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Data Extractor

This is a basic template which can be used to write a data extractor. The extraction logic should be placed in the process function within data_extractor/ An example has been provided.

The argument that the process function receives is a file-like object. It can therefore be used with most regular Python libraries. The example demonstrates this by usage of the zipfile module.

This project makes use of Poetry. It makes creating the required Python Wheel a straight-forward process. Install Poetry with the following command: pip install poetry. Then easily install the required python packages with poetry install.

The behavior of the process function can be verified by running the tests. The test are located in the tests folder. To run the tests execute: poetry run pytest.

To run the extraction code from the browser run: python3 -m http.server from the project root folder (the one with .git). This will start a webserver on: localhost. Opening a browser with that URL will initialize the application. After it has been loaded a file can be selected. The output of the process function will be displayed after a while (depending on the amount of processing required and the speed of the machine).