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Bash Builtin Commands

Top 10 Builtin Commands

1) echo

Display a line of text

-n don't new line

-e enable escape character

echo "Hello World"
echo -n "Hello World
echo -e "\033[0;31m Hello World

2) pwd

Print name of shell current/working directory


3) cd

Change shell current/working directory

~ change to home directory

- change to previous working directory

.. change to parent directory

cd ~
cd -
cd ..
cd /root

4) type

Display information about command type

type pwd


pwd is a shell builtin

5) read

One line is read from the standard input, or from the file descriptor

Args Description
-s Silent mode, characters are not echoed.
-p Prompt output the string PROMPT without a trailing newline before attempting to read
-u fd Read input from file descriptor fd
-n nchars Read returns after reading [nchars] characters rather than waiting for a complete line of input
read -s -p "Password :" pass

All Commands

  • alias
  • bg
  • bind
  • break
  • builtin
  • caller
  • cd
  • command
  • compgen
  • complete
  • compopt
  • continue
  • declare
  • dirs
  • disown
  • echo
  • enable
  • eval
  • exec
  • exit
  • export
  • fc
  • fg
  • hash
  • help
  • history
  • jobs
  • kill
  • let
  • local
  • logout
  • mapfile
  • popd
  • printf
  • pushd
  • pwd
  • read
  • readarray
  • readonly
  • return
  • set
  • shift
  • shopt
  • source
  • test
  • times
  • trap
  • type
  • typeset
  • ulimit
  • umask
  • unalias
  • unset
  • wait