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Tmux CPU and GPU status

Enables displaying CPU and GPU information in Tmux status-right and status-left. Configurable percentage and icon display.


Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-cpu'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it.

If format strings are added to status-right, they should now be visible.

Manual Installation

Clone the repo:

$ git clone ~/clone/path

Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/clone/path/cpu.tmux

Reload TMUX environment:

# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

If format strings are added to status-right, they should now be visible.

Optional requirements (Linux, BSD, OSX)

  • iostat or sar are the best way to get an accurate CPU percentage. A fallback is included using ps aux but could be inaccurate.
  • free is used for obtaining system RAM status.
  • lm-sensors is used for CPU temperature.
  • nvidia-smi is required for GPU information. For OSX, cuda-smi is required instead (but only shows GPU memory use rather than load). If "No GPU" is displayed, it means the script was not able to find nvidia-smi/cuda-smi. Please make sure the appropriate command is installed and in the $PATH.


Add any of the supported format strings (see below) to the existing status-right tmux option. Example:

# in .tmux.conf
set -g status-right '#{cpu_bg_color} CPU: #{cpu_icon} #{cpu_percentage} | %a %h-%d %H:%M '

Supported Options

This is done by introducing 12 new format strings that can be added to status-right option:

  • #{cpu_icon} - will display a CPU status icon
  • #{cpu_percentage} - will show CPU percentage (averaged across cores)
  • #{cpu_bg_color} - will change the background color based on the CPU percentage
  • #{cpu_fg_color} - will change the foreground color based on the CPU percentage
  • #{ram_icon} - will display a RAM status icon
  • #{ram_percentage} - will show RAM percentage (averaged across cores)
  • #{ram_bg_color} - will change the background color based on the RAM percentage
  • #{ram_fg_color} - will change the foreground color based on the RAM percentage
  • #{cpu_temp_icon} - will display a CPU temperature status icon
  • #{cpu_temp} - will show CPU temperature (averaged across cores)
  • #{cpu_temp_bg_color} - will change the background color based on the CPU temperature
  • #{cpu_temp_fg_color} - will change the foreground color based on the CPU temperature

GPU equivalents also exist:

  • #{gpu_icon} - will display a GPU status icon
  • #{gpu_percentage} - will show GPU percentage (averaged across devices)
  • #{gpu_bg_color} - will change the background color based on the GPU percentage
  • #{gpu_fg_color} - will change the foreground color based on the GPU percentage
  • #{gram_icon} - will display a GPU RAM status icon
  • #{gram_percentage} - will show GPU RAM percentage (total across devices)
  • #{gram_bg_color} - will change the background color based on the GPU RAM percentage
  • #{gram_fg_color} - will change the foreground color based on the GPU RAM percentage
  • #{gpu_temp_icon} - will display a GPU temperature status icon
  • #{gpu_temp} - will show GPU temperature (average across devices)
  • #{gpu_temp_bg_color} - will change the background color based on the GPU temperature
  • #{gpu_temp_fg_color} - will change the foreground color based on the GPU temperature


CPU usage lower than 30%:
low_fg low_bg low_icon

CPU usage between 30% and 80%:
medium_fg medium_bg medium_icon

CPU usage higher than 80%:
high_fg high_bg high_icon


Here are all available options with their default values:

@cpu_low_icon "=" # icon when cpu is low
@cpu_medium_icon "" # icon when cpu is medium
@cpu_high_icon "" # icon when cpu is high

@cpu_low_fg_color "" # foreground color when cpu is low
@cpu_medium_fg_color "" # foreground color when cpu is medium
@cpu_high_fg_color "" # foreground color when cpu is high

@cpu_low_bg_color "#[bg=green]" # background color when cpu is low
@cpu_medium_bg_color "#[bg=yellow]" # background color when cpu is medium
@cpu_high_bg_color "#[bg=red]" # background color when cpu is high

@cpu_percentage_format "%3.1f%%" # printf format to use to display percentage

@cpu_medium_thresh "30" # medium percentage threshold
@cpu_high_thresh "80" # high percentage threshold

@ram_(low_icon,high_bg_color,etc...) # same defaults as above

@cpu_temp_format "%2.0f" # printf format to use to display temperature
@cpu_temp_unit "C" # supports C & F

@cpu_temp_medium_thresh "80" # medium temperature threshold
@cpu_temp_high_thresh "90" # high temperature threshold

@cpu_temp_(low_icon,high_bg_color,etc...) # same defaults as above

All @cpu_* options are valid with @gpu_* (except @cpu_*_thresh which apply to both CPU and GPU). Additionally, @ram_* options become @gram_* for GPU equivalents.

Note that these colors depend on your terminal / X11 config.

You can can customize each one of these options in your .tmux.conf, for example:

set -g @cpu_low_fg_color "#[fg=#00ff00]"
set -g @cpu_percentage_format "%5.1f%%" # Add left padding

Don't forget to reload the tmux environment ($ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf) after you do this.

Tmux Plugins

This plugin is part of the tmux-plugins organisation. Checkout plugins as battery, logging, online status, and many more over at the tmux-plugins organisation page.

