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File metadata and controls

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Performing separation

Interfacing using the command line

The primary interface to separate files is the command line. To separate a mixture file into the four stems you can just run

umx input_file.wav

Note that we support all files that can be read by torchaudio, depending on the set backend (either soundfile (libsndfile) or sox). For training, we set the default to soundfile as it is faster than sox. However for inference users might prefer mp3 decoding capabilities. The separation can be controlled with additional parameters that influence the performance of the separation.

Command line Argument Description Default
--start <float> set start in seconds to reduce the duration of the audio being loaded 0.0
--duration <float> set duration in seconds to reduce length of the audio being loaded. Negative values will make the full audio being loaded -1.0
--model <str> path or string of model name to select either a self pre-trained model or a model loaded from torchhub.
--targets list(str) Targets to be used for separation. For each target a model file with with same name is required. ['vocals', 'drums', 'bass', 'other']
--niter <int> Number of EM steps for refining initial estimates in a post-processing stage. --niter 0 skips this step altogether (and thus makes separation significantly faster) More iterations can get better interference reduction at the price of more artifacts. 1
--residual computes a residual target, for custom separation scenarios when not all targets are available (at the expense of slightly less performance). E.g vocal/accompaniment can be performed with --targets vocals --residual. not set
--softmask if activated, then the initial estimates for the sources will be obtained through a ratio mask of the mixture STFT, and not by using the default behavior of reconstructing waveforms by using the mixture phase. not set
--wiener-win-len <int> Number of frames on which to apply filtering independently 300
--audio-backend <str> choose audio loading backend, either sox_io, soundfile or stempeg (which needs additional installation requirements) torchaudio default
--aggregate <str> if provided, must be a string containing a valid expression for a dictionary, with keys as output target names, and values a list of targets that are used to build it. For instance: { "vocals": ["vocals"], "accompaniment": ["drums", "bass", "other"]} None
--filterbank <str> filterbank implementation method. Supported: ['torch', 'asteroid']. While torch is ~30% faster compared to asteroid on large FFT sizes such as 4096, asteroids STFT maybe be easier to be exported for deployment. torch

Interfacing from python

At the core of the process of separating audio is the Separator Module which takes a numpy audio array or a torch.Tensor as input (the mixture) and separates into targets stems. Note, that for each target a separate model will be loaded. E.g. for umx and umxhq the supported targets are ['vocals', 'drums', 'bass', 'other']. The models have to be passed to the separators target_models parameter.

Both models umx, umxhq, umxl and umxse are downloaded automatically.

Here is an example for constructor for the Separator takes the following arguments, with suggested default values:

seperator = openunmix.Separator(
    target_models: dict,
    niter: int = 0,
    softmask: bool = False,
    residual: bool = False,
    sample_rate: float = 44100.0,
    n_fft: int = 4096,
    n_hop: int = 1024,
    nb_channels: int = 2,
    wiener_win_len: Optional[int] = 300,
    filterbank: str = 'torch'

When passing

Caution training using the EM algorithm (niter>0) is not supported. Only plain post-processing is supported right now for gradient computation. This is because the performance overhead of avoiding all the in-places operations is too large.