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292 lines (196 loc) · 9.03 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v4.3.2 – 2024–08–12


  • Prevent line break in the lower back title if one added a manual line break using \\ to the title in order to layout it properly for the front title page.

v4.3.1 – 2024–07–31


  • Add a hint on the usage of scrreprt as the base class if one wants to have numbered bibliography or appendices.
  • Add section in the documentation on the usage of babel, its shorthands for German and English to re-enable hyphenation of compound words, and the conflicting package hyphenat.


  • Fix list of implicitly loaded packages.

v4.3.0 – 2024–07–23


  • The spelling bachelor thesis and master thesis are widely used but seem to be wrong. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the spelling shall be bachelor's thesis and master's thesis.

v4.2.0 – 2024–06–25


  • The phdphil should not be a Doctor of Philosophy but, according to the regulations of the University, be a Doctor of Natural Philosophy.

v4.1.0 – 2024–06–07


  • Add a \summarybox macro that simplifies the usage of the summary environment


  • Update the used actions for GitHub to their latest versions.
  • Change the styling of the summary environment boxes
  • Adjusted options for siunitx

v4.0.3 – 2024–05–27


  • Add all missing option values for se2thesis' colormode parameter that are available from the se2colors package.

v4.0.2 – 2024–05–24


  • Enhance documentation of se2packages regarding the usage of minted and the grey-scale mode of se2colors.

v4.0.1 – 2024–05–17


  • Updated copyright years.
  • Add the missing colormode option bw to se2colors.

v4.0.0 – 2024–05–08


  • Set the maths style and bold-maths style to ISO for the maths fonts.


  • The option fmode was removed from se2fonts; it was already deprecated since se2thesis version 2.0.0.

v3.4.0 – 2024–04–20


  • Fix the referencing with cleveref's \cref etc. for the resq (research questions) and hyp (hypotheses) environments (see #8)
  • Add the thesis type phdphil for a PhD thesis in philosophy.
  • Add section to documentation that the template is also available from Overleaf.

v3.3.1 – 2024–02–23


  • Make the citations in the margin appear in ACM style, too.
  • Make sidenotes appear right ragged.

v3.3.0 – 2024–02–22


  • Enhance the options for bibliography styles, one can now choose between alphabetic and numeric style. The former loads the default BibLaTeX alphabetic style, the latter uses ACM's numeric style.
  • For the new numeric style, we support an enhanced \autocite macro, which typesets the citation in the margin column for the first appearance per chapter.
  • Add thesis-type option phdeng for a doctoral degree in engineering.


  • The default citation style, when setting biblatex=true while loading the se2packages package is now numeric based on the ACM numeric style instead of alphabetic. The latter can now be chosen explicitly. See issue #7 for a discussion on the general decision.

v3.2.0 – 2023–09–12


  • Remove deprecated options from siunitx loading.
  • Use inconsolata-nerd-font as the default mono-spaced font.
  • Updates on the documentation.


  • Removed option fontmode of the se2thesis class, which was already deprecated.

v3.1.0 – 2023–07–04


  • The lua-widow-control package causes build failures in different settings, although the same TeX Live version is used. Until this can be resolved, we deactivate the loading of this package from se2packages by default. It can still be activated manually by adding the widowcontrol=true option to the se2packages package.
  • Set penalties for widows and orphans only if lua-widow-control package is not loaded.
  • Change the formatting of chapter headings.

v3.0.0 – 2023–04–18


  • Add documentation on how to install the bundle if it is not part of the existing TeX distribution.
  • Add a package se2packages that provides the ability to directly load recommended packages with recommended options.


  • The paper=a4 and paper=b5 options now produce the exact same text-block sizes.
  • Make the logo height smaller for B5 paper.
  • The default class is now scrbook instead of scrreprt.


  • Breaking: Removed the biblatex class option from se2thesis, use the se2packages package with its biblatex=true option instead.
  • Breaking: Removed the paper=a5 option.
  • Removed the automated loading of the microtype, selnolig, and lua-widow-control packages from se2thesis—use se2packages instead.

v2.1.0 – 2023–01–27


  • Add license text of LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) to repository
  • Add a continuous integration pipline using GitHub Actions
  • Add styling for chapter, section, and sub-section headings


  • Fix the font selection in the documentation of se2fonts to only use the filename but not the font name
  • Fix the definitions of \frontmatter, \mainmatter, and \backmatter to match the definitions from KOMA Script's scrbook class.

v2.0.0 – 2023–01–10


  • A file se2thesis.tex that contains the combined documentation from all DTX files as well as their code
  • Use Libertinus and Fira Code as fonts


  • Split the large se2thesis.dtx into several DTX files for the different packages
  • Deprecate the fmode argument to se2fonts.sty. Attention: This is a breaking change!
  • The build.lua now also builds all *.tex files
  • Use the default back-reference styling of biblatex
  • Changed the dimensions of the type area


  • Get correct translation for lower-title back for PhD theses


  • Support for the TeX Gyre and Palatino/Helvetica fonts. We replace all fonts by the Libertinus font family.

v1.3.1 – 2022–11–22


  • Fix typos that caused issues with missing spaces, thanks to @Wooza

v1.3.0 – 2022–11–08


These changes might be breaking changes!

  • Change the width of the text block to match a golden ratio with its height.
  • Change the available predefined colours.
  • Change the option names of se2colors and se2fonts to cmode and fmode, respectively.
  • Use Helvetica instead of Optima as the sans-serif default font.


  • For summary boxes a white space was missing between the text “Summary” and the opening bracket, reported by @Wooza

v1.2.0 – 2022–10–24


  • A macro \matrnumber to specify the matriculation number of the student on the title page.

v1.1.1 - 2022-09-27


  • Neo Euler needs to be loaded as a upright math font


  • Fonts get now scaled automatically when using LuaTeX

v1.1.0 - 2022-09-12


  • Documentation of the load-time options of se2thesis.cls


  • Compilation issue of the example file with pdfLaTeX, added a contional option to ntheorem.

[v1.0.0] - 2022-09-09


  • First official release