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Import Customers and Customer Addresses via php bin/magento or n98-magerun2 console commands.

Provides the following console commands:

  • customer:import
  • customer:address:import
  • customer:send:email

Customer Import


$ php bin/magento customer:import


  • CSV file named customers.csv is located in the <MagentoRoot>/var/import directory
  • Assumes customers are being imported into the default website (i.e., website_id = 1). You can override this by setting --website-id=<WEBSITE_ID>.
  • Assumes the customers are being imported into the default store view (i.e., store_id = 1). You can override this by setting --store-id=<STORE_VIEW_ID>.
  • Generates new passwords for customers (can be disabled by --generate-passwords=false)
  • (optional) Can send the new account email if --send-welcome-email=true or avoid sending emails by setting --send-welcome-email=false
  • Log file is located at <MagentoRoo>/var/log/customer_import.log


Option Description Default
info Display additional information about this command (i.e., logs, filenames, etc.)
website-id Set the website the customer should belong to. 1
store-id Set the store view the customer should belong to. 1
generate-passwords Generate a new password for each customer. true
send-welcome-email Send the new customer/welcome email to the customer. false

For available options and usage examples use the -h or --help option:

$ php bin/magento customer:import -h
 customer:import [--info] [--generate-passwords[="..."]] [--send-welcome-email[="..."]] [--website-id[="..."]] [--store-id[="..."]]

 --info                Display additional information about this command (i.e., logs, filenames, etc.)
 --generate-passwords  Generate a new password for each customer. (default: true)
 --send-welcome-email  Send the new customer/welcome email to the customer. (default: false)
 --website-id          Set the website the customer should belong to. (default: 1)
 --store-id            Set the store view the customer should belong to. (default: 1)
 --help (-h)           Display this help message
 --quiet (-q)          Do not output any message
 --verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
 --version (-V)        Display this application version
 --ansi                Force ANSI output
 --no-ansi             Disable ANSI output
 --no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question

Customer Address Import


$ php bin/magento customer:address:import


  • The customers need to exist in the database before running this command
  • CSV file named customer_addresses.csv is located in the <MagentoRoot>/var/import directory
  • Assumes customer addresses are being imported into the default website (i.e., website_id = 1). You can override this by setting --website-id=<WEBSITE_ID>.
  • Assumes the customer addresses are being imported into the default store view (i.e., store_id = 1). You can override this by setting --store-id=<STORE_VIEW_ID>.
  • Log file is located at <MagentoRoo>/var/log/customer_address_import.log


Option Description Default
info Display additional information about this command (i.e., logs, filenames, etc.)
website-id Set the website the customer should belong to. 1
store-id Set the store view the customer should belong to. 1
customer-id-column Identify which column within the spreadsheet identifies the ID of the customer the address belongs to customer_id
find-customer-by-attribute Specify which customer attribute should be used to query the database to find a matching customer (i.e., "email", "customer_id", "old_customer_id"). old_customer_id

For available options and usage examples use the -h or --help option:

$ php bin/magento customer:address:import -h
 customer:address:import [--info] [--website-id[="..."]] [--store-id[="..."]] [--customer-id-column[="..."]] [--find-customer-by-attribute[="..."]]

 --info                        Display additional information about this command (i.e., logs, filenames, etc.)
 --website-id                  Set the website the customer should belong to. (default: 1)
 --store-id                    Set the store view the customer should belong to. (default: 1)
 --customer-id-column          Identify which column within the spreadsheet identifies the ID of the customer the address belongs to (default: "customer_id")
 --find-customer-by-attribute  Specify which customer attribute should be used to query the database to find a matching customer (i.e., "email", "customer_id", "old_customer_id"). (default: "old_customer_id")
 --help (-h)                   Display this help message
 --quiet (-q)                  Do not output any message
 --verbose (-v|vv|vvv)         Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
 --version (-V)                Display this application version
 --ansi                        Force ANSI output
 --no-ansi                     Disable ANSI output
 --no-interaction (-n)         Do not ask any interactive question

Customer Send Email


$ php bin/magento customer:email:send


  • Customers need to exist in the database
  • Throws an exception if no value is passed for --email-type
  • If no customer-id is provided, the entire customer base for the specified website will be emailed. If customer-id has a value and can be found in the database, the email will go to that customer only and skip the rest of the customers.


Option Description Default
email-type Valid values: 'registered' (New Account email template), 'confirmed' (New Account email template), 'confirmation' (New Account email template), 'password-remind' (Password Remind email template), 'password-reset' (Password Reset email template)
info Display additional information about this command
website-id Set the website the customer should belong to. 1
store-id Set the store view the customer should belong to. 1
customer-id ONLY send the email to the specified customer (skips looping over entire customer collection)
test If true, will send emails to a developer email address false
test-send-to If test option is true, specify the email address that all emails should be sent to
dry-run Dry run through the process without actually sending emails. false

For available options and usage examples use the -h or --help option:

$ php bin/magento customer:email:send
 customer:email:send [--email-type="..."] [--info] [--customer-id[="..."]] [--website-id[="..."]] [--store-id[="..."]] [--test[="..."]] [--test-send-to[="..."]] [--dry-run[="..."]]

 --email-type          Valid values:
                       	'registered' (New Account email template)
                       	'confirmed' (New Account email template)
                       	'confirmation' (New Account email template)
                       	'password-remind' (Password Remind email template)
                       	'password-reset' (Password Reset email template)
 --info                Display additional information about this command
 --customer-id         ONLY send the email to the specified customer (skips looping over entire processing)
 --website-id          Set the website the customer should belong to. (default: 1)
 --store-id            Set the store view the customer should belong to. (default: 1)
 --test                If true, will send emails to a developer email address (default: false)
 --test-send-to        If test option is true, specify the email address that all emails should be sent to (default: "")
 --dry-run             Dry run through the process without actually sending emails. (default: false)
 --help (-h)           Display this help message
 --quiet (-q)          Do not output any message
 --verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
 --version (-V)        Display this application version
 --ansi                Force ANSI output
 --no-ansi             Disable ANSI output
 --no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question



$ composer config repositories.augustash-customerimport vcs
$ composer require augustash/module-customerimport:~1.0.5