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WebConnector Configuration

Thomas Cujé edited this page May 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

The WebConnector has some configuration options. Some of these options should be adjusted depending on the running hardware and requirements.

Any of these options can be set in the /etc/ file. If the option is not present in the file, it can simply be set adding a new line containing property = value, or property = value1,value2 if it is a list.


Ports & SSL

int httpPort

int httpsPort

boolean startHttp

boolean startHttps

String sslKeystore see Enable SSL for details

String sslKeyPassword see Enable SSL for details


String crossOriginResourceDomain accepted cross origin domain, defaults to *

int crossOriginResourceMaxAge

boolean enableCrossOriginResourceSharing

P2P options

boolean onlyLocalServices if set to true, only services running on the local node are executed

Authentication and OIDC

String defaultOIDCProvider the default OIDC provider if none is specified, defaults to "", see Request Authentication for details

List<String> oidcProviders a list of whitelisted / supported OIDC providers

String defaultLoginUser unauthorized requests will be performed using this user, should be left to the default

String defaultLoginPassword

Maximum load

int maxConnections backlog; maximum number of queued incoming connections to allow on the listening socket

int maxThreads maximum number of executing threads

int maxRequestBodySize the maximum body size of a request

Favicon (since v0.7.0)

To use your own favicon for the WebConnector, place an Icon (.ico) file with the name favicon.ico in the etc directory, like etc/favicon.ico

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