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Useful build commands

Stéphane Nicoll edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 7 revisions

This page gathers some commands that are useful when working on the project.

Detect build wrapper

When working in a sub-module, the wrapper script defined at the root of the repository is not available. The following explains how to workaround that issue.

Gradle wrapper

Copy the following script in your environment, i.e. ~/bin/

Then alias the script to make it easier to use. For instance to g:

alias g=~/bin/

You can now invoke Gradle anywhere using g, e.g. g build.

Maven Wrapper

Copy the following script in your environment, i.e. ~/bin/

Then alias the script to make it easier to use. For instance to m:

alias m=~/bin/

You can now invoke Maven anywhere using m, e.g. m package.

Useful commands

This is a list of commands that we use often when working on the project. For convenience, both the Maven and Gradle commands are provided, when possible.

Run a specific test

The following command runs all the tests in the current module that start with Cassandra:

Gradle Maven

g test --tests 'Cassandra*'

m test -Dtest='Cassandra*'

Run bomr

We use bomr to check for new dependency versions. Maven requires bomr.jar to be available on the path while Gradle does not. This command should be ran at the root of the repository. Here is an example targeting Spring Boot 2.3.0.M4:

Gradle Maven

g --no-scan bomrUpgrade --milestone=2.3.0.M4

bomr.jar upgrade --milestone=2.3.0.M4

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