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Pmod TMP3

Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Brief information about Pmod TMP3
  3. Interface Description
  4. Tests
  5. Status Information
  6. Issues
  7. Licence


Simple interface for the Digilent Pmod TMP3 or any other module with TCN75A.

Brief information about Pmod TMP3

The Digilent Pmod TMP3 is a Temperature Sensor. It contains Microchip's TCN75A 2-Wire Serial Temperature Sensor. TCN75A digital temperature sensor converts temperatures between -40°C and +125°C to a digital word, with ±1°C (typical) accuracy. Module communicates with the host board via I²C protocol.

Interface Description

his interface can be used to gather data from Pmod TMP3 (or anything else that use TCN75A) easily.


Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
clkI2Cx2 I 1 I²C Clock source
SCL IO 1 I²C Clock Pin
SDA IO 1 I²C Data Pin
address_bits 3 1 Address pins of TCN75A
shutdown I 1 Shutdown module
resolution I 2 Measurement resolution
alert_polarity I 1 Alert polarity
fault_queue I 2 Fault queue configuration
interrupt_mode I 1 Enable alert interrupt mode
i2cBusy O 1 I²C in use by another master
busy O 1 Module in I²C in transmission
update I 1 Get temperature reading
write_temperature I 1 Write to temperature register
write_hyst_nLim I 1 Choose temperature register; 1: Hyst, 0: Limit
valid_o O 1 Value in temperature_o valid
temperature_o O 12 Temperature output
temperature_i O 9 Temperature input

I: Input O: Output

* contain pins _i, _o and _t

Note: Maximum frequency of clkI2Cx2 is 800 kHz, SCL will have half of this frequency.

(Synthesized) Utilization on Artix-7 XC7A35T-1CPG236C:

  • Slice LUTs: 61 (as Logic)
  • Slice Registers: 52 (as Flip Flop)


The TMP3 interface module tested with test module tester_tmp3.v and constrains Basys3.xdc.

Test module handles getting data and commands from board IO and controls interface module accordingly. A 800 kHz clock applied to clkI2Cx2. Leftmost switch is connected to shutdown, following switch to write_hyst_nLim. Next switch used to read temperature continuously. Remaining switches used to gather data. Upper button used to write to temperature registers, bottom button to update configurations and right to get a new reading. Read temperature measurements displayed on seven segment displays. I²C pins connected to upper JB header. I²C pins and alert pin are monitored via DDiscovery.

Reading measurements, shutdown mode, writing to temperature registers and all alert options are tested.

Status Information

Last test: 27 April 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.


  • Some glitches in SDA, only when SCL is low.
  • Some issues with on board pull-up resistors.
  • Continuous read from temperature register causes NACK after a few reads (~13). This doesn't brake the system.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal