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Node.js Solid server: HTTP request handling flow

This document specifies the flow for handling HTTP requests as we would want it in a future version of node-solid-server. It aims to minimize the knowledge each component needs, and to achieve a layered system.

When an agent sends an HTTP request, the Solid server should take the following steps.

Step 1: Determine whether the request is directed to the personal data store

Based on the URL path, the server distinguishes between two kinds of incoming requests:

  1. Personal data store requests, which can follow arbitrary URL patterns
  2. Account and server management requests, which follow predefined URL patterns such as /.well-known/, /.auth/, etc.

Requests of the second kind are sent to specifically wired handlers, which typically only accept GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and POST.
Personal data store requests follow the steps below.

Step 2: Parse the request to the personal data store

The HTTP request's URL, headers, and optional body and/or client certificate are parsed into a structure consisting of the following components:

  • The target identifies the resource that is the subject of the request. It corresponds to the full request URL (taking into account protocol and host) after normalization (removal of dot segments) and a sanity check.

  • The body is a parsed version of the request body, which can be empty. The server has access to a list of parsers per content type, such as text/turtle, application/sparql-update. Parsing should be lazy, such that the contents are only created when their parsed form is needed (which might not be the case, for instance, with PUT requests). If no parser for the given content type is available, the object is considered a textual blob (if a charset was given), or a binary blob.

  • The method is the HTTP method (an uppercase string). Valid options are GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.

  • The required permissions are a set of flags read, append, write, and delete. They are set to true or false based on the method (and, in the case of PATCH, the parsed body). If write is set to true, so should append.

  • The credentials are an object with a WebID field indicating the URL of the logged-in agent, which is empty if no agent is logged in. To determine this value from the request headers and/or client certificate, the server has access to a list of authenticators, such as WebID-TLS (which reads the WebID from a client certificate) and OIDC (which reads the WebID based on HTTP headers).

  • The preferences are a key/value object of categorized lists that indicate the agent's representation preferences, parsed from the HTTP headers. They include media type and language preferences, and are parsed along with their q values.

Minor parsing failures at this stage are automatically corrected through the insertion of defaults. For example, if preferences are missing or invalid, the server could assume text/turtle and en; and missing authentication results in no WebID being set on the credentials.

For major parsing failures, the server responds with:

  • 405 if the method is invalid
  • 413 if the body is too large
  • 415 when no body parser was found for a PATCH request
  • 400 in other cases

When possible, the body of this response should respect the agent's representation preferences.

Step 3: Verify the agent's permissions

The server passes the credentials, target, and the required permissions to the authorization component, which determines whether the agent has sufficient permissions.

If validation fails, the server responds with:

  • 401 if the agent did not authenticate (no WebID set in credentials)
  • 403 if the agent does not have the appropriate permissions
  • 404 if the server prefers not to disclose the existence of the resource

When possible, the body of this response should respect the agent's representation preferences. In case of 401 and 403 responses, the body should include a link to authenticate.

The authorization component might or might not be the component that provides access to the underlying data store.

Step 4: Perform the modification

This step is only executed when required permissions includes append (or write, which assumes append).

The server passes the target, method, and body to the data storage component. This component will attempt to perform the modification.

In case of a successful PUT, PATCH, or DELETE, the server responds with a 204.

If case of successful resource creation through POST, resource is set to the newly created resource identifier.

In case of failure, server responds with:

  • 404 if the resource does not exist (anymore)
  • 409 if the PATCH operation could not be performed
  • 412 if the resource has been modified since the client's last access
  • 500 in other cases

When possible, the body of this response should respect the agent's representation preferences.

Step 5: Return a representation

In case of POST, the server responds with:

  • 201 and a Location header of resource.

The server passes target and preferences to the data store in order to retrieve metadata and a representation of the resource.

The server responds with:

  • 205 if method is PUT or PATCH
  • 200 if an adequate representation was found
  • 406 otherwise

When possible, the body of this response should respect the agent's representation preferences.

Returning error information

Error reporting should always be as articulate as possible. Wherever there is information which will help the user, or the client, developer, or the server administrator, to understand what has happened, it should be shared with the client.

Any unexpected runtime exception should be caught and will generally return a

  • 500 status

Possibly, there should be two modes as a function of the server configuration, in one of which also included with a 500 is a complete stack trace, so that the development team get an accurate idea of what the new bug is.

Do not assume that users are not technical and therefore should not be given the technical details of an error. They may still find that information useful, e.g. in remembering similar errors, looking them up on the web, or sharing them with more technically minded people.

We could for instance rely on RFC7807, possibly by adding a JSON-LD context to it, and providing this result in different formats through content negotiation.