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StreamExecutor C API

Status Proposed
RFC # 257
Authors Anna Revinskaya (, Penporn Koanantakool (, Yi Situ (, Russell Power (
Sponsor Gunhan Gulsoy (
Updated 2020-09-08


Provide basic device management C API to allow new devices to modularly connect to the current TensorFlow runtime.


  • C API wrapper of a subset of methods in StreamExecutorInterface.
  • Best-effort API and ABI stability after an initial experimental phase.



Current device support in TensorFlow adds code directly into the main TensorFlow repository. This approach is not scalable because it adds complexity to the build dependency and tool chains, takes longer time to build, and requires the TensorFlow team’s review. To handle the surge in new hardware accelerators and programming paradigms, TensorFlow must allow device addition in a modular manner: contributors code outside of the TensorFlow repository and distribute a binary module which would connect to TensorFlow at runtime through a stable application binary interface (ABI).

The new TensorFlow stack, based on TFRT and MLIR, is designed with this in mind. However, it is still in an active development phase and is not ready for third-party device integration yet. (For device support expecting to land in 2021 or later, we highly recommend waiting to integrate with the new stack, since it is fundamentally different from the current stack and cannot guarantee code reuse.)

In the meantime, we plan to provide limited device integration support for the current TensorFlow stack through Modular TensorFlow. We anticipate three basic functionalities within a device plug-in module:

StreamExecutor is TensorFlow's main device manager, responsible for work execution and memory management. It provides a set of methods (such as Memcpy) that can be customized for a particular device.

We propose a C API wrapper of a subset of methods in StreamExecutorInterface as an ABI-stable way to register a custom StreamExecutor platform.

User Benefits

A decoupled way to add a new device to TensorFlow.

  • Simpler process: Does not have to add a new build toolchain to TensorFlow
  • Faster time-to-solution: Does not need code review from the TensorFlow team.
  • Lower maintenance efforts: Only C-API-related changes could break the integration. Unrelated TensorFlow changes would not break the code.
    • The C APIs may be changed during the initial experimental phase based on developer experience and feedback. When the APIs become more mature, we will try to keep them stable (in a best-effort manner) until the new TensorFlow stack is available.

Design Proposal

StreamExecutorInterface has a large number of methods, some of which are only sporadically used. Therefore, we plan to wrap only a subset of key StreamExecutorInterface functionality. We decided on this subset based on the PluggableDevice usecase as well as potential future devices such as TPUs.

Versioning Strategy and Stability

StreamExecutor C API follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (semver). Each release version has a format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, as outlined in TensorFlow version compatibility. We also use struct sizes to track compatibility. More details on functionality extension and deprecation can be found in StreamExecutor C API Versioning Strategy.

The C API will have an initial bake-in period, where we won’t have any compatibility guarantees. However, we will make the best effort to perform any updates in a backwards compatible way. For example, we plan to keep track of struct sizes. During this period, the API will be kept at MAJOR version 0.

The C API will be placed in tensorflow/c/experimental. We will consider moving the API out of the experimental directory once it is more stable.

Implementation Conventions

  • Struct prefix indicates whether struct fields should be filled by the plug-in or core TensorFlow implementation:
    • SE_: Set/filled by core, unless marked otherwise.
    • SP_: Set/filled by plug-in, unless marked otherwise.
    • This prefix rule only applies to structures. Enumerations and methods are all prefixed with SE_.
  • Structs begin with two fields:
    • size_t struct_size: Stores the unpadded size of the struct.
    • void* ext: A reserved field that may be populated by a plugin in SP_* structs or potential future extension points in SE_ structs. Must be set to zero by default if it unused.
  • We use struct_size for version checking by both core and plug-in.
    • It is exempt from the SE/SP rule above and must be set both by core and plug-in.
    • It can be checked programmatically to determine which struct fields are available in the structure.
    • For example, create_device function receives SP_Device* as input with struct_size populated by core. The plug-in is responsible for setting struct_size as well, along with all other fields.
  • When a member is added to a struct, the struct size definition must be updated to use the new last member of the struct.

Usage Overview

The table below summarizes all structures defined and the functionality they involve.

Action Function call(s) Populated by Core TensorFlow Populated by plug-in
Register platform SE_InitPlugin SE_PlatformRegistrationParams SP_Platform, SP_PlatformFns
Create device SP_PlatformFns::create_device SE_CreateDeviceParams SP_Device
Create stream executor SP_PlatformFns::create_stream_executor SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams SP_StreamExecutor
Create timer functions SP_PlatformFns::create_timer_fns None SP_TimerFns
Get allocator stats SP_StreamExecutor::get_allocator_stats None SP_AllocatorStats
Memory management SP_StreamExecutor::*allocate*, SP_StreamExecutor::*memcpy* None SP_DeviceMemoryBase


Core TensorFlow will register a new StreamExecutor platform as well as a new TensorFlow device with DeviceFactory.

  1. Core TensorFlow links to plug-in's dynamic library and loads the function SE_InitPlugin.
  2. Core TensorFlow populates SE_PlatformRegistrationParams and passes it in a call to SE_InitPlugin.
    • In SE_InitPlugin, plug-in populates SE_PlatformRegistrationParams::SP_Platform and SE_PlatformRegistrationParams::SP_PlatformFns.
  3. Core TensorFlow can now create a device, a stream executor, and a timer through functions in SP_PlatformFns.
    • Core TensorFlow populates SE_CreateDeviceParams and pass it as a parameter to SP_PlatformFns::create_device().
      • Plug-in populates SE_CreateDeviceParams::SP_Device.
    • Core TensorFlow populates SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams and pass it to SP_PlatformFns::create_stream_executor().
      • Plug-in populates SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams::SP_StreamExecutor.
    • Core TensorFlow sets struct_size in SP_Timer and pass it in a call to SP_PlatformFns::create_timer_fns.
      • Plug-in populates SP_TimerFns.
  4. Core TensorFlow registers a new PluggableDeviceFactory.

PluggableDevice is covered in a separate RFC: Adding Pluggable Device For TensorFlow.

Definitions from Plug-in

Plug-in needs to provide:

  • Methods: SE_InitPlugin and other methods declared in SP_* structs.
  • Structures: SP_Stream_st, SP_Event_st, and SP_Timer_st.

Detailed API

#define SE_MAJOR 0
#define SE_MINOR 0
#define SE_PATCH 1

// TF_Bool is the C API typedef for unsigned char, while TF_BOOL is
// the datatype for boolean tensors.
#ifndef TF_Bool
#define TF_Bool unsigned char
#endif  // TF_Bool

// Macro used to calculate struct size for maintaining ABI stability across
// different struct implementations.
  (offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) + sizeof(((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER))
#endif  // TF_OFFSET_OF_END

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef struct SP_Stream_st* SP_Stream;
typedef struct SP_Event_st* SP_Event;
typedef struct SP_Timer_st* SP_Timer;
// Takes `callback_arg` passed to `host_callback` as the first argument.
typedef void (*SE_StatusCallbackFn)(void* const, TF_Status* const);

typedef struct SP_TimerFns {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use
  uint64_t (*nanoseconds)(SP_Timer timer);
} SP_TimerFns;

#define SP_TIMER_FNS_STRUCT_SIZE TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_TimerFns, nanoseconds)

typedef struct SP_AllocatorStats {
  size_t struct_size;
  int64_t num_allocs;
  int64_t bytes_in_use;
  int64_t peak_bytes_in_use;
  int64_t largest_alloc_size;

  int8_t has_bytes_limit;
  int64_t bytes_limit;

  int64_t bytes_reserved;
  int64_t peak_bytes_reserved;

  int8_t has_bytes_reservable_limit;
  int64_t bytes_reservable_limit;

  int64_t largest_free_block_bytes;
} SP_AllocatorStats;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_AllocatorStats, largest_free_block_bytes)

// Potential states for an SP_Event. If `poll_for_status` returns anything aside
// from kPending or kComplete, an error has occurred; kUnknown is a bad state.
typedef enum SE_EventStatus {
} SE_EventStatus;

// Memory allocation information.
// This matches DeviceMemoryBase defined here:
typedef struct SP_DeviceMemoryBase {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // free-form data set by plugin
  // Platform-dependent value representing allocated memory.
  void* opaque;
  uint64_t size;     // Size in bytes of this allocation.
  uint64_t payload;  // Value for plugin's use
} SP_DeviceMemoryBase;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_DeviceMemoryBase, payload)

typedef struct SP_Device {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;        // free-form data set by plugin
  int32_t ordinal;  // device index

  // Device vendor can store handle to their device representation
  // here.
  void* device_handle;
} SP_Device;

#define SP_DEVICE_STRUCT_SIZE TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_Device, device_handle)

typedef struct SE_CreateDeviceParams {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;        // reserved for future use
  int32_t ordinal;  // device index

  SP_Device* device;  // Input/output, struct_size set by TF for plugin to read.
                      // Subsequently plugin fills the entire struct.
} SE_CreateDeviceParams;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SE_CreateDeviceParams, device)

typedef struct SP_StreamExecutor {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use

  // Synchronously allocates `size` bytes on the underlying platform and returns
  // `SP_DeviceMemoryBase` representing that allocation. In the case of failure,
  // NULL is returned.
  // `memory_space` is reserved for a potential future usage and should be set
  // to 0.
  void (*allocate)(const SP_Device* device, uint64_t size, int64_t memory_space,
                   SP_DeviceMemoryBase* mem);

  // Deallocate the device memory previously allocated via this interface.
  // Deallocation of a NULL representative value is permitted.
  void (*deallocate)(const SP_Device* device, SP_DeviceMemoryBase* memory);

  // Allocates a region of host memory and registers it with the platform API.
  // Memory allocated in this manner is required for use in asynchronous memcpy
  // operations, such as `memcpy_dtoh`.
  void* (*host_memory_allocate)(const SP_Device* device, uint64_t size);

  // Deallocates a region of host memory allocated by `host_memory_allocate`.
  void (*host_memory_deallocate)(const SP_Device* device, void* mem);

  // Allocates unified memory space of the given size, if supported. Unified
  // memory support should be added by setting `supports_unified_memory` field
  // in `SP_Platform`.
  void* (*unified_memory_allocate)(const SP_Device* device, uint64_t size);

  // Deallocates unified memory space previously allocated with
  // `unified_memory_allocate`. Unified
  // memory support should be added by setting `supports_unified_memory` field
  // in `SP_Platform`.
  void (*unified_memory_deallocate)(const SP_Device* device, void* location);

  // Fills SP_AllocatorStats with allocator statistics, if it is available.
  // If it is not available, return false.
  TF_Bool (*get_allocator_stats)(const SP_Device* device,
                                 SP_AllocatorStats* stats);
  // Fills the underlying device memory usage information, if it is
  // available. If it is not available (false is returned), free/total need not
  // be initialized.
  TF_Bool (*device_memory_usage)(const SP_Device* device, int64_t* free,
                                 int64_t* total);

  // Creates SP_Stream. This call should also allocate stream
  // resources on the underlying platform and initializes its
  // internals.
  void (*create_stream)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream* stream,
                        TF_Status* status);

  // Destroys SP_Stream and deallocates any underlying resources.
  void (*destroy_stream)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream);

  // Causes `dependent` to not begin execution until `other` has finished its
  // last-enqueued work.
  void (*create_stream_dependency)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream dependent,
                                   SP_Stream other, TF_Status* status);

  // Without blocking the device, retrieve the current stream status.
  void (*get_stream_status)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream,
                            TF_Status* status);

  // Create SP_Event. Performs platform-specific allocation and initialization
  // of an event.
  void (*create_event)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Event* event,
                       TF_Status* status);

  // Destroy SE_Event and perform any platform-specific deallocation and
  // cleanup of an event.
  void (*destroy_event)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Event event);

  // Requests the current status of the event from the underlying platform.
  SE_EventStatus (*get_event_status)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Event event);
  // Inserts the specified event at the end of the specified stream.
  void (*record_event)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream,
                       SP_Event event, TF_Status* status);

  // Wait for the specified event at the end of the specified stream.
  void (*wait_for_event)(const SP_Device* const device, SP_Stream stream,
                         SP_Event event, TF_Status* const status);

  // Creates SP_Timer. Allocates timer resources on the underlying platform
  // and initializes its internals, setting `timer` output variable. Sets
  // values in `timer_fns` struct.
  void (*create_timer)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Timer* timer,
                       TF_Status* status);

  // Destroy timer and deallocates timer resources on the underlying platform.
  void (*destroy_timer)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Timer timer);

  // Records a start event for an interval timer.
  void (*start_timer)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream, SP_Timer timer,
                      TF_Status* status);

  // Records a stop event for an interval timer.
  void (*stop_timer)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream, SP_Timer timer,
                     TF_Status* status);

  // Enqueues a memcpy operation onto stream, with a host destination location
  // `host_dst` and a device memory source, with target size `size`.
  void (*memcpy_dtoh)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream, void* host_dst,
                      const SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_src, uint64_t size,
                      TF_Status* status);

  // Enqueues a memcpy operation onto stream, with a device destination
  // location and a host memory source, with target size `size`.
  void (*memcpy_htod)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream,
                      SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_dst, const void* host_src,
                      uint64_t size, TF_Status* status);

  // Enqueues a memcpy operation onto stream, with a device destination
  // location and a device memory source, with target size `size`.
  void (*memcpy_dtod)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream,
                      SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_dst,
                      const SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_src, uint64_t size,
                      TF_Status* status);

  // Blocks the caller while a data segment of the given size is
  // copied from the device source to the host destination.
  void (*sync_memcpy_dtoh)(const SP_Device* device, void* host_dst,
                           const SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_src, uint64_t size,
                           TF_Status* status);

  // Blocks the caller while a data segment of the given size is
  // copied from the host source to the device destination.
  void (*sync_memcpy_htod)(const SP_Device* device,
                           SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_dst,
                           const void* host_src, uint64_t size,
                           TF_Status* status);

  // Blocks the caller while a data segment of the given size is copied from the
  // device source to the device destination.
  void (*sync_memcpy_dtod)(const SP_Device* device,
                           SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_dst,
                           const SP_DeviceMemoryBase* device_src, uint64_t size,
                           TF_Status* status);

  // Causes the host code to synchronously wait for the event to complete.
  void (*block_host_for_event)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Event event,
                               TF_Status* status);

  // [Optional]
  // Causes the host code to synchronously wait for operations entrained onto
  // stream to complete. Effectively a join on the asynchronous device
  // operations enqueued on the stream before this program point.
  // If not set, then corresponding functionality will be implemented
  // by registering an event on the `stream` and waiting for it using
  // `block_host_for_event`.
  void (*block_host_until_done)(const SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream,
                                TF_Status* status);

  // Synchronizes all activity occurring in the StreamExecutor's context (most
  // likely a whole device).
  void (*synchronize_all_activity)(const SP_Device* device, TF_Status* status);

  // Enqueues on a stream a user-specified function to be run on the host.
  // `callback_arg` must be passed as the first argument to `callback_fn`.
  TF_Bool (*host_callback)(SP_Device* device, SP_Stream stream,
                           SE_StatusCallbackFn callback_fn, void* callback_arg);
} SP_StreamExecutor;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_StreamExecutor, host_callback)

typedef struct SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use

  SP_StreamExecutor* stream_executor;  // output, to be filled by plugin
} SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams, stream_executor)

typedef struct SP_Allocator {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // free-form field set by plugin.

  // Whether this platform supports unified memory.
  // Unified memory is a single memory address space accessible from any device.
  TF_Bool supports_unified_memory;
} SP_Allocator;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_Allocator, supports_unified_memory)

typedef struct SP_AllocatorFns {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use.

  // Synchronously allocates `size` bytes on the underlying platform and returns
  // `SP_DeviceMemoryBase` representing that allocation. In the case of failure,
  // nullptr is returned.
  // `memory_space` is reserved for a potential future usage and should be set
  // to 0.
  void (*allocate)(const SP_Device* device, const SP_Allocator* allocator,
                   uint64_t size, int64_t memory_space,
                   SP_DeviceMemoryBase* mem);

  // Deallocate the device memory previously allocated via this interface.
  // Deallocation of a nullptr-representative value is permitted.
  void (*deallocate)(const SP_Device* device, const SP_Allocator* allocator,
                     SP_DeviceMemoryBase* memory);

  // Allocates a region of host memory and registers it with the platform API.
  // Memory allocated in this manner is required for use in asynchronous memcpy
  // operations, such as `memcpy_dtoh`.
  void* (*host_memory_allocate)(const SP_Device* device,
                                const SP_Allocator* allocator, uint64_t size);

  // Deallocates a region of host memory allocated by `host_memory_allocate`.
  void (*host_memory_deallocate)(const SP_Device* device,
                                 const SP_Allocator* allocator, void* mem);

  // Allocates unified memory space of the given size, if supported. Unified

  // memory support should be added by setting `supports_unified_memory` field
  // in `SP_Platform`.
  void* (*unified_memory_allocate)(const SP_Device* device,
                                   const SP_Allocator* allocator,
                                   uint64_t bytes);

  // Deallocates unified memory space previously allocated with
  // `unified_memory_allocate`. Unified
  // memory support should be added by setting `supports_unified_memory` field
  // in `SP_Platform`.
  void (*unified_memory_deallocate)(const SP_Device* device,
                                    const SP_Allocator* allocator,
                                    void* location);

  // Fills SP_AllocatorStats with allocator statistics, if it is available.
  // If it is not available, return false.
  TF_Bool (*get_allocator_stats)(const SP_Device* device,
                                 const SP_Allocator* allocator,
                                 SP_AllocatorStats* stats);

  // Fills the underlying device memory usage information, if it is
  // available. If it is not available (false is returned), free/total need not
  // be initialized.
  TF_Bool (*device_memory_usage)(const SP_Device* device,
                                 const SP_Allocator* allocator, int64_t* free,
                                 int64_t* total);
} SP_AllocatorFns;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_AllocatorFns, device_memory_usage)

typedef struct SP_CustomAllocator {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // free-form data set by plugin
} SP_CustomAllocator;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_CustomAllocator, ext)

typedef struct SP_CustomAllocatorFns {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use

  // Synchronously allocates `size` bytes on the underlying platform and returns
  // a pointer to that allocation. In the case of failure,
  // nullptr is returned.
  void* (*allocate_raw)(const SP_Device* device,
                        const SP_CustomAllocator* allocator, size_t size,
                        size_t alignment);

  // Deallocate the device memory previously allocated via `allocate_raw`.
  // Deallocation of a nullptr-representative value is permitted.
  void (*deallocate_raw)(const SP_Device* device,
                         const SP_CustomAllocator* allocator, void* ptr);

  // Allocates a region of host memory.
  void* (*host_allocate_raw)(const SP_Device* device,
                             const SP_CustomAllocator* allocator,
                             uint64_t size);

  // Deallocates a region of host memory allocated by `host_allocate_raw`.
  void (*host_deallocate_raw)(const SP_Device* device,
                              const SP_CustomAllocator* allocator, void* mem);

  // Fills SP_AllocatorStats with allocator statistics, if it is available.
  // If it is not available, return false.
  TF_Bool (*get_allocator_stats)(const SP_Device* device,
                                 const SP_CustomAllocator* allocator,
                                 SP_AllocatorStats* stats);

  // Fills the underlying device memory usage information, if it is
  // available. If it is not available (false is returned), free/total need not
  // be initialized.
  TF_Bool (*device_memory_usage)(const SP_Device* device,
                                 const SP_CustomAllocator* allocator,
                                 int64_t* free, int64_t* total);
} SP_CustomAllocatorFns;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_CustomAllocatorFns, device_memory_usage)

typedef struct SE_CreateAllocatorParams {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use

  SP_Allocator* allocator;
  SP_AllocatorFns* allocator_fns;
} SE_CreateAllocatorParams;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SE_CreateAllocatorParams, allocator_fns)

typedef struct SE_CreateCustomAllocatorParams {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use

  SP_CustomAllocator* custom_allocator;
  SP_CustomAllocatorFns* custom_allocator_fns;
} SE_CreateCustomAllocatorParams;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SE_CreateCustomAllocatorParams, custom_allocator_fns)

typedef struct SP_Platform {
  size_t struct_size;

  void* ext;  // free-form data set by plugin

  // Platform name. Must be null-terminated.
  const char* name;

  // Device type name, for example GPU. Must be null-terminated.
  const char* type;

  // Number of visible devices.
  size_t visible_device_count;
} SP_Platform;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_Platform, visible_device_count)

typedef struct SP_PlatformFns {
  size_t struct_size;

  void* ext;  // reserved for future use

  // Callbacks for creating/destroying SP_Device.
  void (*create_device)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                        SE_CreateDeviceParams* params, TF_Status* status);

  // Clean up fields inside SP_Device that were allocated
  // by the plugin. `device` itself should not be deleted here.
  void (*destroy_device)(const SP_Platform* platform, SP_Device* device);

  // Callbacks for creating/destroying SP_StreamExecutor.
  void (*create_stream_executor)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                                 SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams* params,
                                 TF_Status* status);
  // Clean up fields inside SP_StreamExecutor that were allocated
  // by the plugin. `stream_executor` itself should not be deleted here.
  void (*destroy_stream_executor)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                                  SP_StreamExecutor* stream_executor);

  // Callbacks for creating/destroying SP_TimerFns.
  void (*create_timer_fns)(const SP_Platform* platform, SP_TimerFns* timer,
                           TF_Status* status);

  void (*destroy_timer_fns)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                            SP_TimerFns* timer_fns);
  // Set only one of `create_allocator` or `create_custom_allocator` functions
  // below.

  // Callback for creating an allocator that uses default TensorFlow allocation
  // strategy (BFC: best-fit with coalescing). For more details, see
  // If `create_allocator` is set, then `create_custom_allocator` should *not*
  // be set.
  void (*create_allocator)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                           SE_CreateAllocatorParams* params, TF_Status* status);
  void (*destroy_allocator)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                            SP_Allocator* allocator,
                            SP_AllocatorFns* allocator_fns);

  // Callback for creating a custom allocator. Allows using a custom allocation
  // strategy.
  // If `create_custom_allocator` is set, then `create_allocator` should *not*
  // be set.
  // Note: deallocator functions must be set in params.
  void (*create_custom_allocator)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                                  SE_CreateCustomAllocatorParams* params,
                                  TF_Status* status);
  void (*destroy_custom_allocator)(const SP_Platform* platform,
                                   SP_CustomAllocator* allocator,
                                   SP_CustomAllocatorFns* allocator_fns);
} SP_PlatformFns;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SP_PlatformFns, destroy_timer_fns)

typedef struct SE_PlatformRegistrationParams {
  size_t struct_size;
  void* ext;  // reserved for future use

  // StreamExecutor C API version.
  int32_t major_version;
  int32_t minor_version;
  int32_t patch_version;

  SP_Platform* platform;         // output, set by plugin
  SP_PlatformFns* platform_fns;  // output, set by plugin
  // Clean up fields inside SP_Platform that were allocated
  // by the plugin. `platform` itself should not be deleted here.
  void (*destroy_platform)(SP_Platform* platform);  // out, set by plugin
  void (*destroy_platform_fns)(
      SP_PlatformFns* platform_fns);  // out, set by plugin
} SE_PlatformRegistrationParams;

  TF_OFFSET_OF_END(SE_PlatformRegistrationParams, destroy_platform_fns)

void SE_InitPlugin(SE_PlatformRegistrationParams* params, TF_Status* status);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}  // extern "C"


StreamExecutor Platform has an id parameter. This parameter will be hidden from the C API and set internally by TensorFlow instead.

Usage Example

Code example for PluggableDevice registration outlined in the [Usage Overview](#Usage overview) section.

Core TensorFlow

typedef void (*SEInitPluginFn)(SE_PlatformRegistrationParams*, TF_Status*);

// On Windows, use `GetProcAddress` instead of `dlsym`.
void* initialize_sym = dlsym(plugin_dso_handle, "SE_InitPlugin");
if (!initialize_sym) {
  // Output error and skip this plug-in.
SEInitPluginFn initialize_fn = reinterpret_cast<SEInitPluginFn>(initialize_sym);

SE_PlatformRegistrationParams params;
TF_Status status;

initialize_fn(&params, &status);
// Register new platform
std::unique_ptr<stream_executor::internal::CPlatform> platform(
    new stream_executor::internal::CPlatform(params));
// Register PluggableDevice
std::string platform_name_str(params.platform->name);
std::string type_str(params.platform->type);
DeviceFactory::Register(type_str, new PluggableDeviceFactory(platform_name_str),


Define functions that create and destroy SP_Device, SP_StreamExecutor, and SP_TimerFns:

void create_device(const SP_Platform* platform, SE_CreateDeviceParams* params,
                   TF_Status* status) {
  params->device->device_handle = get_my_device_handle();
void create_stream_executor(const SP_Platform* platform,
                            SE_CreateStreamExecutorParams* params,
                            TF_Status* status) {
  params->stream_executor->memcpy_htod = my_device_memcpy_from_host_function;
void create_timer_fns(const SP_Platform* platform, SP_TimerFns* timer_fns,
                      TF_Status* status) {
  timer_fns->nanoseconds = nanoseconds;
void create_allocator(const SP_Platform* platform, SP_CreateAllocatorParams* params,
                      TF_Status* status) {
void destroy_device(const SP_Platform* platform, SP_Device* device) {
  // Destroy device handle here.
void destroy_stream_executor(const SP_Platform* platform,
                             SP_StreamExecutor* se) {
  // Perform any clean up needed for stream executor.
void destroy_timer_fns(const SP_Platform* platform, SP_TimerFns* timer_fns) {
  // Destroy timer functions here.
void destroy_allocator(const SP_Platform* platform, SP_Allocator* allocator, SP_AllocatorFns* allocator_fns) {
  // Clean up allocator here.

Define SE_InitPlugin that TensorFlow will call when registering the device plug-in:

void SE_InitPlugin(SE_PlatformRegistrationParams* params, TF_Status* status) {
  int32_t visible_device_count = 2;
  std::string name = "MyDevice";
  std::string type = "GPU";

  // Sets struct_size to a valid value, and zero initializes other attributes.
  params->platform->name = name.c_str();
  params->platform->type = type.c_str();
  params->platform->visible_device_count = visible_device_count;
  params->platform_fns->create_device = create_device;
  params->platform_fns->destroy_device = destroy_device;
  params->platform_fns->create_stream_executor = create_stream_executor;
  params->platform_fns->destroy_stream_executor = destroy_stream_executor;
  params->platform_fns->create_timer_fns = create_timer_fns;
  params->platform_fns->destroy_timer_fns = destroy_timer_fns;
  params->platform_fns->create_allocator = create_allocator;
  params->platform_fns->destroy_allocator = destroy_allocator;

Stream / Timer / Event Representation

API extension would require defining SP_Stream_st, SP_Event_st, and SP_Timer_st structs. From the point of view of TensorFlow, we will treat their pointers as opaque.

Underneath, StreamExecutor will rely on customized implementations of StreamInterface, TimerInterface and EventInterface. For example, Stream customization might look as follows:

class CStream : public StreamInterface {
  explicit CStream(SP_Device* device,
                   SP_StreamExecutor* stream_executor) :
    device_(device), stream_executor_(stream_executor),
    stream_handle_(nullptr) {
  ~CStream() override {

  void Init() {
    stream_handle_ = stream_executor_->create_stream(device_);

  void Destroy() {
    if (stream_handle_ != nullptr) {
      stream_executor_->delete_stream(device_, stream_handle_);
      stream_handle_ = nullptr;

  SP_Stream Handle() {
    return stream_handle_;

  SP_Device* device_;  // not owned
  SP_StreamExecutor* stream_executor_;  // not owned
  SP_Stream stream_handle_;

Alternatives Considered

  • Forking: Contributors could always fork the TensorFlow repository, directly make changes there to add a device, and release custom TensorFlow packages. However, keeping forked copy in sync with the main repository can be challenging and tedious, especially if some breakages cannot be fixed and the code diverges.
  • Designing a new C API instead of StreamExecutor: We are transitioning to the new TensorFlow stack soon. Since the current stack’s code might not be compatible with the new stack, we decided to stick with the existing StreamExecutorInterface to minimize throw-away efforts.

Performance Implications

The C API should not affect TensorFlow’s performance. Using the C API to connect a device modularly would help save build time (compared to adding code directly to the repository.)


  • This proposal doesn’t add any new dependencies to TensorFlow.
  • This proposal doesn’t affect any projects dependent on TensorFlow.

Engineering Impact

  • The C API would increase the binary size and the build time, but not significantly so. We don’t expect it to affect startup time / test times.
  • The TensorFlow DevInfra team will maintain this code. StreamExecutor C API will be packaged along with other C APIs that TensorFlow currently has.

Platforms and Environments

  • Platforms: The C API should work on all platforms supported by TensorFlow, apart from embedded/mobile platforms. It does not impact automatic code generation or mobile stripping tooling. We don’t expect it to interact with transformation tools.
  • Execution environments: The C API should work on any standard execution environments.

Best Practices

  • Going forward, Modular TensorFlow will be the only way to integrate new third-party devices to the current TensorFlow stack.
  • For device integrations that can be done in 2021 or later, we strongly encourage waiting to integrate with the new TensorFlow stack instead.


How will this proposal interact with other parts of the TensorFlow Ecosystem?

  • TFLite: We don’t plan to make this work for TFLite.
  • Distribution strategies: The C API should not impede them.
  • tf.function: The C API would not interact with tf.function.
  • GPU/TPU: Certain GPUs and TPUs are already supported in TensorFlow and wouldn’t need this C API. Other GPU/devices can use this C API if the functionality coverage is sufficient for them.
  • SavedModel: The C API will not be serialized to a SavedModel.

Questions and Discussion Topics

  • Any comments on the API design? Any missing functionality?
  • Please let us know if you plan to use this C API for device integration.