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130 lines (88 loc) · 4.31 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (88 loc) · 4.31 KB

Cane History

3.0.0 - 10 March 2016 (f602b9)

  • Compat: Rake 11 supported
  • Compat: Ruby 1.9 no longer supported.
  • Feature: Glob options now take arrays.

2.6.2 - 20 April 2014 (8f54b4)

  • Bugfix: Commented methods no longer trigger a documentation violation for empty modules.
  • Feature: Ruby 2.1 supported.

2.6.1 - 30 October 2013 (2ea008)

  • Feature: Don't require doc for one-line class w/out method.
  • Bugfix: JsonFormatter initializer needs to take an options hash.
  • Doc: Add license definition to gemspec.

2.6.0 - 7 June 2013 (616bb8a5)

  • Feature: classes with no methods do not require documentation.
  • Feature: modules with methods require documentation.
  • Feature: support all README extensions.
  • Feature: --color option.
  • Bugfix: fix false positive on class matching for doc check.
  • Bugfix: better handling of invalid strings.
  • Compat: fix Ruby 2.0 deprecations.

2.5.2 - 26 January 2013 (a0cf38ba)

  • Feature: support operators beside >= in threshold check.

2.5.1 - 26 January 2013 (93819f19)

  • Feature: documentation check supports .mdown and .rdoc extensions.
  • Feature: expanded threshold regex to support coverage/.last_run.json from SimpleCov.
  • Compat: Ruby 2.0 compatibility.

2.5.0 - 17 November 2012 (628cc1e9)

  • Feature: --doc-exclude option to exclude globs from documentation checks.
  • Feature: --style-exclude supports globbing.

2.4.0 - 21 October 2012 (46949e77)

  • Feature: Rake task can load configuration from a .cane file.
  • Feature: Coverage threshold can be specifed in a file.
  • Feature: Provide --all option for working with single files.
  • Bugfix: Allow README file to be lowercase.

2.3.0 - 16 September 2012 (229252ff)

  • Feature: --json option for machine-readable output.
  • Feature: absence of a README will cause a failure.
  • Bugfix: --no-style option actually works now.

2.2.3 - 3 September 2012 (e4fe90ee)

  • Bugfix: Allow multiple spaces before class name. (#34)
  • Bugfix: Remove wacky broken conditional in AbcCheck. (#33)
  • Doc: Better guidance on class level comments. (#35)

2.2.2 - 29 August 2012 (3a9be454)

  • Bugfix: Stricter magic comment regex to avoid false positives (#31)

2.2.1 - 26 August 2012 (b5e5a362)

  • Bugfix: parallel option can be set in rake tasks

2.2.0 - 26 August 2012 (f4198619)

  • Gracefully handle ambiguous options like -abc-max (#27)
  • Provide the --parallel option to use all processors. This will be faster on larger projects, but slower on smaller ones (#28)

2.1.0 - 26 August 2012 (2962d8fb)

  • Support for user-defined checks (#30)

2.0.0 - 19 August 2012 (35cae086)

  • ABC check labels MyClass = {} and correctly (#20)
  • Magic comments (# encoding: utf-8) are not recognized as appropriate class documentation (#21)
  • Invalid UTF-8 is handled correctly (#22)
  • Gracefully handle unknown options
  • ABC check output uses a standard format (Foo::Bar#method rather than Foo > Bar > method)
  • BREAKING Add --abc-exclude, --style-exclude CLI flags, remove YAML support
  • BREAKING-INTERNAL Use hashes rather than explicit violation classes
  • BREAKING-INTERNAL Remove translator class, pass CLI args direct to checks
  • INTERNAL Wiring in a new check only requires changing one file (#15)

This snippet will convert your YAML exclusions file to the new CLI syntax:

y = YAML.load('exclusions.yml'))
puts (
  y.fetch('abc',   []).map {|x| %|--abc-exclude "#{x}"| } +
  y.fetch('style', []).map {|x| %|--style-exclude "#{x}"| }

1.4.0 - 2 July 2012 (1afc999d)

  • Allow files and methods to be whitelisted (#16)
  • Show total number of violations in output (#14)

1.3.0 - 20 April 2012 (c166dfa0)

  • Remove dependency on tailor. Fewer styles checks are performed, but the three remaining are the only ones I've found useful.

1.2.0 - 31 March 2012 (adce51b9)

  • Gracefully handle files with invalid syntax (#1)
  • Included class methods in ABC check (#8)
  • Can disable style and doc checks from rake task (#9)

1.1.0 - 24 March 2012 (ba8a74fc)

  • app added to default globs
  • Added cane/rake_task
  • class << obj syntax ignore by documentation check
  • Line length checks no longer include trailing new lines
  • Add support for a .cane file for setting per-project default options.

1.0.0 - 14 January 2012 (4e400534)

  • Initial release.