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Swag clan is a modular discord bot written in discord.js. It has a lot of features, being fully integrated with lichess and using APIs for many services.



Download repository

If you have installed Git, you can enter git clone https://swagclan-bot/swagclan-v4-bot in your command prompt to download the repository locally to your computer.

If not, you can simply download the repository as an archive file from the code dropdown above.

Configure bot

Using a text editor, create a .credentials.js file with these contents:

export default {
    token: "",
    client_id: "",
    client_secret: "",
    ipinfo: "",
    lichess_id: "",
    lichess_secret: ""

and enter in your credentials for each API that you have access to. Commands that require APIs that you don't have access to will not work.


  • token is your discord bot user's access token.
  • client_id is the ID of your discord application.
  • client_secret is the secret of your discord application.
  • ipinfo is your API access token for (Used for IP Locate commad)
  • lichess_id is the ID of your lichess application created at (Used for lichess integration)
  • lichess_secret is the secret for your lichess application created at (Used for lichess integration)

Next, create a .env with the following template


You can modify these if you like. "ENVIRONMENT" takes either development or production.

Install packages

Enter the directory in your command prompt, by using cd swagclan-v4-bot.

Then run npm install to install all required packages for the bot, this shouldn't take too long.

You can then run npm start (or npm run debug to run the bot in debug mode) to log in to the bot account, and to begin listening for messages, this will also enable you to run commands through the bot in the interactive terminal. See below for a list of commands.


You can run git pull to update the bot to the latest version. If you have changed any part of the code yourself, there may be merge conflicts which you will have to sort out manually.

Terminal commands

  • admins - Get a list of all users and guilds with administrator privileges.
  • uadmin <userid> - Give a user administrator privileges. (Only works for cached users)
  • gadmin <guildid> - Give a guild administrator privileges for all commands ran inside it.
  • radmin <id> - Remove administrator privileges from a user or a guild.
  • blacklist - Get a list of all blacklisted users and guilds.
  • ublacklist <userid> - Blacklist a user from using the bot. (Only works for cached users)
  • gblacklist <guildid> - Blacklist a guild from using the bot.
  • rblacklist <id> - Remove a user or guild from the blacklist.
  • beta - Get a list of all users and guilds with beta privileges.
  • ubeta <userid> - Give a user beta privileges. (Only works for cached users)
  • gbeta <guildid> - Give a guild beta privileges for all commands ran inside it.
  • rbeta <id> - Remove beta privileges from a user or a guild.
  • modules - Get a list of all loaded and available modules.
  • load <module> - Load a module.
  • reload rules - Reload all custom command rules.
  • reload <module> - Reload a module.
  • unload <module> - Unload a module.
  • help - Display a help message.
  • exit - Exit the process.

Commandline arguments

You can apply some command-line arguments to change the behaviour of the bot.

  • --debug - Run the bot in debug mode, i.e. more messages to further diagnose problems and the health of the bot.
  • --lichessdev - Use a local development version of lichess. (You can run a local lichess server with this repository.)
  • --suppress <error> - Suppress error messages that contain this string, can be used multiple times to suppress different error messages. (Not recommended.)
  • --noupdate - Disable update-checking. (Not recommended.)
  • --disableoutput - Disable all console messages.
  • --disableterminal - Disable swagclan terminal interface.
  • --logfile <file> - The log file to output console messages to.
  • --oldapi - Use the old API structure. (Temporary, likely to go.)

If you are running with npm, i.e. npm start or npm run debug, you can pass arguments with a preceding --, e.g. npm start -- --lichessdev

If you are running with node, i.e. node bootstrap.js, you can pass arguments normally, e.g. node bootstrap.js --suppress UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning --old-api


Some emojis will be missing if you run this bot yourself, so you will have to set them up yourself. Upload all images in assets as emojis into a server (keep the names), and input the IDs of each of them into .config.js. You can get the ID by typing the emoji into a text channel but with a backslash before it, i.e \:lichess:, and post the message. This will replace the emoji with something like <:lichess:730936886557933650>. The number is the ID of the emoji.


While I try to use as many free and unlimited APIs as possible, some are just not possible and require some manual set-up to do.

See Credentials for more information. If you have any questions, you can contact me on discord at "weakeyes"#4248.


This repository is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, which means I am not responsible for anything you do with this bot.


If you come across any bugs, or want to request a feature, you can file an issue with GitHub issues.


If you need help setting up the bot or any specific issues that aren't bugs, you can contact me on discord at "weakeyes"#4248, or email me at


The bot uses the following services: