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Releases: seedstack/seed


06 Jun 11:43
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  • [fix] Downgrade requirement on Servlet API to 3.0 (for old Web containers).
  • [chg] Update Arquillian to 1.4.0.


06 May 16:34
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  • [new] Support for Servlet 4.
  • [fix] Detect if JAXB is available before enabling its support for JAX-RS.
  • [chg] Update Undertow to 2.0.6.


04 May 14:48
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  • [new] Add an implementation of javax.annotation.Nullable avoiding the need of an additional dependency for null injection.
  • [chg] Remove the need for jaxb-api dependency for seed-rest-jersey2 module under Java 9.
  • [chg] Update Guice to 4.2.0.
  • [chg] Update Guava to 25.0.


16 Mar 15:05
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  • [new] Java 9 compatibility.
  • [new] JAX-RS 2.1 support.
  • [new] Support for serializing/de-serializing from JAX-RS resources.
  • [new] Support for custom constraint validator injection.
  • [new] Integration testing now uses SeedStack launchers to execute the tested application.
  • [new] Ability to choose the tested application launcher with @LaunchWith
  • [new] Ability to define/override system properties for integration testing with @SystemProperty.
  • [new] Ability to define/override kernel parameters for integration testing with @KernelParameter.
  • [new] Ability to define/override configuration for integration testing with @ConfigurationProperty.
  • [new] Ability to select configuration profiles for integration testing with @ConfigurationProfiles.
  • [new] Ability to specify launch arguments for integration testing with @Arguments.
  • [new] Run Web integration tests with undertow by combining @RunWith(SeedITRunner.class) and @LaunchWithUndertow.
  • [brk] The integration testing API has been refactored to support other testing frameworks.
  • [fix] Defer JNDI lookup through @Resource annotation until the instance containing the injection is created.


16 Feb 11:07
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  • [new] Add configuration watching for local files and automatic refresh after change (enable by setting config property to true).
  • [fix] Fix config tool NullPointerException when dumping a config tree with generics and no null value.
  • [fix] Fix exception when a @CliCommand-annotated class inherits from a base class.


30 Nov 16:45
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  • [fix] Undertow-based applications would not refresh after a startup failure.


28 Nov 22:40
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  • [new] Validation exceptions on REST resources are automatically mapped to a detailed response.
  • [new] A @RequiresCrudPermissions annotation allows to add permission checks based on the detected CRUD action of the called method.
  • [new] SPI CrudActionResolver has been added to security to allow for resolving the CRUD action of a particular method.
  • [new] Provides the ability to configure some Shiro implementation classes: SubjectDAO, SubjectFactory, SubjectContext, Authenticator, AuthenticationStrategy, CacheManager and SessionStorageEvaluator.
  • [new] A JAX-RS implementation of CrudActionResolver detects the CRUD action based upon the JAX-RS annotations.
  • [new] Basic support for refreshing Web applications served with Undertow.
  • [fix] Prevent session fixation issue by regenerating the session (if any) upon successful login.
  • [fix] Make SimplePrincipalProvider serializable.
  • [chg] Security sessions are now enabled by default.
  • [brk] Data import/export API has been removed and replaced by a newer API into business framework.


07 Sep 07:37
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  • [new] Configuration dump (config tool) now dumps inner properties for maps, collections, arrays and complex objects.
  • [new] Add beforeInitialization() and afterInitialization() methods on SeedInitializer interface.
  • [new] Add isRemembered() on SecuritySupport interface.


31 Jul 20:49
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  • [new] Print a default banner at startup in case of missing custom banner.txt.
  • [new] Add application.colorOuput configuration property to force the color output mode (AUTODETECT, PASSTHROUGH, ENABLE, DISABLE).
  • [new] Any singleton implementing AutoCloseable will have its close() method invoked at application shutdown (can be ignored with @ignore).
  • [new] Overriding Guice modules can be installed by using @Install(override = true).
  • [new] The @Bind annotation allows to easily define arbitrary bindings by annotating implementations.
  • [new] The @ITBind and @ITInstall annotations have been updated to allow the same options as @Bind and @Install.
  • [new] Can now read transaction metadata from JTA 1.2 @Transactional annotation.
  • [new] Web session tracking mode is now set to COOKIE by default (a web.sessionTrackingMode configuration option allows to change it).
  • [new] Add security.web.successUrl and security.web.logoutUrl configuration options to configure redirection after, respectively, successful login and logout.
  • [new] Add security.web.form configuration object to configure form-based authentication.
  • [brk] Deprecated expand() method of has been removed (use getHref() instead).
  • [fix] Avoid NullPointerException when an exception occurs in a NOT_SUPPORTED local transaction.
  • [chg] Overriding an more general class configuration attribute with a more specific null-valued one, completely removes the attribute.
  • [chg] HTTP/2 is enabled by default with Undertow.
  • [chg] Update Guice to 4.1.0.
  • [chg] Update Shiro to 1.4.0.
  • [chg] Update Jersey to 2.25.1.
  • [chg] Update Hibernate validator to 5.4.1.Final.
  • [chg] Update Commons CLI to 1.4.
  • [chg] Update Undertow to 1.4.14.


29 Apr 19:00
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  • [new] Add SeedInitializer interface that is called at Seed JVM-wide initialization and close (can be used to do early initialization).
  • [new] Tools can now be run in two modes: with the minimal set of plugins (minimal) or with all plugins loaded (full).
  • [fix] Fix StackOverflowError under Tomcat in Eclipse WTP when auto-configuring Logback.
  • [fix] Fix resolution of WEB-INF/classes under Tomcat 8 when using resource overlay (PreResources, PostResources).
  • [fix] Properly logout subject when testing with @WithUser.
  • [fix] Prevent WebResourceFilter from serving files under /WEB-INF, allowing JSP to be served correctly.
  • [fix] Fix NPE when a filter or a servlet was already registered by the container.
  • [chg] Default diagnostic dump changed from JSON to YAML.
  • [chg] Using the application classloader to load properties for additional JNDI contexts (paths should not start with / anymore).
  • [chg] Configuration properties files are now mapped in depth (the dot-notation in the property key is used to create intermediary tree nodes).