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399 lines (362 loc) · 27.7 KB

File metadata and controls

399 lines (362 loc) · 27.7 KB


Modern modular CSS framework contains a set of useful function, mixin and mobile first styles.


Caution: this package only install as SCSS dependency and can't use as css directly!

npm i -D @termehui/termeh


Note import priority is important!

// required
@use "@termehui/termeh/termeh.scss" as T;
@use "vars"; // local vars file
@use "@termehui/termeh/styles.scss"; // contains reset and global styling (heading, image, table)
// optional ...
@use "@termehui/termeh/components/all.scss";


You can use all.scss file inside sub-directory to import all directory content.

  • termeh.scss (core functions)
  • styles.scss (base styles)
  • components
    • all.scss
    • button.scss
    • card.scss
    • header.scss
    • icon.scss
    • link.scss
    • meta.scss
    • tag.scss
  • form
    • all.scss
    • checkbox.scss
    • field.scss
    • input.scss
    • select.scss
    • textarea.scss
  • helpers
    • all.scss
    • attachment.scss
    • layout.scss
    • typography.scss
    • visibility.scss
  • layout
    • all.scss
    • breadcrumb.scss
    • components.scss
    • container.scss
    • content.scss
    • gaper.scss
    • grid.scss
    • landscape.scss
    • layout.scss
    • padder.scss

Predefined Variables

Definition Value Usability
define-color("base") white base theme color
define-variant("base", "color") #081e30 text color
define-variant("base", "code") inherit code block color
define-variant("base", "strong") inherit strong text color
define-variant("base", "section") #f8f9fa section background
define-variant("base", "separator") #e1e6ea separator background
define-variant("base", "box") #ffffff boxes color (e.g. card)
define-color("inverse") #081e30 base inverse color
define-variant("inverse", "color") white inverse text color
define-variant("inverse", "code") inherit inverse code block color
define-variant("inverse", "strong") inherit inverse strong text color
define-variant("inverse", "separator") #414447 inverse separator background
define-variant("inverse", "section") #373f46 inverse section background (e.g. code block)
define-variant("inverse", "box") #081e30 inverse boxes color (e.g. card)
color.define-color("table") white table background
define-variant("table", "color") null table text color
define-variant("table", "divider") T.color("shade") table divider color
define-variant("table", "separator") T.variant("base", "separator") table separator color
define-variant("table", "even") variant("base", "section") table even row background
define-variant("table", "sort") rgba(T.variant("shade", "mute"), 0.1) table sorted column background
define-variant("table", "hover") rgba(T.variant("shade", "mute"), 0.25) table hover row background
define-color("input") white input background
define-variant("input", "border") T.variant("base", "separator") input border
define-variant("input", "placeholder") T.variant("shade", "mute") input placeholder color
define-variant("input", "disabled") #f0f2f5 input disabled background
define-variant("input", "disabled-border") #e1e6ea input disabled border
define-variant("input", "disabled-color") #879aab input disabled color
define-palette("shade") #8d99ae shade palette base
define-palette("primary") #2196f3 primary palette base
define-palette("error") #c00021 error palette base
define-palette("success") #0ead69 success palette base
define("base", "direction") ltr base direction
define("base", "min-width") 300px min document width
define("line-height", "normal") 1.6em base line-height
define("line-height", "medium") 1.4em medium text line-height
define("line-height", "large") 1.2em large line-height
define("line-height", "inline") 1.8em inline element line-height (e.g. tag)
define("radius", "normal") 3px base element border-radius
define("radius", "rounded") 290486px rounded element border-radius
define("radius", "circle") 50% circular element border-radius
define("media-query", "ignore") () media queries to ignore in iterations
define("font", "size") 12px base font size
define("font", "family") "'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana" base font family
define("font", "code-family") monospace code font family
define("font", "code-size") 1rem code font size
define("scroll", "size") 8px default scroll size
define("scroll", "track") variant("base", "section") default scroll track background
define("scroll", "thumb") variant("base", "separator") default scroll thumb color
define("overlay", "background") rgba(white, 0.75) overlay background
define("overlay", "color") inherit overlay color
define("overlay", "filter") none overlay backdrop-filter
define("strong", "weight") bold strong text color
define("decorator", "size") 2px decorator size
define("spinner", "size") 2rem spinner size
define("transition", "duration") 250ms default transition duration
define("transition", "ease") ease default transition ease
define("image", "sizes") () not iterable size to include in image sizes
define("table", "colors") () not iterable color to include in table colors
define("grid", "units" () not iterable unit to include in grid units
define("grid", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in grid gaps
define("container", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in container gaps
define("container", "desktop" 960px container desktop width
define("container", "widescreen" 1200px container widescreen width
define("gaper", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in gaper gaps
define("content", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in content gaps
define("content", "colors") () not iterable color to include in content colors
define("landscape", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in landscape gaps
define("padder", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in padder gaps
define("input", "colors") () not iterable color to include in input colors
define("input", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in input gaps
define("button", "sizes" () not iterable size to include in button sizes
define("button", "colors") () not iterable color to include in button colors
define("tag", "size" 0.9em default tag font-size
define("tag", "sizes" () not iterable size to include in tag sizes
define("tag", "colors") () not iterable color to include in tag colors
define("card", "gaps" ) () not iterable gap to include in card gaps
define("card", "colors") () not iterable color to include in card colors
define("card", "sizes") () list of card sizes ("small" 10em, "medium" 20em)
define("card", "border" ) null default card border
define("card", "shadow") a soft shadow default card shadow
define("card", "border-{$color}") null colored card border
define("card", "shadow-{$color}") null colored card shadow
define("header", "gaps" () not iterable gap to include in header gaps
define("header", "colors") () not iterable color to include in header colors
define("icon", "sizes" () not iterable size to include in icon sizes
define("icon", "colors") () not iterable color to include in icon colors
define("icon", "action-filter") grayscale(0.5) action icon image filter
define("icon", "action-hover-filter") grayscale(0) action icon hover image filter
define("link", "colors") () not iterable color to include in link colors
define("meta", "colors") () not iterable color to include in meta colors
define-size("small", 0.8em, true) 0.8em small text size (<small>)
define-size("normal", 1em, true) 1em normal size (<h6>)
define-size("medium", 1.25em, true) 1.25em normal size (<h5>)
define-size("large", 1.5em, true) 1.5em normal size (<h4>)
define-size("big", 2em, true) 2em normal size (<h3>)
define-size("huge", 2.5em, true) 2.5em normal size (<h2>)
define-size("massive", 3em, true) 3em normal size (<h1>)
define-gap("macro", 1.6rem, false) `1.6rem used for outer gaps
define-gap("micro", 0.5rem, false) `0.5rem used for inner gaps
define-gap("mini", 0.5em, true) `0.5em used for iterable gaps
define-gap("small", 0.85em, true) `0.85em used for iterable gaps
define-gap("normal", 1em, true) `1em used for iterable gaps
define-gap("medium", 1.5em, true) `1.5em used for iterable gaps
define-gap("large", 2em, true) `2em used for iterable gaps
define-gap("huge", 2.5em, true) `2.5em used for iterable gaps
define-gap("massive", 3em, true) `3em used for iterable gaps
define-unit("full", 100%, true) 100% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("half", 50%, true) 50% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("1-of-3", 33.3333%, true) 33.3333% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("2-of-3", 66.6666%, true) 66.6666% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("1-of-4", 25%, true) 25% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("2-of-4", 50%, true) 50% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("3-of-4", 75%, true) 75% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("1-of-5", 20%, true) 20% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("2-of-5", 40%, true) 40% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("3-of-5", 60%, true) 60% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("4-of-5", 80%, true) 80% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("1-of-7", 14.2857%, true) 14.2857% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("2-of-7", 28.5714%, true) 28.5714% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("3-of-7", 42.8571%, true) 42.8571% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("4-of-7", 57.1428%, true) 57.1428% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("5-of-7", 71.4285%, true) 71.4285% used for iteration (default grid system use units)
define-unit("6-of-7", 85.7142%, true) 85.7142% used for iteration (default grid system use units)


// Contrast
@function luminance($color);
@function darkest($color1, $color2);
@function lightest($color1, $color2);
@function contrast-ratio($back, $color);
@function tone($color);
@function contrast($base, $color1, $color2);
@function harmony($base, $color1, $color2);

// Palette
@function palette($color, $variant);

// Breakpoint
// Devices: tablet, desktop, widescreen, fullhd
@function breakpoint($device);
// Names: until-fullhd, until-widescreen, until-desktop, tablet, desktop, widescreen, fullhd, mobile, tablet-only, desktop-only, widescreen-only
@function media-query($name);
@function breakpoints();
@function media-queries($includes: ());
@mixin from($device);
@mixin until($device);
@mixin non-touch();
@mixin touch();
@mixin mobile();
@mixin tablet();
@mixin tablet-only();
@mixin until-desktop();
@mixin desktop();
@mixin desktop-only();
@mixin until-widescreen();
@mixin widescreen();
@mixin widescreen-only();
@mixin until-fullhd();
@mixin fullhd();

// Color
@mixin define-color($name, $color);
@mixin define-palette($name, $color);
// Default Ui Variants: active, active-inverse, light, light-inverse, light-active, light-active-inverse, readable, readable-inverse, mute, mute-inverse, color, color-inverse, decorator, decorator-inverse, overlay
@mixin define-variant($name, $variant, $color);
@function color($name, $inverse: false);
@function variant($name, $variant, $fallback: null);
@function colors($only: ()); // only palette colors

// Fonts
@mixin define-size($name, $size, $iterable: true);
@function size($name);
@function sizes($includes: ());
// Names: lighter, light , normal, medium , semibold, bold , bolder
@function font-weight($name);
@function font-weights($only: ());

// Gaps
@mixin define-gap($name, $gap, $iterable: true);
@function gap($name);
@function gaps($includes: ());

// Units
@mixin define-unit($name, $unit, $iterable: true);
@function unit($name);
@function units($includes: ());

// Var
@mixin define($com, $prop, $v);
@function var($com, $prop, $fallback: null);
@mixin ltr();
@mixin rtl();

// Utils
@function negate($value);
@function half($value);
@mixin unify-parent($child);

// UI
@function shadow($x, $y, $color, $soft: false);
@function control-padding();
@mixin transition($field);
@mixin disabled();
@mixin clearfix();
@mixin overflow-touch();
@mixin locked();
@mixin unselectable();
@mixin selectable();
@mixin placeholder;
@mixin reset();
@mixin control();
@mixin selection($name); // set color selection from registered color
@mixin scrollbar($width, $track: null, $thumb: null, $thumb-hover: null);
@mixin scrollable($color);
@mixin scroll-color($color);
@mixin spinner($size, $color, $width);
@mixin spinner-color($color);
@mixin loader($size, $color, $width);
@mixin loader-color($color);
@mixin overlay($color, $filter);
@mixin marged($lastChild: true); // style :not(:last-child):not(.is-marginless)
@mixin marginless() // remove element margin-bottom
  @mixin padded(); // style :not(.is-paddingless)
@mixin paddingless(); // remove element padding


  • hr: is-marginless
  • p: is-marginless
  • h[1-6]: is-marginless
  • img: is-centered, is-{size}, is-rounded, is-circular
    • Variables [image]: sizes
  • table: is-fullwidth, is-stripped, is-hoverable, is-{color}
    • Variables [table]: colors
    • Container: .table-container scrollable table wrapper
    • tr: is-even, is-expanded
      • .extra: extra content inside table row to show/hide with .is-expanded modifier
      • th: is-center-aligned, is-right-aligned, is-left-aligned, is-filler, is-multiline, is-sorted, is-sortable, is-asc, is-desc
      • td: is-center-aligned, is-right-aligned, is-left-aligned, is-filler, is-multiline, is-sorted, is-ellipsis


  • button: is-loading, is-rounded, is-disabled, is-simple, is-light, is-{size}, is-{color}

    • Variables [button]: colors, sizes
  • card: is-top-decorated, is-bottom-decorated, is-loading, is-overlaid, is-{gap}-padded, is-{color}, is-{card-size}

    • Variables [card]: gaps, colors, sizes ('small' 20em, 'large' 30em), border, shadow, border-{color}, shadow-{color}
    • .separator: is-attached
    • .section: is-header, is-footer, is-attached, is-secondary, top-sticky, bottom-sticky
    • .overlay
  • header: is-marginless, is-left-decorated, is-right-decorated, is-{gap}-padded, is-{color}

    • Variables [header]: gaps, colors
    • h[1-6]
  • icon: is-outline, is-action, is-loading, is-{size}, is-{color}, is-disabled

    • Variables [icon]: sizes, colors, action-filter, action-hover-filter
    • img
    • svg
  • link: is-{color}

    • Variables [link]: colors
  • meta: is-action, is-{color}

    • Variables [meta]: colors
  • tag: is-loading, is-light, is-action, is-rounded, is-{size}, is-{color}

    • Variables [tag]: size, sizes, colors


  • checkbox, radio: is-{color}, is-disabled
    • Variables [input]: colors
    • sample: <label class="checkbox" for="chk1"><input type="checkbox" id="chk1"> Select</label>
  • field: is-marginless, is-required, is-{color}, is-failed
    • Variables [input]: colors
    • label or .field-label for nested label
    • .help
    • .error
    • .input
    • .input-like
  • input: is-focused, is-failed, is-{gap}-gaped, is-{color}, is-disabled
    • Variables [input]: colors, gaps
    • .separator
    • .gutter
    • input
  • select: is-focused, is-failed, is-{color}, is-disabled
    • Variables [input]: colors
  • textarea: is-focused, is-failed, is-{color}, is-disabled
    • Variables [input]: colors


  • attachment: is-attached, is-left-attached, is-left-top-attached, is-left-bottom-attached, is-right-attached, is-right-top-attached, is-right-bottom-attached, is-top-attached, is-top-left-attached, is-top-right-attached, is-bottom-attached, is-bottom-left-attached, is-bottom-right-attached
  • layout: is-clearfix, is-ltr, is-rtl, is-clipped, is-radiusless, is-shadowless, is-clickable, is-unselectable, is-selectable, is-locked, is-scrollable
  • typography: is-italic, is-underline, is-line-through, is-undecorated, is-capitalized, is-lowercase, is-uppercase, is-ellipsis, is-{size}-sized, is-{weight}-weighted, is-{align}-aligned, is-{color}-colored
  • visibility: is-hidden, is-until-fullhd-hidden, is-until-widescreen-hidden, is-until-desktop-hidden, is-mobile-only, is-tablet-only, is-desktop-only, is-widescreen-only, is-fullhd-only, is-mobile-hidden, is-tablet-hidden, is-desktop-hidden, is-widescreen-hidden, is-fullhd-hidden, is-tablet-only-hidden, is-desktop-only-hidden, is-widescreen-only-hidden, is-touch-only, is-touch-hidden


  • breadcrumb:
    • .separator
    • .active
  • components: is-{align}-aligned, is-{justify}-justified
    • .filler
    • .separator
  • container: is-marginless, is-fullwidth, is-paddingless, is-{gap}-padded
    • Variables [container]: gaps, desktop, widescreen, fullhd
  • content: is-centered, is-loading, is-overlaid, is-paddingless, is-{gap}-padded, is-{color}
    • Variables [content]: gaps, colors
    • .overlayz
  • gallery: is-gapless, is-{gap}-gaped, is-stackable
    • .item is-block
      • NOTE: you must add thumbnail class to image if img not in root of item.
    • Variables [gallery]: gaps, mobile-height, tablet-height, height
  • gaper: is-stacked, is-stacked-reverse, is-wrap, is-auto,is-{gap}-gaped, is-{align}-aligned, is-{justify}-justified, is-{device}-stacked, is-{device}-stacked-reverse, is-{device}-{align}-aligned, is-{device}-{justify}-justified
    • Variables [gaper]: gaps
    • .filler
    • .separator
    • .gutter
  • grid: is-gapless, is-{gap}-gaped, is-{align}-aligned, is-{justify}-justified, is-{device}-{align}-aligned, is-{device}-{justify}-justified
    • Variables [grid]: units, gaps
    • break:
    • column: is-fit, is-{unit}, is-{device}-fit, is-{device}-{unit}
  • landscape: is-center-snapped, is-end-snapped, is-mandatory, is-stacked, is-gapless, is-{gap}-gaped, is-{align}-aligned, is-{justify}-justified, is-{device}-stacked, is-{device}-{align}-aligned, is-{device}-{justify}-justified
    • Variables [landscape]: gaps
  • layout: is-reverse, is-horizontal, is-horizontal-reverse, is-{device}-reverse, is-{device}-horizontal, is-{device}-horizontal-reverse
    • .attachment
  • padder: is-{gap}