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Releases: sqlpage/SQLPage


28 Jan 20:03
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SQLPage is a small web server that renders your SQL queries as beautiful interactive websites. This release has seen significant new features and fixes from new contributors, which is great and show the health of the project ! If you feel something is missing or isn't working quite right, all your contributions are always welcome.

On a side note, I gave a talk about SQLPage last December at

  1. New tracking component for beautiful and compact status reports: This feature adds a new way to display status reports, making them more visually appealing and concise.

    1. screenshot
  2. New divider component to add a horizontal line between other components: This simple yet useful addition allows for better separation of elements on your pages.

    1. image
  3. New breadcrumb component to display a breadcrumb navigation bar: This component helps users navigate through your website's hierarchical structure, providing a clear path back to the homepage.

    1. image
  4. Multi-column layouts with embed attribute in card component: This feature enables you to create more complex and dynamic layouts within cards.

    1. image
  5. Customizable y-axis step size in chart component with ystep attribute: This feature gives you more control over the chart's appearance, especially for situations with multiple series.

  6. Updated default graph colors for better distinction: This enhancement ensures clarity and easy identification of different data series.

  7. ID and class attributes for all components for easier styling and referencing: This improvement simplifies custom CSS customization and inter-page element linking.

  8. Implementation of uploaded_file_mime_type function: This function allows you to determine the MIME type of a uploaded file.

  9. Upgraded built-in SQLite database to version 3.45.0: This ensures compatibility with recent SQLite features and bug fixes. See sqlite release notes

  10. Unicode support for built-in SQLite database: This enables case-insensitive string comparisons and lower/upper case transformations.

  11. Improved card component with smaller margin below footer text: This fix ensures consistent and visually balanced card layouts.


10 Dec 13:57
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  • The previous version reduced log verbosity, but also removed the ability to see the HTTP requests in the logs.
    This is now fixed, and you can see the HTTP requests again. Logging is still less verbose than before, but you can enable debug logs by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable to debug, or to sqlpage=debug to only see SQLPage debug logs.
  • Better error message when failing to bind to a low port (<1024) on Linux. SQLPage now displays a message explaining how to allow SQLPage to bind to a low port.
  • When https_domain is set, but a port number different from 443 is set, SQLPage now starts both an HTTP and an HTTPS server.
  • Better error message when component order is invalid. SQLPage has "header" components, such as redirect and cookie, that must be executed before the rest of the page. SQLPage now displays a clear error message when you try to use them after other components.
  • Fix 404 error not displaying. 404 responses were missing a content-type header, which made them invisible in the browser.
  • Add an image_url row-level attribute to the datagrid component to display tiny avatar images in data grids.
  • change breakpoints in the hero component to make it more responsive on middle-sized screens such as tablets or small laptops. This avoids the hero image taking up the whole screen on these devices.
  • add an image_url row-level attribute to the list component to display small images in lists.
  • Fix bad contrast in links in custom page footers.
  • Add a new configuration option: environment. This allows you to set the environment in which SQLPage is running. It can be either development or production. In production mode, SQLPage will hide error messages and stack traces from the user, and will cache sql files in memory to avoid reloading them from disk when under heavy load.
  • Add support for selected in multi-select inputs in the form component. This allows you to pre-select some options in a multi-select input.
  • New function: sqlpage.protocol to get the protocol used to access the current page. This is useful to build links that point to your own site, and work both in http and https.
  • Add an example to the documentation showing how to create heatmaps with the chart component.
  • 18 new icons available:
  • New top-level attributes for the datagrid component: description, description_md , icon , image_url.


28 Nov 23:24
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22 Nov 19:48
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bugfix release

fixes a bug where setting a variable to a non-string value would always set it to null


19 Nov 20:36
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SQLPage is a small web server that renders your SQL queries as beautiful interactive websites. This release brings important fixes, improves database compatibility, and adds new features allowing you to build things that were not possible or very cumbersome before.

SQLPage 0.16.0

🌟 Invisible Magic in Forms

Ever wished your hidden inputs were truly hidden? Your wish is our command! In this release, we've added special handling for hidden inputs in forms. Now, they're like ninjas—completely invisible to end users. This opens up possibilities for creating multi-step forms, adding CSRF protection, and tackling other complex form challenges with ease.

select 'form' as component; -- the page containing this followup form can be the target of a first form
select 'hidden' as type, :previous_form_input as value

🎨 Fresh Icons Galore!

What's a release without some eye candy? Get ready to spice up your interfaces with 36 new icons! Check out the goodies in the latest icon releases:

v2.40.0 v2.41.0
image image

🚀 Temporary tables

In the past, when a SQLPage file was loaded, all its statements would be prepared eagerly. This meant that any attempt to reference a temporary table created earlier in the file from a later statement was met with confusion, because the CREATE TABLE statement had been prepared, but not yet executed. Like trying to reference a page number in a book that hasn't been written yet.

Now, with the introduction of lazy prepared statements, the SQLPage performance takes on a more dynamic choreography. Statements wait in the wings until their cue, preparing themselves just before their moment in the spotlight. If you have a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement followed by a SELECT from that same table, the SELECT is not seen by the database until after the CREATE has been executed.

Prepared statements are still cached, which means that after the initial load of the file, the SQL is not sent to the database again, and SQLPage just references the existing prepared statement.

-- Create a temporary VIP lounge
  SELECT * FROM users
  INNER JOIN sessions ON sessions.user_id =
  WHERE sessions.session_id = sqlpage.cookie('session_id');

-- Roll out the red carpet
SELECT 'card' as component,
  'Welcome, ' || username as title
FROM current_user;

🔄 No More 'NULL' strings

SET can now be used to set a variable to NULL.

This fixes an oversight in previous versions. As an example, previously, SET username = (select username from users where id = $id) would set username to the string 'null' if no user had the given id. Annoying 😬 . Now it properly sets it to a real NULL value.

-- Resetting to null
SET myvar = NULL;

-- Check if null and proud
SELECT 'card' as component;
SELECT $myvar IS NULL as title; -- True, not false!

🤝 MySQL and MariaDB get good conversation starters

You can create a script in sqlpage/on_connect.sql that will be executed each time SQLPage opens a new connection to your database. When using a MySQL database, you used to be able to write only a single statement in this file. Now you can put as many as you want.

🔄 PGBouncer compatibility

When using a connection pooler such as PGBouncer in front of your postgres database, you previously could see errors such as prepared statement 'sqlx_s_1' already exists.
We've now randomized PostgreSQL prepared statement names to dodge those pesky name collisions. It's like a game of musical chairs, but for SQL prepared statements.

It is still not recommended to use SQLPage with an external connection pooler (such as pgbouncer), because SQLPage already implements its own connection pool. If you really want to use a connection pooler, you should set the max_connections configuration parameter to 1 to disable the connection pooling logic in SQLPage.

That's a wrap for SQLPage 0.16.0! We hope these improvements make your SQL journey smoother and more enjoyable. As always, happy querying! 🚀✨


12 Nov 19:45
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0.15.2 (2023-11-12)

  • Several improvements were made to the map component
    • Fix a bug where the new geojson support in the map component would not work when the geojson was passed as a string. This impacted databases that do not support native json objects, such as SQLite.
    • Improve support for geojson points (in addition to polygons and lines) in the map component.
    • Add a new size parameter to the map component to set the size of markers.
    • Document the height parameter to customize the size of the map.
    • tile_source parameter to customize the map tiles, giving completely free control over the map appearance.
    • attribution parameter to customize or remove the small copyright information text box at the bottom of the map.
    • image
  • Add the ability to customize top navigation links and to create submenus in the shell component.
    • Postgres example:
      'shell' as component,
      'SQLPage' as title,
      JSON('{ "link":"/", "title":"Home" }') as menu_item,
      JSON('{ "title":"Options", "submenu":[
          {"link":"1.sql","title":"Page 1"},
          {"link":"2.sql","title":"Page 2"}
      ]}') as menu_item;
    • note: this requires a database that supports json objects natively. If you are using SQLite, you can work around this limitation by using the dynamic component.
    • image
  • Updated the embedded database to SQLite 3.44, which improves performance, compatibility with other databases, and brings new date formatting functions. The new ORDER BY clause in aggregate functions is not supported yet in SQLPage.
    • carbon


07 Nov 23:12
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SQLPage is a small web server that renders your SQL queries as beautiful interactive websites. This releases brings exciting features that should make development even easier, faster, and more secure. Let's dive into the exciting innovations of version 0.15.1:

What's new ?


  • Many improvements in the form component
    • Multiple form fields can now be aligned on the same line using the width attribute.
    • A reset button can now be added to the form using the reset top-level attribute.
    • The submit button can now be customized, and can be removed completely, which is useful to create multiple submit buttons that submit the form to different targets.
  • Support form submission using the button component using its new form property. This allows you to create a form with multiple submit buttons that submit the form to different targets.



  • Custom icons and colors for markers in the map component.
  • Add support for GeoJSON in the map component. This makes it much more generic and allows you to display any kind of geographic data, including areas, on a map very easily. This plays nicely with PostGIS and Spatialite which can return GeoJSON directly from SQL queries.


Bug fixes

  • Support non-string values in markdown fields. NULL values are now displayed as empty strings, numeric values are displayed as strings, booleans as true or false, and arrays as lines of text. This avoids the need to cast values to strings in SQL queries.
  • Revert a change introduced in v0.15.0:
    • Re-add the systematic CAST(? AS TEXT) around variables, which helps the database know which type it is dealing with in advance. This fixes a regression in 0.15 where some SQLite websites were broken because of missing affinity information. In SQLite '1' = 1 is false but CAST('1' AS TEXT) = 1 is true. This also fixes error messages like could not determine data type of parameter $1 in PostgreSQL.
  • Fix a bug where cookie removal set the cookie value to the empty string instead of removing the cookie completely.


29 Oct 20:59
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  • New functions: sqlpage.path(), sqlpage.variables()
    • sqlpage.variables() makes it easier to process forms with a variable number of fields (for instance, when the form fields themselves are generated based on data from the database). See the online shop orders example.
  • bug fixes
    • Most notably, a serious bug was fixed where variables and function evaluation results were truncated in Microsoft SQL Server.
    • fixed some missing sql support:
      • FILTER clauses in window functions
      • MySQL-specific REGEXP syntax
  • improved documentation
  • new align_right attribute in the table component


27 Oct 08:39
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v0.15.0-beta.0 Pre-release
First beta-release for v0.15


18 Oct 22:22
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button component and time series plots

  • Better support for time series in the chart component. You can now use the time top-attribute to display a time series chart
    with smart x-axis labels.
  • image
  • New component: button. This allows you to create rows of buttons that allow navigation between pages.
    • image
  • Better error messages for Microsoft SQL Server. SQLPage now displays the line number of the error, which is especially useful for debugging long migration scripts.
  • Many improvements in the official website and the documentation.
    • Most notably, the documentation now has syntax highlighting on code blocks (using prism with a custom theme made for tabler). This also illustrates the usage of external javascript and css libraries in SQLPage. See the shell component documentation.
    • Better display of example queries in the documentation, with smart indentation that makes it easier to read.
  • Clarify some ambiguous error messages:
    • make it clearer whether the error comes from SQLPage or from the database
    • specific tokenization errors are now displayed as such