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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 13, 2023. It is now read-only.

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580 lines (405 loc) · 17.3 KB

File metadata and controls

580 lines (405 loc) · 17.3 KB


  • feat: make the headers property editable #185
    // Add custom headers using the `headers` setter
    supabase.headers = {'my-headers': 'my-value'};


  • feat: add async storage as parameter to support pkce flow #190
  • fix: use onAuthStateChangeSync to set auth headers #193


  • fix: race condition for passing auth headers for rest client #192


  • fix: copy headers value on from() call #189


  • fix: handle onAuthStateChange errors silently #187
  • fix: persist a single postgrest client #186


  • fix: update storage to v1.2.3
    • add setAuth() function
  • fix: keep one storage and functions instance to persist auth #182


  • feat: update gotrue to v1.5.1
    • add support for signInWithIdToken
  • feat: update functions_client to v1.1.0
    • add method parameter to invoke() to support all GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods


  • fix: reuse isolate for .rpc() call #177


  • feat: add realtimeClientOptions to SupabaseClient #173
  • fix: add missing options parameter to rpc #174
  • fix: update postgrest to v1.2.2
    • improve comment docs
    • deprecate returning parameter of .delete()
  • fix: update storage to v1.2.2
    • properly parse content type


  • feat: use single isolate for functions and postgrest and add isolate parameter to SupabaseClient #169
  • fix: update gotrue to v1.4.1
    • onAuthStateChanged now emits the latest AuthState
    • downgrade minimum collection version to support wider range of Flutter SDK versions
  • fix: update storage to v1.2.1
    • correct path parameter documentation


  • fix: handle update and delete on record that wasn't found properly using stream #167
  • feat: update gotrue to v1.4.0
    • add support for MFA
      // Start the enrollment process for a new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) factor
      final res = await client.mfa
        .enroll(issuer: 'MyFriend', friendlyName: 'MyFriendName');
      // Prepares a challenge used to verify that a user has access to a MFA factor.
      final res = await client.mfa.challenge(factorId: factorId1);
      // Verifies a code against a challenge.
      final res = await client.mfa
              .verify(factorId: factorId1, challengeId: challengeId, code: getTOTP());
      Read more about MFA with Supabase here
    • paginate admin.listUsers()
      auth.admin.listUsers(page: 2, perPage: 10);
  • feat: update postgrest to v1.2.1
  • fix: update realtime to v1.0.2
    • export realtime presence
  • feat: update storage to v1.2.0
    • add transform option to createSignedUrl(), getPublicUrl(), and .download() to transform images on the fly
      final signedUrl = await storage.from(newBucketName).createSignedUrl(uploadPath, 2000,
                  transform: TransformOptions(
                    width: 100,
                    height: 100,
      final publicUrl = storage.from(bucket).getPublicUrl(path,
              transform: TransformOptions(width: 200, height: 300));
      final file = await storage.from(newBucketName).download(uploadPath,
              transform: TransformOptions(
                width: 200,
                height: 200,


  • feat: add storage retry option to enable storage to auto retry failed upload attempts (#163)
    // The following will initialize a supabase client that will retry failed uploads up to 25 times,
    // which is about 10 minutes of retrying.
    final supabase = SupabaseClient('Supabase_URL', 'Anon_key', storageRetryAttempts: 25);
  • feat: update storage to v1.1.0
  • feat: update gotrue to v1.2.0
    • add createUser(), deleteUser(), and listUsers() to admin methods.


  • fix: enable listening to the same stream multiple times (#161)


  • fix: update postgrest to v1.1.1
  • fix: implement asyncMap and asyncExpand (#159)


  • fix: stream filter other than eq is not properly applied. (#156)
  • fix: update examples (#157)
  • feat: update gotrue to v1.1.1
    • fail to getSessionFromUrl throws error on onAuthStateChange
      supabase.onAuthStateChange.listen((data) {
        // handle auth state change here
      }, onError: (error) {
        // handle error here
  • feat: update postgrest to v1.1.0
    • feat: add generic types to .select()
      // data is `List<Map<String, dynamic>>`
      final data = await supabase.from<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>('users').select();
      // data is `Map<String, dynamic>`
      final data = await supabase.from<Map<String, dynamic>>('users').select().eq('id', myId).single();


  • fix: update sample code on


  • chore: v1.0.0 release 🚀
  • BREAKING: set minimum SDK of Dart at 2.15.0 (#150)
  • BREAKING: .stream() now takes a named parameter primaryKey instead of a positional argument.
    supabase.from('my_table').stream(primaryKey: ['id']);
  • feat: .stream() has 5 additional filters: neq, gt, gte, lt, lte (#148)
  • chore: update postgrest to v1.0.0
  • chore: update realtime to v1.0.0
  • chore: update storage to v1.0.0
  • chore: update functions to v1.0.0
  • BREAKING: update gotrue to v1.0.0
    • signUp() now uses named parameters
      // Before
      final res = await supabase.auth.signUp('', 'password');
      // After
      final res = await supabase.auth.signUp(email: '', password: 'password');
    • signIn() is split into different methods
      // Magic link signin
      // Before
      final res = await supabase.auth.signIn(email: '');
      // After
      final res = await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp(email: '');
      // Email and password signin
      // Before
      final res = await supabase.auth.signIn(email: '', password: 'password');
      // After
      final res = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword(email: '', password: 'password');
    • onAuthStateChange is now a stream
      // Before
      supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) {
        // ...
      // After
      final subscription = supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange().listen((data) {
        final AuthChangeEvent event = data.event;
        final Session? session = data.session;
      // Don't forget to cancel the subscription when you're done
    • update() is renamed to updateUser()
      // Before
      final res = await supabase.auth.update(
            email: '',
            data: {
              'username': 'new_username',
      // After
      final res = await supabase.auth.updateUser(
            email: '',
            data: {
              'username': 'new_username',


  • fix: update realtime to v1.0.0-dev.5
    • fix: sends null for access_token when not signed in (#53)


  • fix: recreate a PostgrestClient with proper auth headers when calling .rpc() (#143)
  • fix: allow custom headers to be set for SupabaseClient (#144)
  • fix: stream error will emit the entire exception and the stack trace (#145)
  • fix: update realtime to v1.0.0-dev.4
    • fix: bug where it throws exception when listening to postgres changes on old version of realtime server


  • BREAKING: update relatime to v1.0.0-dev.3
    • update payload shape on old version of realtime server to match the new version
  • fix: update gotrue to v1.0.0-dev.4
    • fix: encoding issue with some languages
  • fix: update postgrest to v1.0.0-dev.4
    • fix: update insert documentation to reflect new returning behavior


  • fix: .stream() method typing issue


  • BREAKING: update realtime to v1.0.0-dev.2
  • deprecated: .execute() and .stream() can be used without it
  • BREAKING: filters on .stream() no longer takes the realtime syntax. .eq() method should be used to apply eq filter on .stream().
// before
  .listen((payload) {
    // do something with payload here

// now
  .eq('title', 'Supabase')
  .listen((payload) {
    // do something with payload here


  • fix: update storage to v1.0.0-dev.3
  • fix: add web_socket_channel to dev dependencies since it is used in tests
  • fix: add basic postgrest test
  • BREAKING: update gotrue to v1.0.0-dev.3



  • feat: custom http client



  • fix: Calling postgrest endpoints within realtime callback throws exception
  • feat: update gotrue to v0.2.3


  • fix: update gotrue to v0.2.2+1
  • feat: update postgrest to v0.1.11
  • fix: flaky test on stream()


  • fix: export type, SupabaseRealtimePayload


  • fix: update gotrue to v0.2.2




  • feat: exporting classes of functions_client


  • feat: add functions support


  • BREAKING: update gotrue_client to v0.2.0


  • chore: update gotrue_client to v0.1.6


  • chore: update gotrue_client to v0.1.5
  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.9
  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.15
  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.6+2


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.14


  • fix: changedAccessToken never initialized error when changing account
  • fix: stream replaces the correct row


  • feat: listen for auth event and handle token changed
  • chore: update gotrue to v0.1.3
  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.13
  • fix: use PostgrestFilterBuilder type for rpc
  • docs: correct stream method documentation


  • fix: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'List' in type cast


  • feat: add user_token when creating realtime channel subscription
  • fix: typo on Realtime data as Stream on


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.1.2
  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.6
  • fix: cleanup imports in supabase_stream_builder to remove analysis error


  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.8


  • chore: add X-Client-Info header
  • chore: update gotrue to v0.1.1
  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.7
  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.11
  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.5


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.10


  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.6


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.9


  • fix: bug where stream() tries to emit data when StreamController is closed


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.8


  • feat: added stream() method to listen to realtime updates as stream


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.1.0
  • feat: add phone auth


  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.5
  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.4


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.7


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.6


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.5


  • chore: update realtime_client to v0.1.4


  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.3


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.7
  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.4
  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.2


  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.1
  • Initial Release


  • chore: update realtime to v0.1.3


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.6


  • chore: update realtime to v0.1.2


  • fix: export postgrest classes


  • chore: update realtime to v0.1.1


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.5


  • chore: update realtime to v0.1.0


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.4


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.3


  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.2
  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.3
  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.1-dev.3


  • chore: update realtime to v0.0.9
  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.2


  • chore: update storage_client to v0.0.1-dev.2
  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.1


  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.1
  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.1-dev.11


  • refactor: use storage_client package v0.0.1-dev.1


  • fix: package dependencies


  • feat: implement Storage API
  • chore: update postgrest to v0.1.0
  • chore: update gotrue to v0.0.1-dev.10


  • fix: aligned exports with supabase-js


  • chore: migrate to null-safety


  • fix: rpc to return PostgrestTransformBuilder
  • chore: update postgrest to v0.0.7
  • chore: expose gotrue User as AuthUser
  • chore: expose 'RealtimeSubscription'
  • chore: update lib description


  • fix: rpc method missing param name


  • chore: update postgrest ^0.0.6


  • chore: update gotrue v0.0.1-dev.7
  • chore: update realtime_client v0.0.7


  • refactor: SupabaseRealtimePayload variable names


  • fix: export SupabaseEventTypes
  • chore: include realtime supscription code in example


  • fix: SupabaseRealtimeClient client and payload parsing bug
  • update: realtime_client to v0.0.5


  • fix: builder method not injecting table in the url


  • Initial pre-release.