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Release Note 3.5

Soutaro Matsumoto edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 8 revisions

Some of the highlights in RBS 3.5 are:

You can install it with $ gem install rbs or using Bundler.

gem 'rbs', '~> 3.5.0.pre'

Read the CHANGELOG for the details.


  • RBS 3.5 has many stdlib signature updates. Updating to 3.5 may cause having different type checking results.
  • Using new syntax may cause issues with tools that doesn't support RBS 3.5

Optional record keys

Untyped function parameters

Lexer API

Parser.lex method returns the list of tokens from the input, without constructing syntax tree.

tokens = RBS::Parser.lex(source)

The tokens contains all tokens from the source code, including comments and trivia tokens.

You can use the API to implement linters or something that works on comments.

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