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Developer process overview

Mitzi Morris edited this page May 25, 2020 · 13 revisions


The three main goals of the developer process are to support correctness, maintainability and ease of development. To support correctness, all code must be unit tested for its main and edge case behavior against its API-level documentation. To support maintainability, all code should be designed as simply and modularly as possible using idiomatic C++ style for understandability. To support ease of co-operative development, the develop branch of every repository should always be in a releasable state. To support both ease of development and maintainability, code should be written for future developers to read, with the aim of a future developer being able to easily figure out how to call a function and what its return value is.

Process Checklist

1. Create an issue on GitHub

Issues should be focused and have limited scope. Each issue should conceptually be one thing. It is common for a larger project to to be broken down into more than one issue or one issue. It is also common to have to start work on one issue and then generate multiple issues. Use your best judgement, but in most cases, smaller issues are better than bigger issues.

Did I mention we prefer more smaller issues than fewer large issues?

2. Create a branch for the issue

In your local clone / fork of the Stan repo, create a branch from develop. (Branching from develop is the right move most of the time, but there are occasions where you might want to use another branch as the base branch.) Replace the # below with the issue number from above.

  • If the issue is a bug, then name the branch: bugfix/issue-#-short-description.
  • If the issue is a feature, then name the branch: feature/issue-#-short-description.

This should look like:

> git checkout -b feature/issue-#-short-description

For more detailed information on our management of branches, see Developer Process.

3. Fix the issue

Fix the issue on the branch that was created. This branch will be used to create a pull request.

Please limit the fixes on the branch to the issue. If you find yourself fixing other things on the branch: stop, create a new issue, and follow the process to fix that separate issue. Multiple conceptual fixes together on one branch will slow down the time it takes for it to get into the code base and may not get in as-is.

If you're fixing a bug, first create a (unit) test that demonstrates the bug. This should fail on the branch without applying fix to code. Commit that test (git commit so it gets added to the history). Then fix the issue. The test failure should go away. This test is a necessary condition for getting the patch in.

If you're creating a new feature, then every new piece of code should be unit tested (with exceptions). Any sections that touch existing code should be tested. See the section on testing to get a feel for what we want tested.

Tip: The commit message for the final commit for the issue should have fixes #N where N is the issue number; that will make sure the issue is closed when the pull request is merged (you can also use closes or resolves in place of fixes).

4. Create a pull request

Before a pull request can make it into the Stan develop branch, it needs to be up to standards. Not all of these apply for every pull request, but for most, it does:

  1. Testing

    • New / changed code must be tested. There should be new tests.
    • All header tests must pass: > make test-headers (this ensures each file has enough includes)
    • All unit tests must pass: > src/test/unit
    • All integration tests must pass: > src/test/integration
    • We have some performance tests in src/test/performance. These need to compile, but they may not pass locally: there's some configuration dependent, fragile test in there now.
  2. Documentation

    • All new / changed code must be documented. There should be doxygen documentation for code. If this affects something in the manual, that should be changed appropriately.
    • > make doxygen must report 0 warnings / errors.
    • > make manual must compile the manual successfully.
  3. Code Quality

    • As much of the code should be written idiomatic to either C++ or math. This is subjective, but it's important to remember we're working as a team and the person that writes it may not be the person that needs to fix it later.
    • We use cpplint to check for consistent C++ style. We have relaxed some of the rules; the description of the rules can be found in Coding Style and Idioms
    • Run > make cpplint. Your branch should introduce 0 new cpplint errors. (We are currently at 69 as of 2.8.0 and are trying to get it to 0.)

Summary. In short, these things must pass in order for the pull request to go in. We would prefer if you checked before you submitted your pull request.

> make test-headers
> src/test/unit
> src/test/integration
> make doxygen
> make manual
> make cpplint

Once all of the prerequisites are taken care of, create a GitHub pull request. In most cases, the base branch with be develop. If it's a bugfix, the base branch might be the latest hotfix branch, but we haven't been using hotfix branches that often.

Create the pull request using the GitHub web interface. You will have to push your branch to origin (GitHub) first in order for the web interface to know about your branch. Fill out the Pull Request Template. Then hit submit.

Our continuous integration will then automatically run the tests and report back in the Conversation tab of the issue.

5. Code review of pull request

Before anyone reviews a pull request, it must pass the tests on the continuous integration machines. Note: the continuous integration tests sometimes fail due to configuration and is not a problem on the pull request. If you think this is the case, let someone know.

Someone on the Stan development team will look at the code for:

  • utility, or at least having the code do what you claim it does
  • tests. Making sure enough of the code is tested. Making sure code can be instantiated outside of running all of Stan. This also helps with design. If you can't verify that something does what you want it to do, something's not right.
  • idiomatic use of C++. Once again, this is subjective, but this should allow other people to help out with the code in the future.
  • documentation. Tests don't detect whether appropriate documentation was added. People can do that.

If the code doesn't pass tests, it probably won't get reviewed. If there's something tricky and you need help, the stan-dev mailing list is the right place to go. If you don't currently have permissions to post there, email asking for permissions on stan-dev.

6. Fix the branch, if required

That should be pretty straightforward.

7. Merge branch into development branch

Before merging, make sure:

  • tests pass
  • someone on the core team has reviewed the pull request thoroughly
  • someone on the core team has approved of the pull request

Detailed Git Process

1. Overview

The Stan developer process is based on the gitflow model described by Vincent Driessen in the blog post "A successful Git branching model." The rest of this document details the steps required from developers.

If you don't read anything else, please remember the following when working on features:

  • Never push directly into develop or master branches.

  • For working on new features, create a new issue, branch from develop into a branch called feature/issue-<number>-<some-descriptive-name>, and when the work is done (thoroughly tested and documented), create a pull request back into develop.

2. Branches

The gitflow process distinguishes between the permanent branches managed by the code administrators and the temporary branches where development is actually carried out.

2.1 Permanent Branches

Development branch: The develop branch is the current working branch for development integration. We require this branch to pass all unit tests (detailed below) so that all development branches may branch from it. To enforce the functional state of the development branch, all pushes to it will be mediated by pull request. Before a pull request is merged with the development branch, the unit tests, distribution tests and model tests must pass.

Master branch: The master branch is always at our most recent, production-ready release. Only production-ready releases should be pushed to this branch. Each point on this branch will be tagged with the most recent version number.

2.2 Non-Permanent Branches

Feature branches: All development work on new features that have not been released go in feature branches. Feature branches branch from develop and should be named feature/issue-<number>-desc. After development is complete on a feature, submit a pull request back to develop.

Bugfix branches: All development work to fix bugs should branch from the latest hotfix branch (see above) and should be named bugfix/issue-<number>-desc

Release branches: Work to complete a new release go in release branches. Release branches branch from develop and are named release/<some-release-number>. Once a release branch is complete, it will be merged into both master and develop.

3. Preventing Inadvertent Pushes

We are working on an honor system. The active developers with push permission on the Stan repository technically have the ability to push to the master and development branches, but are asked to take the following steps to prevent inadvertent pushes to the master and development branches.

First, install git version 1.8 or later.

Second, configure git's push and merge behavior to match the gitflow process requirements. To configure push and merge behavior just for Stan, change directories to stan and execute the following two commands.

> git config push.default simple
> git config merge.ff false

To make these configurations apply globally to all git projects, use:

> git config --global push.default simple
> git config --global merge.ff false

The simple push default implies that only the current branch is git pushed to the specified remote repository (typically origin), as opposed to the default behavior of git pushing all local branches to the specified remote repository.

The fast-forward merge configuration prevents fast-forward merges, which are inconsistent with the gitflow development model.

Third, download the git pre-push script to your local version of the stan repository, placing it in the file stan/.git/hooks/pre-push

Note that the file is named pre-push and must not have any extension and must be executable. For anything but Windows (or Windows through Cygwin), the file can be made executable with the command

> chmod +x stan/.git/hooks/pre-push 

On Windows without Cygwin, right click on the icon for the file and click on "Properties" or "Security and Sharing". You may need to login as administrator depending on where the pre-push script file is located. Then set the permissions to allow the user doing the work to read and execute.

The pre-push script will be run whenever you git push but before anything is actually pushed. This gives the script the opportunity to check whether the remote repository is the origin (i.e., the stan-dev/stan repository on GitHub) and whether the branch is among those that you should not push to (i.e., master and develop). You can still push to a feature branch on the origin or push anything to a remote repository that is not the origin.

4. How to Contribute with a Clone of the Repository

Using this method, we can share feature branches with ease for collaboration. It involves the following steps.

First, clone the GitHub stan-dev/stan repository.

> git clone
> cd stan

Second, create a branch on which to work. How this is done differs if you're developing a feature or a bug fix.

The typical naming of a branch will call out the issue number from the issue tracker and include a short description, for example, feature/issue-12-sd-vectorize for a new feature specified in issue 12 that's about vectorizing the standard deviation function (this one's hypothetical).

For a new feature, checkout develop and get up to date.

> git checkout develop
> git pull
> git checkout -b feature/foo
> git push -u origin feature/foo

For a bug fix, checkout the latest hotfix branch and get up to date; the first pull is there in case the hotfix version hasn't been pulled to the local Git.

> git pull
> git checkout hotfix/v2.0.2
> git pull
> git checkout -b bugfix/foo
> git push -u origin bugfix/foo

The last push command is to make the branch public; the -u option sets the upstream branch to the origin, so that git pull requests pull from the origin's version of the branch feature/foo.

This will be necessary in order to create a pull request to have the work merged back into the branch from which it was checked out. (The first such push may require verifying the github credentials.)

Third, code and document using the usual git commands. Collaboration is easy since all the developers have push access to the feature or hotfix branch you just created.

Fourth, when finished, create a pull request. A pull request indicates that the work is done and should be merged back to the appropriate branch. Instructions on pull requests are in the next section.

4.1 Contributing to another organization's forked branch

Suppose someone makes a pull request to stan-dev/stan from a fork of the stan repository in their own GitHub organization. If their organization is named theirorg, the fork will reside in theirorg/stan on a branch with a name like feature/foo. That branch name will be listed on he pull request as the source of the requested merge.

First, you need to clone their repository:

> git clone

Then checkout their branch:

> cd stan
> git checkout feature/foo

Now you can work on their branch. When you're ready to push your changes back to their branch, you can set up an alias theirstan the remote origin of the repository:

> git remote add theirstan

Then, all you need to do is push:

> git push theirstan feature/foo

Yes, the permissions will just automatically let you do that. [If that's not true if you don't have merge permissions on stan-dev, please include an updated process if you know what it is.]

5. Pull Requests

5.1 Preconditions for Pull Requests

New and Altered Code is Tested

All new and altered code should be tested.

For new code, the developer should provide at least one unit test instantiating the code in a test harness. The developer should probably do more testing, but we are concerned saving time in the future if a bug appears in the new code.

For existing code, the developer should provide at least one test showing how the code changes. If the change is a refactoring, the test showing that behavior doesn't change might already exist.

Final State Passes All Tests

When a pull request is made, it is expected that the current code allows for all top-level targets in the makefile will build without error. These targets include:

> make manual
> make doxygen
> make test-headers
> ./ src/test/unit
> ./ src/test/integration
> ./ src/test/prob

We don't always expect every developer to run all tests on their machine, but we do expect the developer to run a minimal number of tests before creating a pull request. If you've worked on src/stan/foo/bar.hpp, there should be a test in src/test/unit/foo/bar_test.cpp that passes. We also expect the developer to run make src/test/unit/foo prior to submitting. The script can be used to run the tests under src/test.

Passing all tests does not guarantee that the pull request will be accepted and merged. It will first go through code review and tested on the integration server.

Commit History is Clean

We strongly urge you to keep your commit history clean in the sense that each commit passes all tests. This is also on the honor system---we are not going to enforce this by testing each commit in a pull request.

If you prefer a personal workflow that involves committing changes that do not pass tests, it is possible to clean up your history. Git provides a number of tools for "rewriting history," as discussed in Chacon's book, Pro Git, in the chapter "Rewriting History." In particular, a process known as rebasing (followed by a fresh commit) allows you to compose a sequence of previous commits into a single commit that is visible from the outside.

Information to Include in Pull Request

Pull requests should all include answers to all of the following questions or indicate why they're not relevant:

  • Summary: What does this pull request do in general terms?

Example: Improve adaptation for NUTS.

  • Intended Effect: What is the expected effect of the pull request? Specifically, indicate how the behavior will be different than before the pull request.

Example: Adaptation is broken down from one window into three, one for step-size adjustment and basic convergence, one for covariance matrix esimtation, and a final step-size adjustment.

  • How to Verify: How can revieweres verify the request has the intended effect? This should include descriptions of any new tests that are added or old tests that are updated. It should also indicate how the code was tested.

Example: a new unit test was added for underlying behavior and two sample models which should converge now and didn't converge before.

  • Side Effects: Does the pull request contain any side effects? This should list non-obvious things that have changed in the request.

Example: fixed an existing bug in previous NUTS code that was needed for the new behavior; non-obvious things that had to change to accomodate the request)

  • Documentation: If the pull request is user facing, how is it documented? Are there examples of how to use the new behavior that users need to know about?

Example: added documentation for three new parameters in command, explained behavior in sampler description.

  • Reviewer Suggestions: Who should look at the pull request for code review? Barring a need for a specific reviewer, we'll try a round-robin assignment and attempt to balance the quantity of contributed code with the quantity of other code reviewed.

And finally, here's a complete example of a pull request that follows these guidelines.

5.2 Steps for Pull Requests

First, if the pull request is for a feature branch, update branch develop and merge it into the current branch. If the request is for a hotfix branch, no merge is necessary.

> git pull origin develop
> git merge --no-ff develop

Second, deal with any conflicts arising from the merge.

Third, make sure the unit tests pass. (You might want to skip the model tests and let those get handled by the integration server Jenkins after the pull request is made.)

Fourth, push the result of the merge so that the changes are available to GitHub.

> git push

Fifth, create the pull request through GitHub. This involves

  • opening and refreshing the page,

  • selecting the feature branch you are working on from the drop-down list, which can be found below the "Clone in ..." row,

  • clicking the "Pull Request" button that pops up underneath feature branch drop-down list,

  • filling in the form, and

  • pressing the "Send pull request" button.

Sixth, relax. At this point, you are waiting for

  • other developers to carry out an informal code review and

  • one of the administrators to kick off Stan's continuous integration server (Jenkins) to verify that all tests pass on Windows.

Warning:   The full model functional tests currently take around 10 hours.

5.3 Pull Requests that Pass Review

If the code passes code review and unit tests,

  • the pull request will be accepted,

  • the pulled code will be merged by one of the administrators into the correct location(s) as defined for the gitflow process above, and

  • the branch will be deleted.

5.4 Pull Requests that Don't Pass Review

If the code is not accepted by code review or it fails unit tests, you need to fix the issues (by yourself or by enlisting help). At this point, you want to first make sure your copy of the feature is up to date (one of the code reviewers may have contributed a patch):

> git checkout feature/foo
> git pull origin feature/foo

If you set upstream tracking, the above two steps can be simplified to

> git pull feature/foo

Fix whatever needs to be fixed. Others can help at this point because the branch can be pushed to through GitHub.

Pushing to the working branch will update the pull request with the message used for the commits.

At this point, you are back to waiting for another code review and round of integration tests.

How to Contribute with a Fork of the Repository

If you do not have push permission on stan-dev, then you have to fork the repository. If you have push permission on stan-dev, you should clone rather than fork.

If you want others to help you, you will need to give them permissions to push to your forked repository. Or make them send you pull requests.

First, fork the GitHub stan-dev/stan repository. Done through either the web or the GitHub application.

Add the stan-dev/stan repo as a remote (typically called upstream) to your own fork (more on syncing github forks with their upstream repos):

> git remote add upstream

After that, development follows the same process as for a clone of the repository until a pull request is needed. The differences are that on a fork for a feature, you need to

  • select the correct base repository, stan-dev/stan, and base branch, develop, and

  • select the correct head repository, personal-repo/stan, and head branch, feature/foo (where "foo" is replaced with the feature name).

In the unlikely case a hotfix branch is created from a fork, you need to

  • select the correct base repository, stan-dev/stan, and base branch, master, and

  • Select the correct head repository, personal-repo/stan, and head branch, hotfix/v3.2.2 (where the version is the appropriate increment).

After the pull request is submitted, the steps for a fork are the same as for a clone.

6. How to create a hotfix branch for the next release

This should be done immediately after we release and then all bug fixes should go into the hotfix branch. The develop branch is just for new features.

Suppose we have just released v2.0.1 so that v2.0.1 is the last tag on master. The next patch branch will be hotfix/v2.0.2

> git checkout master
> git pull
> git checkout -b hotfix/v2.0.2
> git push -u origin hotfix/v2.0.2