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AngularJS GRBA Web App with Node.JS backend


Building GRBA web application as a Single Page Angular (SPA) application with Node.JS backend.


  • Update client/src/html/sponsor.html with the correct data
  • Add PayPal payment in contact page - Abhishek
  • Capture member information in a separate json file from registration. This file would use email as unique key. During registration, member record would be updated if exists against the email address. Otherwise, a new entry would be added. The attributes for the member object are: email, firstName, lastName, spouceFirstName, spouceLastName, phone, mobile, address (optional). The attributes for registration object would be eventId, email, firstName, lastName, noAdult, noChildren, status: (family | single), eventFee, membershipFee, sponsrshipStatus: (platinum | gold | silver | broze), and note.
  • Survey support. It is going to be a list of questions with yes/no ansers. The object representation could be something like: id, question (text), noCount, yesCount. Survey can be added as a part of registration. This is nice to have for Saraswati Puja launch.
  • Experiemnt color scheme, something representtaive of Bengal like color of 'ranga mati' and white. The current UI trend is white and one color shade. The current background sketches can be replaced with 'alpanas'.
  • Picture carousel shirinks too much when viewed on iPhone in vertical orientation. Needs to be addressed.
  • The menu list on iPhone stays open after clicking an item. It should close.
  • Stretch - Refactor index.html to use views instead of ng-include - Abhishek
  • Stretch - Add bower to manage client dependencies - Abhishek
  • Stretch - Add gulpfile.js - Abhishek

Stack with the right data

Angular comes with a light version of jQuery. We load jQuery full version before Angular and Angular stops loading the light version and uses the full version.


It is a complete project with a build system focused on AngularJS apps and tightly integrated with other tools commonly used in the AngularJS community:

  • powered by Grunt.js
  • test written using Jasmine syntax
  • test are executed by Karma Test Runner (integrated with the Grunt.js build)
  • build supporting JS, CSS and AngularJS templates minification
  • Twitter's bootstrap with LESS templates processing integrated into the build
  • Circle-CI integration
  • PostgreSQL access is configured to use pg-promise package pg-promise

Local Development - Docker


Install docker for Mac.

NOTE: at this time there are two docker installation options for Mac: "Docker for Mac" and "Docker Toolbox for Mac". Make sure you install "Docker for Mac" and that you don't have "Docker Toolbox for Mac" already installed.

Configure the docker proxy settings (if needed):

  • Click on the docker toolbar icon and select Preferences
  • Click the Advanced tab
  • Enter the proxy settings.

Get the code and execute

curl -LJO
chmod 777
# set proxy information if needed
# check if the docker image is running
docker container ps

Configure the docker proxy settings (if needed):

  • Uncomment lines 61 and 62 to enable proxy settings to get local npm dependencies if you are running behind the proxy
  • Uncomment line 90 and comment line 92 to enable proxy settings to to build the doker image if you are running behind the proxy

Open a browser and type http://localhost:8888 to view the website running on a docker container

Local Development - Manual

Platform & tools

You need to install Node.js and then the development tools. Node.js comes with a package manager called npm for installing NodeJS applications and libraries.

  • Install node.js (Use node.js version 6.9.1)

  • Install Grunt-CLI and Karma as global npm modules:

    npm install -g grunt-cli karma
    npm install bower -g

(Note that you may need to uninstall grunt 0.3 globally before installing grunt-cli)

Get the Code

Either clone this repository or fork it on GitHub and clone your fork:

git clone
cd grba-master

App Server

Our backend application server is a NodeJS application that relies upon some 3rd Party npm packages. You need to install these:

  • Install local dependencies (from the project root folder):

    cd server
    npm install
    cd ..

    (This will install the dependencies declared in the server/package.json file)

Client App

Our client application is a straight HTML/Javascript application but our development process uses a Node.js build tool Grunt.js. Grunt relies upon some 3rd party libraries that we need to install as local dependencies using npm.

  • Install local dependencies (from the project root folder):

    cd client
    npm install
    cd ..

    (This will install the dependencies declared in the client/package.json file)


Configure Server

The server stores its data in a PostgreSQL database. *

  • Edit server/config.js to set database connection properties for the database you created.

    postgres: {
        dbUrl: 'postgres://username:password@host:port/database',             
  • Run our initialization script to initialize the database with a first admin user.

    node server/initDB.js // Not implemnented yet.

Build the client app

The app made up of a number of javascript, css and html files that need to be merged into a final distribution for running. We use the Grunt build tool to do this.

  • Build client application:

    cd client
    bower install (bower update)
    grunt build
    cd ..

It is important to build again if you have changed the client configuration as above.


Start the Server

  • Run the server

    cd server
    node server.js
    cd ..
  • Browse to the application at [http://localhost:8888]

Browser Support

IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.


Folders structure

At the top level, the repository is split into a client folder and a server folder. The client folder contains all the client-side AngularJS application. The server folder contains a very basic Express based webserver that delivers and supports the application. Within the client folder you have the following structure:

  • node_modules contains build tasks for Grunt along with other, user-installed, Node packages
  • dist contains build results
  • src contains application's sources
  • test contains test sources, configuration and dependencies
  • vendor contains external dependencies for the application

Default Build

The default grunt task will build (checks the javascript (lint), runs the unit tests (test:unit) and builds distributable files) and run all unit tests: grunt (or grunt.cmd on Windows). The tests are run by karma and need one or more browsers open to actually run the tests.

  • cd client
  • grunt
  • Open one or more browsers and point them to [http://localhost:8888/__test/]. Once the browsers connect the tests will run and the build will complete.
  • If you leave the browsers open at this url then future runs of grunt will automatically run the tests against these browsers.

Continuous Building

The watch grunt task will monitor the source files and run the default build task every time a file changes: grunt watch.

Build without tests

If for some reason you don't want to run the test but just generate the files - not a good idea(!!) - you can simply run the build task: grunt build.

Building release code

You can build a release version of the app, with minified files. This task will also run the "end to end" (e2e) tests. The e2e tests require the server to be started and also one or more browsers open to run the tests. (You can use the same browsers as for the unit tests.)

  • cd client
  • Run grunt release
  • Open one or more browsers and point them to [http://localhost:8888/__test/]. Once the browsers connect the tests will run and the build will complete.
  • If you leave the browsers open at this url then future runs of grunt will automatically run the tests against these browsers.

Continuous testing

You can have grunt (karma) continuously watch for file changes and automatically run all the tests on every change, without rebuilding the distribution files. This can make the test run faster when you are doing test driven development and don't need to actually run the application itself.

  • cd client
  • Run grunt test-watch.
  • Open one or more browsers and point them to [http://localhost:8888/__test/].
  • Each time a file changes the tests will be run against each browser.



  • Check whether the name is non-blank
  • Check whether the number of adult attendees is non-blank and is numeric - also check whether the value is greater than 0
  • CHeck whether the event fee is non-blank and is numeric


  • Check whether the name already is registered for that event


Repository for Greater Richmond Bengali Association






No packages published


  • HTML 56.4%
  • JavaScript 29.4%
  • CSS 13.1%
  • Other 1.1%