistency for a general class of specialist human operators, namely, computer programmers, has been solved quite interestingly and successfully by Git. Git enables individual computer programmers to work independently (on their own local clones) at their own pace and coordinate amongst one another (by pulling relevant changes) as and when required in a way they find convenient and productive.

Programmers coordinating using Git

Programmers coordinating using Git

Git does not mandate any particular structure for the coordination-flow or managing consensus; any network of coordination or consensus with any degree of simplicity or complexity is supported. This enables not only groups of programmers to experiment with different coordination-flows or consensus management and home in on the flow that works best for them, but also for a suitable modularity to emerge for the solution to the problem they are trying to solve.

This treats the problem of consensus the same way the Kubernetes control-loop treats the problem of the desired and the actual state diverging. This is because consensus also is a kind of state. While the desired state of consensus may be that every part of the system sees the same consensus, the actual state might be that different parts of the system see different consensus at any given point in time and in the principle of control-loop, action is continually performed to converge the diverging consensus in the system.

This normalises the desired and the actual state (including the consensus) diverging and made to converge continually.

  • With this eventual consistency approach for consensus-management, the programmers can act even without access to a central consensus. Any action that diverges from an eventual consensus, will be rectified by follow up actions when the consensus emerges.
  • The local git clones can be, and often are, both stale (does not have the latest changes from the other programmers) and dirty (have changes not yet seen by the other programmers).

This maps closest to the way eventual consistency works in the real world.

Kubernetes Controllers coordinating using Git

Controller coordination using Git

If Git can be used as the storage layer for the specification and status, the controllers can coordinate amongst themselves (and with human operators) in the same way computer programmers do, provided there is some additional support for setting up and automation of flexibile network of coordination.

But it is not possible to implement this with binary-compatibility for existing Kubernetes controllers, though it would be possible with source-compatibility.

More complex coordination

Controller coordination using upstream Git

Since Git does not mandate any particular way to structure the coordination, it is possible to setup any suitable structure, for example, via an upstream Git repository as shown above.

Binary-compatibility for Kubernetes Controllers


Kubernetes apiserver implementation has a storage backend abstraction. But to make use of it to use Git as the storage backend would involve making changes to the kube-apiserver source code.

Binary-compatibility for kube-apiserver


Kubernetes apiserver uses etcd as the default storage backend. An etcd shim that uses Git for storage can enable binary-compatibility even with kube-apiserver while coordinating Kubernetes controllers using Git.



Gitcd is an etcd shim that uses a Git repository for storage. The gitcd serve command serves a Git repository as an etcd shim (and continually pull from an upstream branch if configured). The gitcd pull command continually merges the changes from a local branch to an upstream branch.

Simplified scenario of controllers coordinating using Gitcd


The TrishankuHeaven controller helps declaratively setup a TrishankuHeaven in a Kubernetes Pod, i.e., coordination using Git like human computer programmers instead of a centralised Kubernetes control-plane, for existing Kubernetes controllers with full binary-compatibility. The host for the pod could be any Kubernetes cluster that has the required network connectivity that the target controller (and possibly the Git-based coordination) requires.

The TrishankuHeaven is a Kubernetes custom resource, which captures, in its specification section, the PodTemplate for the Kubernetes controller along with the required Git configuration to be used for coordination. The TrishankuHeaven controller then acts on this object to create and maintain a Deployment for the controller with the specified PodTemplate, but enhanced with additional containers (initial and normal) to act as a binary-compatible triśaṅku heaven, so that the controller can continue to work with its own local sidecar kube-apiserver, with the other gitcd sidecar containers helping with the coordination with the other controllers via Git.

Simplified TrishankuHeaven

The additional init-containers help prepare the Git repository to be used as a backend for gitcd.

  • The container git-pre initialises or clones the Git repo if necessary.
  • The container gitcd-init initialises the gitcd data and metadata branches in the Git repository.

The additional containers help create a local Kubernetes environment for the target controller which is backed by the Git repository.

  • The container gitcd acts as an etcd shim which is backed by the Git repository.
  • The container kube-apiserver uses the gitcd container as the storage backend and acts as a local Kubernetes control-plane for the target controller. The target controller is configured to talk to this local kube-apiserver instead of the cluster's kube-apiserver.
  • The container events-etcd hosts a single-member etcd cluster for the high-traffic and somewhat transient event objects, so that the gitcd instance is not overwhelmed.

This way, existing Kubernetes controllers can coordinate amongst one another while working independently without the need for a central control-plane.

Coordination using an upstream Git repository

TrishankuHeaven coordination with upstream Git

Since Git does not mandate any particular way to structure the coordination, it is possible to setup any suitable structure, for example, via an upstream Git repository as shown above.

In this scenario, an additional controller AutomatedMerge is used to automate the merging of the changes from the controller into the upstream repository. This controller generates a separate Deployment for this purpose. It approach provides maximal flexibility in designing the network of coordination-flow between the controllers (from a central upstream branch to completely decentralised branches pulling changes from one another).

The gitcd container in the Deployment generated by the TrishankuHeaven controller already fetches and merges the changes continually from the main data and metadata branches into the controller data and metadata branches and push to the upstream Git repository. This completes the circle of coordination.

Headless Kubernetes Cluster

This approach for coordinating Kuberenetes controllers without the need for a central control-plane creates the possibility of a fully decentralised Kubernetes cluster where each component/controller works independently while coordinating amongst one another via Git in such a way that the phenomenon of a Kubernetes cluster emerges even without a central control-plane. That is, the phenomenon of Kubernetes cluster emerges from weakly interacting autonomous controllers. Perhaps such a fully decentralised Kubernetes cluster could be called a headless Kubernetes cluster. This could potentially form the basis for achieving the functionality of automonous Kubernetes clusters.

Headless Kubernetes Cluster

The individual steps of setting up such a headless cluster can be seen here.

A simplified sequence diagram of the same steps can be seen below. Headless Kubernetes Cluster Sequence Diagram

  • As already noted above, the part about mergeing and pushing controller branches into upstream coordination branch is now redisigned to be managed via the AutoamtedMerge resource which maintains a dedicated Deployment resource for this purpose.

  • The above setup assumes the network connectivity between the headless control-plane and the headless worker nodes if it is required. Ideally, each the headless component (control-plane and worker nodes) needs network access only to the upstream Git repository apart from what it needs to perform its normal duties.

  • The above setup leaves out the details of setting up the headeless virtual machine and making sure that it joins as a node of the headless cluster. Ideally, this should also be automated declaratively in a control-loop along the lines of gardener/machine-controller-manager, which also can be hosted as another headless control-plane controller in the bootstrap cluster.

Two Headless Clusters

The above example used a host Kubernetes cluster to host the headless control-plane for the headless cluster. Alternatively, two headless clusters could be configured to host the headless control-planes of each other (or three headless clusters hosting the control-planes of one another in closed sequence as seen in this proposal). The high level steps for this can be as below.

  1. Setup a blue headless cluster using a bootstrap Kubernetes cluster to host its headless control-plane. Blue Headless Cluster Sequence Diagram Blue Headless Cluster

  2. Setup a green headless cluster using the blue headless cluster to host its headless control-plane. Green Headless Cluster Sequence Diagram Green Headless Cluster

  3. Prepare the green headless cluster to host a new replica of the blue headless control-plane. Green Headless Cluster Prepare Sequence Diagram Green Headless Cluster Prepare

  4. Scale down the original blue headless control-plane replica in the bootstrap cluster to avoid racing with the new replica to be setup next in the green headless cluster. Scale Down Blue Headless Control-plane in Bootstrap Cluster Sequence Diagram Scale Down Blue Headless Control-plane in Bootstrap Cluster

  5. Setup the new replica of the blue headless control-plane in the green headless cluster by pointing the corresponding trishankuheavens to the blue upstream Git repository. Blue Headless Control-plane in Green Cluster Sequence Diagram Blue Headless Control-plane in Green Cluster

  6. Release the bootstrap cluster. Release Bootstrap Cluster Sequence Diagram Release Bootstrap Cluster

  • In these depictions, the headless controllers are shown simplistically communicating with the upstream Git repositories (instead of a central apiserver) omitting the details of the sidecar containers or separate deployments that make such communication happen.
  • As mentioned above, this setup leaves out control-loop automation of provisioning headless nodes for either of the headless clusters. So, this setup is not self-healing if either of the headless nodes are lost. This can be remedied by setting up something like gardener/machine-controller-manager.
    • The sample setup shows how the gardener/machine-controller-manager can be setup in such a headless Kubernetes cluster. More work is needed to configure the TrishankuHeaven for the kubelet running in the provisioned machines so that it can join the headless cluster as a node. as a headless control-plane component to provision and manage the headless nodes.
  • This setup also ignores the complications involved in transitioning the control-plane of the blue headless cluster from the bootstrap cluster to the green headless cluster. Such a transition is eased considerably by the fact that merely pointing the blue headless cluster's control-plane to the same upstream Git repo solves the data migration problem. Leader-election or other such mechanisms would be required to aviod/mitigate two replicas of the blue headless cluster (one each in the bootstrap and green clusters) racing with each other.

Take It For A Spin


  1. A GitHub account with a personal access token with permission to create private repos and push and pull from them.
  2. A GCP accound with a service account with access to create compute instances.
  3. A Kubernetes cluster with access to GitHub and GCP API endpoints.

Prepare secrets


The secret git-cred should contain the personal access token details for access to the GitHub account to create a private repo and push and pull from it. The secret should have the following information.

  • data.url: The base URL for the GitHub account.
  • data.username: The username for the GitHub account.
  • data.password: The GitHub personal access token.


The secret gcp-cred should contain the service token JSON for the GCP account where the compute instance will be created by MCM of the headless cluster. The secret should have the following information.

  • data.serviceAccountJSON: The GCP service account JSON with access to create compute instances.
  • data.userData: The user data to be passed in the GCP compute instance creation request. Ideally, this should be configured to setup the kubelet in the compute instance to join the headless cluster as a node. The work for such configuration is pending. For now, an empty user data such as #cloud-config would do. With this, the compute instance will be provisioned by it will not join the headless cluster as a node.


The container images for the trishanku components such as gitcd, heaven (or for that matter the gardener components like gardener/machine-controller-manager and gardener/machine-controller-manager-provider-gcp) are not available publicly. So, the images might have to be built from source and pushed a suitable container image registry by customizing the image variable specified in the correspnding Makefile in these projects before running make docker-build or make docker-image before pushing the docker image.

If the selected container image registry requires access permission to pull images from, such access permissions need to be specified in a secret gar-cred so that the sidecar containers created for the trishankuheavens can pull these images.


The sample YAML files create a private GitHub repo sample-k8s under the GitHub organisation trishanku-org. If this is to be customised, the changes have to be done consistently in all the YAML files.


Since, all the controllers in the headless cluster, including the gardener/machine-controller-manager controllers, use the above-mentioned private repo as the coordination point for their individual Git repos, the secret gcp-cred gets copied into this private repo. So, it is important to keep even a customised repo as a private repo (and to delete the repo after this exercise) to avoid leaking GCP credentials.

Create A Sample Headless Cluster

Run The Trishanku Heaven Controller

Please make sure to clone the trishanku heaven(.) repo and to cd into the cloned directory before proceeding. Also, please make sure that the KUBECONFIG is pointing to the chosen Kubernetes cluster.

make run &

Alternatively, please run the trishanku heaven as a controller in a pod in the cluster with the required permissions.

Apply The Sample Headless Cluster Configuration

$ kubectl apply -f config/samples created created created created created
configmap/sample-k8s-kube-scheduler created
serviceaccount/sample-k8s-mcm-crds created created created
job.batch/sample-k8s-mcm-crds created
configmap/sample-k8s-mcm-crds-entrypoint created created created

Wait Until All The Pods Are Running Or Completed

$ wait kubectl get pods
NAME                                               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
sample-k8s-kcm-automerge-554c8fff8f-8kgwv          1/1     Running     0          2m9s
sample-k8s-kcm-heaven-7d4f66667f-w9x79             4/4     Running     0          2m15s
sample-k8s-kube-scheduler-heaven-b6459f8d7-jlbfc   4/4     Running     0          32s
sample-k8s-mc-heaven-7ffc78d454-lr7q2              4/4     Running     0          2m15s
sample-k8s-mcm-crds-swl6m                          0/1     Completed   2          2m16s
sample-k8s-mcm-heaven-7499c45fff-mng2x             4/4     Running     0          2m15s

This might take a couple of minutes.

Check That The Configured Private Repo Has The Branches Of All The Controllers

Sample Headless Cluster Controller Branches

Check The Compute Instance Created By The Machine Controller Manager

# Please make sure to authenticate gcloud to the right GCP account and to customise the region and zone correctly.
$ gcloud compute instances list
test-machine  asia-south1-a  n1-standard-1       RUNNING

Cleanup The Sample Headless Cluster

$ kubectl delete -f config/samples "sample-k8s-kcm" deleted "sample-k8s" deleted "sample-k8s" deleted "sample-k8s-kcm" deleted "sample-k8s-kube-scheduler" deleted
configmap "sample-k8s-kube-scheduler" deleted
serviceaccount "sample-k8s-mcm-crds" deleted "sample-k8s-mcm-crds" deleted "sample-k8s-mcm-crds" deleted
job.batch "sample-k8s-mcm-crds" deleted
configmap "sample-k8s-mcm-crds-entrypoint" deleted "sample-k8s-mcm" deleted "sample-k8s-mc" deleted

Delete The Compute Instance Created By The Machine Controller Manager

The steps for deprovisioning of the compute instance created by the gardener/machine-controller-manager is yet to be updated in this documentation. For the time-being, please deprovision the compute instance via gcloud command.

# Please make sure to authenticate gcloud to the right GCP account and to customise the region and zone correctly.
$ gcloud compute instances delete test-machine --zone asia-south1-a
The following instances will be deleted. Any attached disks configured to be auto-deleted will be deleted unless they are
attached to any other instances or the `--keep-disks` flag is given and specifies them for keeping. Deleting a disk is
irreversible and any data on the disk will be lost.
 - [test-machine] in [asia-south1-a]

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y

Deleted [].


This project is a proof of concept. As noted above, the sample setup sets up a headless Kubernetes cluster with the kube-controller-manager, the kube-scheduler and the controllers of the gardener/machine-controller-manager to run independently while coordinating with one another only by communicating changes via Git.

  • Work is pending to configure a TrishankuHeaven for the kubelet inside the machines provisioned by the gardener/machine-controller-manager to help it join and participate in the headless cluster as a node.
  • Also, a lot more work is required to make it efficient and productive.

The above sample uses a private GitHub repo as a point of coordination amongst the controllers of a headless cluster.

  • It is possible to do such a coordination with a locally accessible Git repo but working is pending to document this.
  • Work is also pending to support other Git-hosting platforms.

The kube-apiserver currently stores resources defined by CustomResourceDefinition as single-line JSON string in the storage. This could be problem for the normal merge-conflict resolution mechanism of Git which are designed to detect conflict at the granularity of lines and not in individual fields of unformatted deeply structured text like JSON.

  • Work is pending to support automation of resolving merge-conflict in such cases optimally by enabling JSON-aware conflict detection and resolution.

There are different possible applications for such an approach of loosely coordinating independent controllers. Please reach out at @AmshumanKR (Twitter) or here in the GitHub issues if interested in collaborating.

Alternatives to Git

Git was picked for this project because it enables unlimited forking and multi-way merging with unconstrained conflict resolution. But the inefficiency of using Git as a database is obvious (though seeing the history of change made by the individual controller can be quite interesting in itself and might even have some diagnostic value). Some of the inefficiency is mitigated by the fact that each fork of the Git repo serves only a single controller and the eventually consistent coordination naturally lends itself to subdividing the problem space (and hence, the data space) to any suitable granularity.

However, the real inefficiency lies in Gitcd using a file/folder structure as a key-value store and not so much in Git being used to version track such a file/folder structure. In principle, this can be remedied by using a more conventional database which supports eventually consistent coordination with unlimited forks and multi-way merging the way Git does. Some candidates are as follows.