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This page gives a high-level overview of the most important graphics systems of EveryRay. It is written in a style of frame analysis where an average frame of the engine is dissected from start to end into systems that are used for rendering the final image. This documentation does not require any advanced knowledge of graphics programming and attempts to cover complex systems in the simplest language possible (some sections might be re-worded or added with future updates).

Note: Making any engine is hard and making it close to the current AAA engines is even harder. EveryRay has been my multi-year hobby project outside a AAA job, which is why it is far (but not very far:) ) from what you normally see in a frame of modern engines/titles. The industry is always evolving, the implementations of systems are getting more complex and involved, and the optimizations are being performed just on a completely different level in comparison to hobby projects. But you have to start somewhere, right?! This page gives that starting point for those who are interested in AAA graphics and who want to learn how this particular engine attempts to render its frames in a "modern" way. Enjoy!


Passes (or their groups to be exact) in RenderDoc:

Frame - GPU culling

Our main goal is to render triangles that are formed from the vertices of ER_Meshes that are part of every ER_RenderingObject. Doing that can be a bottleneck which is why we want to minimize the amount of unnecessary drawcalls in the engine as early as possible. Normally, this is achieved by culling various data in the engine both on CPU and on GPU. Culling is a big topic which is still not ideal in EveryRay, however, some significant time has been invested into it.

Firstly, all ER_RenderingObjects are CPU-culled against the camera view: everything outside the view frustum is ignored for the next passes. This works well for singular objects and simple scenes and can even work for instanced objects to some extent: traversing through all instances on CPU, culling (even with multi-threading) and then updating the instanced buffers on GPU with a readback to CPU can get really expensive for big number of instances. And if you add different LODs/meshes/objects, this gets even slower.

What we can do instead and what EveryRay does is processing such objects indirectly on GPU without any CPU overhead. For now, it only works for static objects (so for dynamic prefer the method above) which have huge amount of instances (its not worth doing that for low count). In modern APIs it is possible to prepare instanced data on GPU (in other words, cull the instances in a compute shader) and then pass that info to the rendering passes with indirect draw commands of your API without any readbacks. Although its not yet implemented in EveryRay, but if your API supports indirect multi-draw command, you can even draw multiple different objects in one call!

An example of indirect draw call for one of the meshes:

In EveryRay ER_GPUCuller is responsible for the process mentioned above: the system simply runs a GPU compute pass (IndirectCulling.hlsl) for every object where it frustum-culls its instances, prepares their LODs and writes everything in one GPU buffer for future processing in the frame. This already makes the workflow more efficient and modern for some scenarios than simple old-school CPU frustum culling.

Potentially, ER_GPUCuller can be extended for dealing with other data, such as foliage, lights per screen tile, voxels, etc. You can also be creative and combine the GPU culling passes asynchronously with rendering passes (such as shadows), re-use the results of a previous frame and do many other things which will be described here once implemented.

Note: Although at this point we have only prepared the objects that are visible on screen, their triangles can be not fully visible (i.e. some might be outside the view or be overlapped by the triangles in front). This can also lead to significant wasted performance and, although geometry has never been a bottleneck in EveryRay so far, I still consider implementing a HiZ culling as an update to the system in the future.

Frame - GBuffer

Since EveryRay can use deferred rendering (see "Direct Lighting"), we might need a set of GBuffers. ER_Gbuffer class finds all objects in the scene which have ER_GBufferMaterial assigned and renders them in several textures (Gbuffer.hlsl):

  • Albedo
  • Normals
  • Extra target #1 (roughness, metalness, height, etc.)
  • Extra target #2 ("RenderingObjectFlags" bitmasks)

Note: So far I have not optimized any of the targets above for bandwidth. In theory, it is trivial to pack our data smarter (i.e. not waste unnecessary bits, reduce precision, pack normals into 2 instead of 3 channels, etc.) and perhaps those optimizations will come one day. A separate depth-prepass option is also considered for the future updates.

picture picture picture

Frame - Shadows

Shadows rendering was one of the first systems implemented in EveryRay which is why it has been carrying some legacy code and is far from perfect (I have refactored parts of it though).

In abstract, similarly to ER_GBuffer, shadows are being handled in ER_ShadowMapper which finds objects with ER_ShadowMaterial and renders those into several depth targets, aka "shadow maps" (ShadpowMap.hlsl).

One of the cascades:

For direct light source a classic cascaded shadow mapping approach is used with NUM_SHADOW_CASCADES (by default equal to 3). For other sources there is nothing implemented yet, however, there is plenty of room for ideas: atlas-based approaches, dual-paraboloid mapping, static shadow mapping, etc.

ER_ShadowMapper already provides some useful advancements: 2 ways of calculating projected matrix (bounding sphere or volume), texel-size increment updates (for fixing jittering), LOD-skipping, graphics quality presets (more in "Extra - Graphics config") etc.

Frame - Illumination

Illumination is a complex subject that requires a certain level of creativity and compromise in real-time graphics. This section focuses on how we currently shade our pixels in EveryRay.

To start with, let's divide our illumination into two big parts: direct and indirect. On a high level, ER_Illumination aims to take care of both with the help of some additional systems described below.

Illumination - Direct Lighting

If we look at direct lighting, there are a few key points to talk about.

Firstly, the engine uses both deferred (DeferredLighting.hlsl) and forward (ForwardLighting.hlsl) rendering paths which mostly share the same code from Lighting.hlsli. Deferred rendering is done first and is used by default if the object has ER_GBufferMaterial assigned to it. Forward rendering is done after deferred and is used if ER_RenderingObject has one of the standard materials assigned to it or has a set use_forward_shading flag in the scene file. Let's briefly talk about materials in the engine.

Illumination - Direct Lighting - Materials

We can specify materials in a scene file for every ER_RenderingObject in the following way:

"new_materials" : 
		"name" : "ShadowMapMaterial"
		"name" : "GBufferMaterial"
		"name" : "RenderToLightProbeMaterial"
		"name" : "VoxelizationMaterial"
		"name" : "FresnelOutlineMaterial"

Each of the materials has its class and is derived from ER_Material. In EveryRay there are standard materials and a few non-standard materials, such as ER_ShadowMapMaterial or ER_GBufferMaterial. By non-standard we mean materials that are processed in their bigger systems, such as ER_ShadowMapper or ER_GBuffer respectively. In other cases, materials are called standard and do not need any processing outside their classes. Usually, standard materials serve an artistic purpose, are rendered on top of each other (in the order they were assigned in the scene file), and are used for special features, such as fur, snow, effects, transparency and everything that requires special shading models and shaders.

Note: The material system heavily relies on the C++ side of things which is not ideal and can be improved in the future. For example, it would be nice to make it more generic and artist-friendly by using scripting or JSON when declaring materials instead of creating separate .cpp/h files.

Illumination - Direct Lighting - Shading

Our default shading model is physically based (Cook-Torrance, GGX, Schlick from "Real Shading in Unreal Engine 4" by B. Karis) and is coded in the aforementioned Lighting.hlsli file. In general, if you want to modify something lighting-specific, it will be applied to both forward and deferred rendering paths. However, there are some edge cases, such as parallax occlusion mapping ("Practical Parallax Occlusion Mapping For Highly Detailed Surface Rendering" by N. Tatarchuk) with soft self-shadowing which is for now only possible in forward.

The contributions from directional (ER_DirectionalLight) and non-directional light sources (ER_PointLight) are included in the total lighting, however, no optimizations have been made yet for the non-directional shading. It is a big topic but worth investigating once we want to support hundreds and thousands of light sources in a frame (tiled deferred and forward+ techniques can be implemented to remedy that).

Direct-only result: picture

Finally, if we look at indirect lighting (in order to complete our global illumination of the scene), we should first divide it into 2 parts: static and dynamic.

Illumination - Static Indirect Lighting

Static indirect lighting uses ER_LightProbes (for diffuse and specular) that capture radiance in defined points in space and are managed inside ER_LightProbeManager. There are some interesting details to mention that are specific to EveryRay:

  1. Every scene can have local light probes assigned either in a uniform 3D grid or 2D-scattered on top of the terrain's surface (if it exists in the scene). A user must specify the bounds (light_probes_volume_bounds_min, light_probes_volume_bounds_max) and can specify a few other extra parameters, such as distances between probes of each type, etc.
  2. If the scene has no probes assigned, a set of 2 global probes (diffuse and specular) is always generated for the level and is used as a fallback for static lighting. Usually, it makes sense to include big objects (such as terrain, buildings, etc.) that contribute to the radiance in the global probes, which is possible to do with use_in_global_lightprobe_rendering field in the scene's file.
  3. Probes (both local and global) are generated in the first frame if the user does not have probe data on disk in the root of the scene (/diffuse_probes/ and /specular_probes/). Any object with ER_LightProbeMaterial assigned will be rendered to local probes (in forward-style) both in diffuse (rendered to low-res cubemap, convoluted and encoded with spherical harmonics and stored as text data) and in specular (stored as 128x128 mipped cubemap .dds textures). Each file contains a probe's position in its name which makes it easier to debug and replace if needed: if you delete the file, it will be regenerated upon the next launch of the scene.
  4. Lighting.hlsi also deals with retrieving data from the probes and applying it to the shading of the current pixel during DeferredLighting.hlsl or ForwardLighting.hlsl. For diffuse probes, we send a set of GPU buffers for probes sperical harmonics coefficients, positions and cells with probe indices (in the case of a 3D grid, a cell is 8 probes with each probe covering the space of a vertex in a uniform 3D volume). Then, during shading, a world-space position that we want to shade finds an appropriate cell with a fast uniform grid approach and finally interpolates the radiance data from the neighbouring probes (in the case of a 3D grid, trilinearly). For specular probes, we send a similar set of GPU buffers, but instead of interpolating, we just find the closest probe to our world position. If we have a lot of specular probes in the scene, it gets expensive to carry all of them in GPU memory, which is why we only keep several ones that are next to the camera and constantly unload/cull the ones that are far from the camera's current position (in the future it might be worth changing specular probes loading to bindless resources in order to mitigate hardware limits).
  5. The probe system does not support re-loading and updates during the frame, however, it might be extended for such purposes and modern ray-tracing pipelines.

Probes debug: picture

Direct + static indirect result: picture

Illumination - Dynamic Indirect Lighting

Dynamic indirect lighting uses Voxel Cone Tracing technique as a foundation ("Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing" by C. Crassin et al). Any ER_RenderingObject which has ER_VoxelizationMaterial is going to get voxelized (vertex-geometry-pixel shader pipeline), written to a volume and later cone traced in VoxelConeTracingMain.hlsl. I have written high-level optimizations for the system and added volume cascades around the main camera's position in order to support bigger scenes.

The technique itself is heavy on VRAM and bandwidth and might be improved further by encoding voxel data in octrees instead of 3D textures. In addition, you want to voxelize very low-poly versions of the objects which is why voxelization of the lowest LODs might be a good optimization as well. Last but not least, you can even do GPU culling of voxels that are inside of the volume instead of fully voxelizing the meshes.

All in all, although the technique is not perfect, it produces very convincing results for diffuse indirect illumination (not so much for specular due to blockiness) in a few milliseconds. In the future, I consider moving to hardware accelerated ray tracing pipeline for higher-end GPUs but I will try to keep the support of the existing systems as long as possible.

Voxelization debug:

Dynamic indirect-only result:

Total lighting (direct + indirect static + indirect dynamic): picture

Frame - Terrain

EveryRay supports tiled terrain rendering with 4-channel splat mapping and a GPU tessellation shader pipeline. ER_Terrain is a system of EveryRay which handles everything for terrain: data loading, rendering, culling, CPU-collision, objects' placement, etc. Some of those functionalities are explained below.

Terrain - Data

If you want to have terrain in the scene, you should first create a /terrain/ folder inside your scene folder in content/ and place various textures that you have generated externally (i.e. in "World Machine" or any other terrain-generation tool). Normally, you want a set of height and splat maps (named as terrainSplat_xi_yj and terrainHeight_xi_yj.png, where i, j, are the tile indices) together with splat textures that will be loaded on GPU for the displacement of vertices and shading (you can also load and store raw data on CPU, i.e. from .r16 files). Lastly, you must configure the terrain in the scene file like this:

"terrain_non_tessellated_height_scale" : 200.0,
"terrain_num_tiles" : 16,
"terrain_tessellated_height_scale" : 328.0,
"terrain_texture_splat_layer0" : "",
"terrain_texture_splat_layer1" : "",
"terrain_texture_splat_layer2" : "",
"terrain_texture_splat_layer3" : "",
"terrain_tile_resolution" : 512,
"terrain_tile_scale" : 2.0

Terrain - Rendering

Once the data from above is loaded via ER_Terrain::LoadTerrainData(), the rendering can begin. The engine supports both deferred and forward rendering of the terrain with deferred being the default way. In addition, the terrain can be rendered into shadow maps and light probes which will happen in one shader - Terrain.hlsl. It executes a vertex - hull - domain - pixel shader pipeline per visible tile and pass with dynamic tessellation based on the distance from the camera's position. Additionally, it is possible to generate normals from the height map inside that shader (in theory, we can also approximate ambient occlusion).

Wireframe: picture

Terrain tiles: picture

Terrain - Objects placement

It is possible to place an arbitrary array of positions (i.e. from ER_RenderingObjects, ER_LightProbes or ER_Foliage) on the terrain by doing a point/height/splat collision in a GPU compute-shader (PlaceObjectsOnTerrain.hlsl) and reading back the new positions on the CPU (done in ER_Terrain::PlaceOnTerrain()). It is way faster than doing that on the CPU and you can process thousands of objects that way in one go. You can do it both in run time in the editor via ImGui and, if you have specified on-terrain placement in the scene file, it can be done in the first frame of the engine during level load/reload.

For example, for ER_RenderingObjects the scene file can contain the following fields:

"terrain_placement" : true,
"terrain_procedural_instance_count" : 3000,
"terrain_procedural_instance_scale_max" : 0.60000000000000009,
"terrain_procedural_instance_scale_min" : 0.40000000000000002,
"terrain_procedural_instance_yaw_max" : 180.0,
"terrain_procedural_instance_yaw_min" : -180.0,
"terrain_procedural_zone_center_pos" : 
"terrain_procedural_zone_radius" : 1300,
"terrain_splat_channel" : 4,

As you have noticed, it's also possible to do a simple procedural (random) placement of instances in a specified zone with a defined set of parameters (scale and rotations bounds, elevation from terrain, etc.).

Frame - Foliage

EveryRay renders foliage patches using billboard quad geometry which has been a common method for many years, however, the engine has some extensions that are worth explaining here. Before we go into them, you can study ER_FoliageManager which is a class that handles everything foliage-related.

Foliage - Data

In principle, EveryRay processes collections of so-called foliage zones - 2D volumes of foliage, each with a set of defined properties from the scene file (i.e. size, patches count, textures, type, etc.):

"foliage_zones" : 
		"average_scale" : 3.5,
		"distribution_radius" : 1300.0,
		"patch_count" : 300,
		"placed_on_terrain" : true,
		"placed_splat_channel" : 0,
		"position" : 
		"texture_path" : "content\\textures\\foliage\\grass_flower_type1_pink.png",
		"type" : 3
		"average_scale" : 2.0,
		"distribution_radius" : 600.0,
		"patch_count" : 50000,
		"placed_on_terrain" : true,
		"placed_splat_channel" : 0,
		"position" : 
		"texture_path" : "content\\textures\\foliage\\grass_type6.png",
		"type" : 2

By type we mean how billboard geometry is formed based on the pre-existing setups (in theory, it is possible to easily extend the system and add your custom types):

enum FoliageBillboardType
	SINGLE = 0,

Foliage - Rendering

After being loaded, the foliage zones are culled on the CPU, the patches in the zone are also CPU-culled based on the distance from the camera (not yet on the GPU) and then are sent to the GPU for rendering: Foliage.hlsl contains everything needed. The shader supports vertex displacement affected by ER_Wind system, voxelization for GI (if needed), and uses a simplified deferred shading model (foliage patches are not rendered into shadows yet, but the global shadow maps are sampled from and being contributed to the foliage shading).

Last but not least, it is also possible to place a foliage zone on the terrain and scatter its contents (patches) on it. That is similar to the process which is described in the section "Frame - Terrain".

Without foliage: picture

With foliage: picture

Frame - Volumetric Fog

Volumetric fog is based on the technique from "Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Road to next-gen graphics" publication by B. Wronski, which makes this section rather short without any details about how the technique works.

In EveryRay ER_VolumetricFog is the system that manages the effect and it is attachable to any scene. Most importantly, EveryRay uses compute shaders for injection (with previous frame reprojection) and accumulation passes (VolumetricFogMain.hlsl) and a pixel shader for the composite pass (VolumetricFogComposite.hlsl). The volume resolution is scalable and based on the selected graphics preset (refer to "Extra - Graphics config" section of the documentation).

Note: In the future, support for non-directional light sources can be added to the system and indirect dispatch functionality coupled with GPU culling can be used to achieve better performance in the injection pass.


Frame - Volumetric Clouds

Volumetric clouds are a simplification of the technique from "The Real-time Volumetric Cloudscapes of Horizon: Zero Dawn" publication by A. Schneider, which makes this section rather short without any details about how the technique works.

In EveryRay ER_VolumetricClouds is the system that manages the effect and it is attachable to any scene. Most importantly, EveryRay uses compute shaders for the ray marching (VolumetricCloudsCS.hlsl) and pixel passes for composite (VolumetricCloudsComposite.hlsl) and blur (VolumetricCloudsBlur.hlsl). The output resolution, which we upsample and blur to the target resolution with UpsampleBlur.hlsl compute shader, is scalable and based on the selected graphics preset (refer to "Extra - Graphics config" section of the documentation). The system is also affected by ER_Wind system of the engine.


Frame - Post Effects

EveryRay implements a simple version of a post-processing stack (ER_PostProcessingStack) with a few useful effects layered on top of each other. There will be no in-depth explanation of those effects given here except for some minor comments. In the end, an overview of post effects volumes of EveryRay is presented.

Before: picture

After: picture

Post Effects - Linear Fog

LinearFog.hlsl: A simple linear distance fog based on the depth from the depth buffer.

Post Effects - Screen Space Subsurface Scattering

SSS.hlsl: An implementation of with horizontal and vertical blurring. At least one ER_RenderingObject must have a set use_sss flag in a scene file, otherwise this pass is skipped.

Post Effects - Screen Space Reflections

SSR.hlsl: A simple/naive ray-marched version with no improvements so far...

Post Effects - Tonemapping

Tonemap.hlsl: A simple Reinhard-based tonemapper.

Post Effects - Color grading

ColorGrading.hlsl: A LUT-based color grading pass (custom LUT can be added per volume/scene).

Post Effects - Vignette


Post Effects - Anti-aliasing

FXAA.hlsl: For now, the engine only uses a simple FXAA method; more techniques will be added in the future.

Post Effects - Volumes

EveryRay implements a concept of volumes - 3D volumes that are defined per scene and contain a unique set of properties of a post-effects stack that is applied immediately once the main camera hits the volume. For example, a volume can be defined like this:

"posteffects_volumes" : 
		"posteffects_colorgrading_enabled" : false,
		"posteffects_colorgrading_lut_name" : "content\\shaders\\LUT_1.png",
		"posteffects_linearfog_color" : 
		"posteffects_linearfog_density" : 2000,
		"posteffects_linearfog_enabled" : true,
		"posteffects_ssr_enabled" : false,
		"posteffects_sss_enabled" : false,
		"posteffects_tonemapping_enabled" : true,
		"posteffects_vignette_enabled" : false,
		"posteffects_vignette_radius" : 0.62,
		"posteffects_vignette_softness" : 0.67000000000000004,
		"volume_name" : "PP_1",
		"volume_transform" : 

A user can modify the volumes in runtime using gizmos and save the results to the scene file. It is also possible to define some global properties of effects that are applicable outside of volumes.

Note: In the future, there are plans to add a priority system for switching between volumes.

Extra - Graphics config

EveryRay supports different graphics options that the user can choose from. This allows the engine to run on different hardware with decent framerates. In general, it is always a good idea to keep the systems in the engine scalable and improve/reduce their quality based on some presets, similar to video games' PC settings.

EveryRay only has a basic set of presets ("Very Low", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Ultra high") that affect a limited number of systems in one or another way. Presets are located in graphics_config.json file (a user can add their own preset inside) and the default one is loaded upon the start of the engine when the graphics systems are being created.

	"preset_name" : "high",
	"resolution_width" : 1920,
	"resolution_height" : 1080,
	"texture_quality" : 2, // resolutions for ER_RenderingObject(s)
	"foliage_quality" : 3, // density/amount of patches
	"shadow_quality" : 2, // CSM resolution
	"aa_quality" : 1,
	"sss_quality" : 1,
	"gi_quality" : 2, // voxel cone tracing volumes resolutions
	"volumetric_fog_quality" : 2, // volume resolution
	"volumetric_clouds_quality" : 3 // output resolution

Note: As of v1.0, I have personally tested the engine on the "Very Low" preset which allowed the engine to run on one of my weakest test machines with GTX 850m (2GB), i5-4200m at 720p in ~30FPS.