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Design for VCD OSE - OSIS


OSIS inital setup

For the initial installation of OSIS application, following steps must be executed.

  1. A Super Admin account will be created as part of S3C/Vault setup
  2. Set OSE properties:
    1. S3 URL
    2. Admin Vault URL along with credentials as Super Admin access key/ secret key

Note: "Super Admin" account has full Account Management access and can use "AssumeRoleBackbeat" to assume a role of another Account.

Tenant APIs

Important Assumptions:

  • All the Tenant APIs on OSIS will use Super Admin credentials to manage on Vault.
  • A Vault Account is equivalent of OSE Tenant.

Create Tenant

This API creates a Tenant on Vault.

  1. Vault create-account api will be called using vaultclient.
    • Tenant Name is stored as Account Name
    • cd_tenant_ids list as part of the request to be stored as a property of the vault account.
    • Account ID to be sent back as storage tenant ID to OSE
  2. [F00] will trigger an asynchronous thread to invoke the SetupAssumeRole subroutine. For more, see SetupAssumeRole-subroutine.

Create Tenant Example Activity Diagram

Create Tenant

List Tenants

This API will list tenants on Vault.

  • List Tenants API can be called with following parameters:

    • offset: The start index of tenants to return (optional)
    • limit: Maximum number of tenants to return (optional)
  • Vault list-accounts api will be called using vaultclient with parameters

    1. marker (if exists from markerCache)
    2. max-limit
  • markerCache

    • Every time List Accounts API is called by the OSIS, if isTruncated is true in the response, then marker value will be stored in the markerCache with the key as (max-limit +1)
    • Each entry in the markerCache will be short-lived (implementation is for no more than 60 seconds).
    • See Cache-Design for more information.

Query Tenants

This API will query tenants on Vault using a filter parameter.

  1. Query Tenants API can be called with following parameters:

    • offset: The start index of tenants to return (optional)
    • limit: Maximum number of tenants to return (optional)
    • filter parameter
      • Usually the OSE passes only the cd_tenant_id field with a value under filter parameter
      • If cd_tenant_id filter parameter is passed, cd_tenant_id value will be validated for UUID format.
      • If cd_tenant_id filter value is in UUID format, list-accounts api will be invoked.
      • If cd_tenant_id filter value is not in UUID format, get-account api will be invoked with the provided value.
  2. Vault list-accounts api will be called using vaultclient with parameters

    1. marker (if exists from markerCache)
    2. max-limit
    3. filterKey=cd_tenant_id%3D%3D<uuid1> (The filter value from OSE will always be in the cd_tenant_id%3D%3D<uuid1> format).
      • Cache design can be found here.

Get Tenant

This API will return the tenant on Vault with tenantID.

  1. Vault get-account api will be called using vaultclient with the provided tenantID as AccountID.

Head Tenant

This API will check whether the tenant exists on Vault with tenantID.

  1. Vault get-account api will be called using vaultclient with the provided tenantID as AccountID.
  2. Return true or false if result is returned or not respectively.

Delete Tenant

This API will delete the tenant on Vault.

  1. Vault delete-account api will be called using vaultclient with the provided tenantID as AccountID.
  2. Return error if account is not empty.

Update Tenant

This API will update the existing storage tenant with the provided cd_tenant_id. Input parameters are:

  • tenantId: Tenant ID of the tenant to update
  • tenant object: Object that holds the new cd_tenant_ids along with original tenant properties.
  1. Vault update-account api will be called using vaultclient with the provided tenantID as AccountID and tenant properties

SetupAssumeRole subroutine

  1. Use vaultclient to call generate-account-access-key with durationSeconds for the account.

  2. Create a role using the generated access key with:

    1. Role name: osis (So role-arn can be generated in the format arn:aws:iam::[account-id]:role/osis)
    2. Trust policy:
         "Version": "2012-10-17",
         "Statement": [{
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Principal": {
                 "Service": "service-name"
             "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
    • Note:
      • This role is visible to and modifiable by the root account user or by an IAM user with correct permissions (iam:list-roles, iam:deleteRoles...). Do not edit this role. If this role has been edited, delete it. It will be automatically repopulated (See Assume-Role for more).
  3. Create an IAM managed policy adminPolicy@[account-id] with full S3 and IAM access using the generated access key.

  4. Invoke attach-role-policy to attach the policy adminPolicy@[account-id] to the osis role using the generated access key.

  5. Use delete-access-key to delete the account's access key.

User APIs

Common Behavior for All User APIs

  • Invoke the Assume Role flow before accessing any user APIs.
  • If any user API returns an Access Denied error with the message: user [RoleArn] don't have any policies, denied access, then invoke the SetupAssumeRolePolicy flow (See Setup-Assume-Role-Policy.

Set Up Assume Role Policy

  1. Generate an access key for the account by using vaultclient to call generate-account-access-key with durationSeconds.
  2. Invoke IAM get-policy API for policy adminPolicy@[account-id] using the generated access key.
  3. If no policy is returned, use the generated access key to create an IAM managed policy adminPolicy@[account-id] with full s3 and iam access ({ s3:*, iam:* }).
  4. Invoke attach-role-policy to attach the policy adminPolicy@[account-id] to the osis role using the generated access key.
  5. delete-access-key for the account.

Assume Role

  • Before invoking a User API, you must call the AssumeRole flow. Use the tenant account credentials from assumeRoleCache for the given account ID before each User API.
  • If the tenant account credentials were not found in assumeRoleCache, the AssumeRoleBackbeat API must be called as superadmin and added to the assumeRoleCache cache.
  • If the AssumeRoleBackbeat API returns a NoSuchEntity error with a Role does not exist description, use vaultclient to invoke get-account with accountID to retrieve the accountName and then invoke the SetupAssumeRole subroutine).
  • assumeRoleCache cache will be a [key, value] pair of [Role_Arn, Temporary_Credentials] respectively.
    • Each assumeRoleCache entry will have a 50-minute TTL (its session token is valid only for 60 minutes).
    • When accessing credentials on the cache, refresh the credentials as well as needsRefresh (using AWS SDK refresh()), as they are subject to expiration.
    • Cache design can be found here.

Create User

This API creates a user on Vault.

  1. create-user api will be called using assumed role credentials.
    • The tenant user's cdUserId is stored as username in the corresponding Vault user.
    • The tenant user's username, role enum value, emailAddress, cdTenantID and account's canonicalID are stored in the Vault user path as /<tenantUsername>/<roleEnumValue>/<email>/<cdTenantID>/<canonicalID>/.
  2. The get-policy API will be called with the userPolicy@[account-id] policy name using assumed role credentials
  3. If the get-policy API does not return any policy, using the assumed role credentials creates an IAM managed policy with the userPolicy@[account-id] policy name with full S3 access.
  4. attach-policy for the new user will be called using the assumed role credentials and the policy arn formatted as arn:aws:iam::[account-id]:policy/userPolicy@[account-id].
  5. The IAM generate-access-key API will be called using assumed role credentials.
  6. Encrypt the secret key (For more, see SecretKey-Encryption-Strategy). Store the encrypted secret key on Redis Sentinel in the hash named "osis:s3credentials", with the hash key formatted as <Username>__<AccessKeyID>.

Create User Example Activity Diagram

Create User

List Users

This API will list users on Vault.

  1. The list-users API can be called with following parameters:
    • offset: The start index of tenants to return (optional)
    • limit: The maximum number of tenants to return (optional)
  2. list-users api will be called using assumed role credentials.
    • If offset is present, return the list-users result by providing the offset value as the marker parameter.

Query Users

This API will query users on Vault using a filter parameter with the filters of cd_tenant_id and display_name.

  1. Extract the cd_tenant_id filter from the filter parameter.
    1. If cd_tenant_id filter value is in the UUID format, it will be used to call list-accounts using vaultclient to retrieve the accountID.
    2. If cd_tenant_id filter value is not in the UUID format, it will be considered as accountID.
  2. Use accountID to generate assumed role credentials for that particular account.
  3. Extract the displayname value from the filter parameter.
  4. The list-users API will be called using assumed role credentials with the path-prefix as /<display_name>/.

Get User with User ID

This API will return the user.

  1. The get-user API will be called using assumed role credentials, with the tenant user's user ID as the username.

Get User with Canonical ID

This API will return the user.

  1. The get-account API will be called using vaultclient with the provided canonical-id and account details will be used to fill tenant details of the response.
  2. The list-users API will be called with offset as 0 and limit as 1000 and the last user values in the response will be used to fill the user details of the response.
    • canonical-id in Scality is defined with respect to an account and any specific user cannot be retrieved using only the canonicalID
    • get-user-with-canonical-id API will be called by OSE only when user APIs does not return the canonical-id for any user.

Head User

This API will return if user exists or not.

  1. The get-user API will be called using assumed-role credentials, with the tenant user's user ID as the username.
  2. Return true or false if result is returned or not respectively.

Delete User

This API will delete user on Vault.

  1. delete-user api will be called using assumed role credentials.

Update User

This API will enable or disable user on Vault.

  1. updateAccessKey api will be called using assumed role credentials to disable/enable access keys for the user.

S3 Credential APIs

S3 Credential APIs Have Common Behavior with User APIs

Create S3 Credential

This API creates S3 credentials for the user.

  1. The Generate Access Key API will be called using assumed role credentials.
  2. Encrypt the secret key (For more, see SecretKey-Encryption-Strategy). Store the encrypted secret key on Redis Sentinel in the hash named osis:s3credentials, with the hash key formatted as <Username>__<AccessKeyID>.

Important Notes:

  • Redis Sentinel is subject to an ongoing rolling upgrade.
  • If the entire Redis Sentinel cluster fails or crashes, the vCloud Director's OSE service must be restarted with the following command:
    $ ose service restart
    • Once OSE service restart process is finished,
      • OSE will invoke listS3Credentials API to identify the keys for object storage operations. As no key is available for the user on Redis, OSIS will create a new key for object storage operations and returns along with all the other keys on Vault DB. (For more, see List S3 Credentials)
    • Access keys created by OSIS before Redis crash will be listed with secretKey value as Not Available. vCloud Director Tenant Users are responsible to clean up "Not Available" access keys using S3 console or IAM API because only they know if the access keys are in use or not.
  • Redis Sentinel only supports storing 4294967295 (approx. 4.2 billion) keys in the hash.

Create S3 Credential Example Activity Diagram

Create S3 Credential

Query S3 Credentials

This API query S3 credentials of the user using a filter parameter.

  1. list-access-keys api will be called using assumed role credentials.
  2. Filter the result credentials using the filter parameter in the request.

List S3 Credentials

This API list S3 credentials of the user.

  1. list-access-keys api will be called using assumed role credentials.
  2. Retrieve the secret keys, formatted as <Username>__<AccessKeyID>, from Redis Sentinel.
  3. Decrypt the secret keys (For more, see SecretKey-Encryption-Strategy) and add them to the response.
  4. If no key is available for the user on Redis, OSIS will invoke createS3Credentials API in the backend to create a new key for object storage operations and adds the new key to the response.
  5. Add all the keys that are not present in the Redis Sentinel at the bottom of the list in the response with secretKey value as Not Available.

List S3 Credentials Example Activity Diagram

List S3 Credentials

Delete S3 Credential

This API deletes the S3 credential of the user.

  1. delete-access-key api will be called using assumed role credentials.

Get S3 Credential

This API return S3 credential of the user with the provided access key.

  1. list-access-keys api will be called using assumed role credentials.
  2. Extract the provided access-key details from the response
  3. Retrieve the secret key, formatted as <Username>__<AccessKeyID>, from Redis Sentinel.
  4. Decrypt the secret key (For more, see SecretKey-Encryption-Strategy) and add it to the response.
  5. If the key is not present in the Redis Sentinel return the response with secretKey value as Not Available.

Miscellaneous APIs:


Get the console URI of the platform or platform tenant if tenantId is specified

  • Return supervisor URL (Static and needs to be maintained in Config)
  • This is a tunable


Get the console URI of the platform or platform tenant if tenantId is specified

  1. First iteration

    1. It is configuration in application.yml
    2. It is Url of the S3 console
  2. Optional: we can provide some kind of SSO)

  3. For Next Gen production, it will be the XDM ui


Get S3 capabilities of the platform

  • It is using an xml file to show s3 capabilities it’s a copy paste from ceph code)


Get the information of the REST Services, including platform name, OSIS version and etc (Static Details)

updateOsisCaps (?)


Get the bucket list of the platform tenant

  • S3:listBucket API


Get the platform usage of global level (without query parameter), tenant level (only with tenant_id) or user level (with tenant_id and user_id).

Platform usage has the 5 metrics: bucket count, object count, total_bytes, available_bytes, used_bytes at the level of global, tenant and user respectively.

  • bucket_count

    • global: get all accounts from VAULT which are associated with VCD tenants, and call OSIS getBucketList API of each tenant respectively to get the bucket count
    • tenant: call OSIS getBucketList API of the provided tenant_id to get the bucket count
    • user: call OSIS getBucketList API of the provided tenant_id to get all buckets then filter by bucket owner equal to provided user_id
  • object_count

    • global: get all accounts from VAULT which are associated with VCD tenants, call UTAPI ListMetrics API with all tenant_ids to get numberOfObjects field. (Split into multiple requests if the number of accounts is big, the threshold value can be 50-100)
    • tenant: call UTAPI ListMetrics API with tenant_id to get numberOfObjects field
    • user: call UTAPI ListMetrics API with user_id to get numberOfObjects field
  • total_bytes

    • tenant: call VAULT getAccount API to get quota of the tenant, total_bytes will be the quota of the current tenant if quota exists, otherwise, it will be -1
    • global and user: -1
  • used_bytes

    • global: call UTAPI ListMetrics with all tenant_ids to get storageUtilized filed. (Split into multiple requests if the number of accounts is big, the threshold value can be 50-100)
    • tenant: call UTAPI ListMetrics with tenant_id to get storageUtilized field
    • user: call UTAPI ListMetrics with user_id to get storageUtilized field
  • available_bytes

    • tenant: can be calculated by total_bytes and used_bytes if total_bytes exists, otherwise, will be -1 as well.
    • global and user: -1

add UTAPI endpoint and UTAPI client

Like how we integrated Vault/Cloudserver with OSIS, add UTAPI host and port in file, create a UtapiClient class and add a listMetrics function to call Utapi listMetrics requests.

with Utapi not enabled or not reachable

We will have a config field osis.scality.utapi.enabled in which can automatically read from S3C or Zenko cluster about if UTAPI is enabled, we can as well configure it manually.

If UTAPI is enabled, it will be added to the deep heath check for OSIS. As UTAPI is not critical in the data path, we will only have it in /_/healthcheck/deep If UTAPI is unhealthy/unavailable, -1 will be returned for all metrics.

update OSIS admin policy

Currently, the policy that is assigned to OSIS users has full permissions to do all IAM and S3 requests, we will need to add utapi:ListMetrics permission to give OSIS users access to ListMetrics calls.

Also, the ListMetrics calls are sent with OSIS user’s accessKey/secretKey/sessionToken.


UTAPI enabled in S3C or Zenko cluster may enable expiration, it disposes of old metrics on a rolling schedule. This won't affect the use case in OSIS as the metrics we need are accumulated not periodical, we just need its most recent metrics.

S3 Operations Example Activity Diagram

S3 Object operations

Cache Design

  1. Implement caches using the following principles:

    1. The cache must have a maximum capacity.
    2. The cache must have a Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy.
    3. Each cache entry must have an expiration time (TTL).
      1. Cache put call must include ttl for the entry.
      2. Use ScheduledFuture in Java for cache entry removal after TTL.
    4. Caches must handle concurrency.
      1. Use Read locks for get calls and write locks for put calls.
    5. Caches can be configured using the following properties in
      1. ttl for invalidating cache entries
      2. maxCapacity for maximum number of entries in the cache
      3. A flag to enable or disable the cache
  2. Implement the following caches for this project:

    1. ListAccountsMarkerCache for the List Tenants and Query Tenants APIs
      • key : offset and value : marker
    2. AssumeRoleCache for all the User and S3 Credential APIs
      • key : RoleArn and value : Credentials

SecretKey Encryption Strategy

  1. secret-key value in the form of plaintext will be encrypted and decrypted using the cipher algorithm (property: cipher), and corresponding cryptographic key (property: secretKey) of the latest key slot in the list provided in the crypto.yml config file.
  2. A id property will be provided for each key slot entry in the list in the crypto.yml config file to maintain the version of the key and will be used in the Key rotation.
    1. Example crypto.yml
        - id: 2
          cipher: AES256GCM
          secretKey: YW5vdGhlcmxpbmVvZnBhc3N3b3JkZm9yYW5vdG==
        - id: 1
          cipher: AES256GCM
          secretKey: dGhpc2lzYXJlYWxseWxvbmdhbmRzdHJvbmdrZXk=
  3. A java object of class SecretKeyRepoData will be created with variables keyId, encryptedData and cipherInformation
    • keyId variable will be of type String and stores the id property of the key used.
    • encryptedData will be a byte array and stores the encrypted data bytes.
    • cipherInformation will be an encapsulation to store all the additional information used by the cipher algorithm.
      • Example: For AES256GCM algorithm, cipherInformation encapsulates the nonce variable, which will be a byte array and stores the nonce bytes.
  4. Java object of class SecretKeyRepoData will be serialized and stored as binary in Redis
  5. During decryption, keyId in the meta information will be used to identify applied the cipher algorithm.
  6. Initially, only the AES256GCM cipher algorithm is supported. (The Secretbox algorithm is suggested for future releases)
  7. An ability to change the cipher algorithm will be provided.
  8. Key Rotation:
    • Key rotation is used to replace a key with another one once the original key is compromised or too old to use.
    • crypto.yml file will be updated with a new key slot on top of keys list with an incremented id value.
    • A key rotation application jar file will be provided to do the key rotation of all the encrypted secret-key data on Redis database.
      1. Key rotation application will use the meta-information of the encrypted data to identify the keyId used.
      2. Each secret-key will be decrypted using the old cipher algorithm (identified using the keyId).
      3. secret-key value will be re-encrypted using the latest cipher algorithm and updated on Redis.
      4. This key rotation application need to be re-run until it returns success which means all the secret-key values on Redis are re-encrypted.
    • During decryption, if a new keyId is found, OSIS application will reload the crypto.yml file