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RIF Storage.js Pinning service

CircleCI Dependency Status standard-readme compliant js-standard-style Managed by tAsEgir

Application for providing your storage space on decentralized storage networks to other to use in exchange of RIF Tokens

Table of Contents


Running on bare metal

Install the package from NPM:

$ npm install @rsksmart/rif-storage-pinning

When you initialize the Pinning service you need Offer ID. It is address of your account that you will use to create the Offer on the RIF Marketplace. You can either go to the RIF Marketplace directly and follow its guidance on how to set up new Offer, or if you need to set up the Pinning service prior that just use the account address instead here.

Example of usage:

$ rif-pinning init --offerId=0x123456789
$ rif-pinning daemon --provider='ws://localhost:8546' --ipfs='http://localhost:5001' --network=testnet --strategy=blockchain

This will:

  • initialize pinning service for given Offer
  • start the daemon of the pinning service
  • listens only for events for the Offer ID 0x123456789
  • use blockchain node for listening on events at ws://localhost:8546 that is connected to testnet network
  • thanks to --network testnet will use predefined deployed smart-contracts on testnet
  • connects to your locally running IPFS node at http://localhost:5001


Currently, the Docker image is not published anywhere, so you have to clone/download this repository first. Bellow we will describe only deployment using docker-compose, but it is possible to use only Docker image as well.

In the root of the repository create file .env-pinner where you can specify any environmental variable as specified bellow. Example is:

RIFS_OFFER='' # fill in the Offer ID here
RIFS_PROVIDER='' # fill in the address of RSKj node
RIFS_COMMS_BOOTSTRAP='' # fill in the address of libp2p bootstrap nodes

Then to start the pinning service you can simply run:

$ docker-compose up

Environmental variables

Pinning service supports following environmental variables:

  • RIFS_CONFIG (string) - Same like --config flag.
  • RIFS_MARKETPLACE_URL (string) - Marketplace URL
  • RIFS_CONTRACT_ADDR (string) - Specifies address of smart contract to listen the events from. Mainly for development as this is otherwise configured using --network flag.
  • RIFS_COMMS_TRANSPORT (cache/libp2p) - Defines the transport for comms
  • RIFS_COMMS_BOOTSTRAP_ENABLED (true/false) - Defines if bootstrap should be used. Same as libp2p config's bootstrap.enabled property.
  • RIFS_COMMS_BOOTSTRAP_LIST (array) - Defines an array of multiaddress that the Pinner's libp2p node will use to bootstrap its connectivity. Same as libp2p config's bootstrap.list property.
  • RIFS_DB (string) - Specify the name or path to the data base file.
  • RIFS_IPFS (string) - Same like --ipfs flag.
  • RIFS_NETWORK (testnet|mainnet) - Same like --network flag.
  • RIFS_OFFER (string) - Specifies Offer Id which the Pinning service should listen on. Same like --offerId flag.
  • RIFS_STRATEGY (blockchain|marketplace) - Same like --strategy flag.
  • RIFS_PROVIDER (string) - Same like --provider flag.
  • LOG_LEVEL (string) - Same like --log flag.
  • LOG_FILTER (string) - Same like --log-filter flag.
  • LOG_PATH (string) - Same like --log-path flag.
  • LOG_NO_COLORS (boolean) - if set the output won't be colorized


rif-pinning agreements

Agreements info

  $ rif-pinning agreements

  -d, --db=db                                                   Name or path to DB file
  -p, --pinningStatus=running|backoff|created|finished|errored  Filter by pinning status
  -s, --status=active|inactive                                  Filter by status
  --config=config                                               path to JSON config file to load
  --log=error|warn|info|verbose|debug                           [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter                                       what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path                                           log to file, default is STDOUT
  --skipPrompt                                                  Answer yes for any prompting

  $ rif-pinning agreements
  $ rif-pinning agreements --db myOffer.sqlite
  $ rif-pinning agreements --ls -f active
  $ rif-pinning agreements --ls -f inactive
  $ rif-pinning agreements --ls -f inactive -p pinned
  $ rif-pinning agreements --ls -f active -p not-pinned

rif-pinning cleanup

Cleanup pinner files

  $ rif-pinning cleanup

  -d, --db=db                          Name or path to DB file
  -u, --unpin                          Unpin all files
  --config=config                      path to JSON config file to load
  --log=error|warn|info|verbose|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter              what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path                  log to file, default is STDOUT
  --skipPrompt                         Answer yes for any prompting

  $ rif-pinning cleanup
  $ rif-pinning cleanup --db myOffer.sqlite
  $ rif-pinning cleanup --unpin

rif-pinning daemon

Run pinning service

  $ rif-pinning daemon

  -d, --db=db                          Name or path to DB file
  -n, --network=testnet|mainnet        specifies to which network is the provider connected
  -p, --provider=provider              URL to blockchain node or Marketplace server
  --config=config                      path to JSON config file to load

  --ipfs=ipfs                          specifies a connection URL to IPFS node. Default is go-ipfs listening

  --log=error|warn|info|verbose|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log

  --log-filter=log-filter              what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)

  --log-path=log-path                  log to file, default is STDOUT

  --skipPrompt                         Answer yes for any prompting

  --strategy=marketplace|blockchain    what type of provider will be used for listening on events. Default is
                                       "marketplace". For blockchain you have to have access to a node that has allowed
                                       eth_getLogs call.

  $ rif-pinning daemon --strategy=blockchain --provider 'ws://localhost:8546' --ipfs '/ip4/' --network

  $ rif-pinning daemon --strategy=marketplace --ipfs 'http://localhost:5001' --network testnet

rif-pinning db-migration

DB migration

  $ rif-pinning db-migration

  -d, --db=db                          Name or path to DB file
  -d, --down                           Undo db migration
  -d, --generate=generate              Generate migrations using template [--generate=migration_name]
  -m, --migration=migration            Migration file
  -t, --to=to                          Migrate to
  -u, --up                             Migrate DB
  --config=config                      path to JSON config file to load
  --log=error|warn|info|verbose|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter              what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path                  log to file, default is STDOUT
  --skipPrompt                         Answer yes for any prompting

  $ rif-pinning db --up
  $ rif-pinning db --down
  $ rif-pinning db --up --to 0-test
  $ rif-pinning db --up --migration 01-test --migration 02-test
  $ rif-pinning db --up --db ./test.sqlite --to 09-test
  $ rif-pinning db --down --db ./test.sqlite --to 09-test
  $ rif-pinning db --generate my_first_migration

rif-pinning init

Initialize Pinner service dependencies

  $ rif-pinning init

  -d, --db=db                          Name or path to DB file
  -o, --offerId=offerId                ID of Offer to which should the service listen to
  -s, --keySize=keySize                [default: 2048] Size of private key that will be used for Peer Identity
  -t, --keyType=rsa|ed25519|secp256k1  [default: rsa] Type of private key that will be used for Peer Identity
  --config=config                      path to JSON config file to load
  --log=error|warn|info|verbose|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter              what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path                  log to file, default is STDOUT
  --[no-]override-db                   Skip the prompt when database exists with used value --override-db/--no-override-db
  --skipPrompt                         Answer yes for any prompting

  $ rif-pinning init
  $ rif-pinning init --offerId 0x123 --db ./relativeOrAbsolutePath/db.sqlite
  $ rif-pinning init --db fileName.sqlite
  $ rif-pinning init --db ./folder


There are some ways you can make this module better:

  • Consult our open issues and take on one of them
  • Help our tests reach 100% coverage!



  • IPFSv5 and higher
  • Ganache
  • Node & NPM

Please on how to set up the development environment see Development guide


  • Using the npm run ipfs:consumer and npm run ipfs:provider you can interact with each IPFS node using the standard commands that IPFS supports.
  • You can interact with the CLI using npm run bin script from the local folder.
  • Use RIF Communication PubSub Node to listen on the broadcast events! Only configure the correct Room's name!
