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IARPA Contest Submission

This is my IARPA Contest Submission for the IARPA Multi-View Stereo 3D Mapping Challenge.

This submission finished 1st in the Explorer Contest, and 3rd in the Master Contest.


The objective of this software is to evaluate a 3d map from a set of satellite images.

What must be provided:

  • A set of satellite images
  • A list of suitable pairs of images
  • A KML file

What is generated:

  • A TXT File containing 3d point positions


  • A NPZ (numpy) file containing a height map, color map and confidence metric

How it does it:

  • First, it calculates a 3D map for each defined pair of images.
  • Then, it merge all the 3D maps into a single one by consensus.

Main steps can be called independently allowing maximum customization.


This code is under MIT license.


Third party softwares

This code relies heavily on the NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline. It has been directly included in this repository (in the lib_exec/StereoPipeline folder) for ease of installation.

It also relies on the sample code provided during the contest that can be found in the installation/installation_scripts folder.


This code has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. It probably works on Linux and Unix operating system. It might work on Windows, with some changes: replacing the StereoPipeline folder, changing the installation script...

With the images and KML files provided in the IARPA Challenge, maximum memory usage is about 2-3GB.

How to install

First, get this software by cloning it from github:

sudo apt-get --assume-yes install git
git clone

Or downloading the zip file and unzipping it:

sudo apt-get --assume-yes install unzip

Then go inside the main folder and launch:

sudo ./

It will install OpenCV and GDAL notably, so it might take some time...

How to use

We kept the same convention than during the contest. The user must call the software from the terminal:

python [Input KML file] [Path to NITF image folder] [Output file]

The first argument is the location of the KML file indicating which area to reconstruct in 3D. The second argument is the location of the folder containing all NITF images (with a NTF extension). The third argument is the output file (extension can either be *.txt or *.npz).

The software can be separated into two smaller utilities:

The first utility proceeds each pair and generates a 3d map for each of them:

python [Input KML file] [Path to NITF image folder]

The second utility merge all the 3d maps into a single one:

python [Input KML file] [Output file]

That means that you can customize the stereo algorithm for each pair, and then still merge them using our software with the script.

Parameters can be customized in the file. Each parameter has been commented so take a look at the file.

There exists also, for the user convenience, a vizualization utility for *.npz results:

python [NPZ file] [Output folder]

This vizualization file creates three image files with self-explanatory names:

  • height_map.png
  • color_map.png
  • confidence.png

Example tutorial

We will rely on the contest data to show how the software can be used and how should be modified.

First, we will download only a small part of the images set as otherwise you would need more than 30 GB of storage. The following will only need about 4.5 GB of storage. From the main folder, launch:

mkdir data
cd data

We also need a KML file. We will take the one from the explorer contest. From the main folder, launch:

mkdir kml
cd kml

Then, return to the main folder. As we only chose a part of the contest images, we need to change the pair filenames. As a reminder, the software first compute a 3d map for each image pair. This pairwise 3d reconstruction won't work for all pairs, so the user have to define them. He can do it by changing the pairs_filenames variable in the file. Here, replace:

pairs_filenames = [


pairs_filenames = [
			 '18DEC15WV031000015DEC18140533-P1BS-500515572050_01_P001_________AAE_0AAAAABPABJ0.NTF'], #1-4
			 '18DEC15WV031000015DEC18140544-P1BS-500515572060_01_P001_________AAE_0AAAAABPABJ0.NTF'], #2-5
			 '18DEC15WV031000015DEC18140554-P1BS-500515572030_01_P001_________AAE_0AAAAABPABJ0.NTF'], #3-6

The images we chose are a sequence taken at approximately the same time with slightly different angles. We chose pairs with a sufficient baseline but not too much changes. It is recommended to choose pairs that have those properties.

In the main folder, create the out folder where we will save our result:

mkdir out

Everything should be ready. You can now launch the software:

python kml/Challenge1.kml data/ out/test.npz

Once the software has finished running, you can vizualize the result like that:

python out/test.npz out/

It will create 3 image files, with self-explanatory names:

  • height_map.png
  • color_map.png
  • confidence.png

Images generated

As you can see, there are a lot of undefined areas (depicted in gray in the height map, red in the color map). These areas are low confidence values that are by default removed. You can change this behavior by changing the relative_consensus parameter in the file. You can also remove all post-processing (including the removal of low confidence values) by setting height_map_post_process_enabled to false.

Once this is done, you can execute only the second step of our algorithm, since changing this parameter didn't change the way pair-wise stereo reconstruction was done.

python kml/Challenge1.kml out/test_2.npz

Here are the images generated with relative_consensus = 0:

Images generated with relative consensus = 0

In-depth Description

[COMING SOON] PDF and Video presentation of the submission.

As written in the introduction, first we evaluate for each pair a 3D map, and then we merge them using consensus.

For evaluating the 3D for each pair, we relied in part on the NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline, and in part on the OpenCV library. The original stereo pipeline processes a pair in four steps:

  1. Preprocessing of the pair of images: bundle adjustment, pair rectification...
  2. Disparity evaluation using a pyramidal matching scheme.
  3. Postprocessing of the disparity map: hole filling, subpixel refinement...
  4. Disparity map to 3D map transformation.

In our approach, we replaced the second and third step by our own module. We first compute a disparity map using SGBM, and then we propagate the most confident values using the WLS algorithm. This approach was heavily inspired by this tutorial. Since disparities are propagated using an edge preserving scheme, it respects much more the boundaries of buildings compared to the Ames Stereo Pipeline. It is possible to change the parameters used by the WLS algorithm in the parameter file.

The exact code can be read in the file. There are some additional details. We process larger areas compared to what is needed by the KML file to minimize problems caused by large black areas in the rectified pairs. We prevent borders with black areas to be matched. We also repeat twice the post-filtering with WLS in order to remove outliers.

The merging process is quite simple. We take the 3D maps generated for each pair and transform them to height maps. We align these height maps and merge them. For each pixel (longitude/latitude) we have then multiple height evaluation. From this list, we take the largest set with a range less than a threshold (defined by the acceptable_height_deviation parameter). Final height is the average of this set and we compute an additional confidence value which is the number of elements inside this set.

Output Format

For TXT files, we followed the convention of the contest:

Points are listed in the file one per line, in

x y z intensity

format, that is 4 real numbers separated by a single space, where

  • x is the ‘easting’ value of the point’s UTM coordinate,
  • y is the ‘northing’ value of the point’s UTM coordinate,
  • z is the height value of the point given in meters,
  • grey intensity

NPZ files are Numpy files so they can easily be loaded using Numpy. In order to read them you can write the following Python script:

import numpy as np

data = np.load(data_path)
f_infos = data['f_infos']
bounds = data['bounds']

bounds are the boundaries informations given by the KML file and the merging process. f_infos contains the data and is a 3d matrix. The first row is the confidence map, the second row is the height map, and the third row is the color map.

Possible improvements

As discussed in the presentation, there could be a lot of improvement done to this sofware:

  • There are some parts which could be easily parallelized, such as the script.
  • We could fill the undefined areas using WLS for instance.
  • We could use other stereo algorithms than SGBM. A slower but more accurate one would be great.
  • The relative_consensus threshold is not necessarly well balanced. For instance, a value of 0.7 might be good for ten images, but could remove too many values for twenty or more images.