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This repository holds ROS/ROS2 tools for displaying and converting event_camera_msgs under ROS and ROS2. These messages are produced by the metavision_driver.

Supported platforms

Currently tested on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 under ROS Noetic and ROS2 Galactic/Humble.

How to build

Set the following shell variables:


and follow the instructions here

Republish conversion nodelet

The republish node converts event_camera_msgs to legacy formats like dvs, prophesee, and decoded ("mono") event_camera messages. Note that this nodelet will be consuming a significant amount of CPU resources and should not be run unnecessarily while recording data. The following command will start a conversion nodelet to republish events from /event_camera/events to /event_camera/republished_events and /event_camera/republished_triggers (similar syntax under ROS2, see launch file for remapping):

roslaunch event_camera_tools republish_nodelet.launch camera:=event_camera message_type:=event_packet

ROS1/ROS2 Tools

All tools are provided in ROS and ROS2 (syntax below is for ROS):

  • rosrun event_camera_tools echo [-b <bag>] <topic>: displays messages in event_camera_msgs format, optionally from a bag file. Example output:

    res:  640  height:  480 enc: evt3
    header stamp: 1664227781775114816
    time base:        0
    seqno:   129213
    6851488000 edge: 1  id:  6
    6851510000  390  223 1
    6851520000   33  326 0
  • rosrun event_camera_tools perf <topic>: Sample output:

    msgs:   219.48/s drp:  0 del: 13.72ms drft: 0.0033s ev:   0.0823 M/s %ON:  46 tr:  1758.38 1/s %UP:  50
    msgs:   249.01/s drp:  0 del:  4.35ms drft: 0.0027s ev:   0.8497 M/s %ON:  52 tr:  1999.56 1/s %UP:  49

    The meaning of the fields is as follows:

    • msgs message rate per seconds
    • drp number of drops per second (skip in sequence numbers)
    • del delay: average time difference between message header stamp and arrival time. This includes the delay due to the driver aggregating messages.
    • drft accumulated (from start of "perf") drift between message header stamp and sensor-provided time.
    • ev event rate in millions/sec
    • %ON ratio of ON events to total (ON + OFF) events
    • tr rate of trigger messages
    • %UP ratio of UP trigger edges to total (UP + DOWN)
  • rosrun event_camera_tools sync_test <cam_0_event_topic> <cam_1_event_topic> The output gives the average sensor time difference and how many samples where counted:

    avg sensor diff:  0.00846s, count:   360
    avg sensor diff:  0.00377s, count:   466
  • rosrun event_camera_tools bag_to_raw -t <topic> -b <bag_name> -o <outout_raw_file> -c <camera_type>

    Converts bags with evt3 event_camera_msgs to raw file. The camera_type argument is necessary to produce a valid header for the raw file.

  • rosrun event_camera_tools raw_to_bag -t <topic> -b <bag_file> -i <input_raw_file> -w <sensor_width> -h <sensor_height> -B <buffer_size>

    Converts raw file into bag with evt3 event_camera_msgs. The buffer size determines the size and number of ROS messages in the bag.

  • rosrun event_camera_tools movie_maker -f <fps> -b <bag_name> -t <topic>

    produces sequence of frame images.

ROS1 only tools:

  • rosrun event_camera_tools legacy_to_bag -t <topic> -b <input_bag_file> -o <output_bag_file>

    Converts bags with DVS or Prophesee messages to evt3 event_camera_msgs.

ROS2 only tools

  • ros2 run event_camera_tools find_trigger_events -i input_bag -t topic_with_trigger_events

    This tool is useful when aligning reconstructed image frames for datasets that use a pulse-per-second synchronization scheme. The find_trigger_events tool finds the ROS time and sensor time of the first trigger pulse in a rosbag. Output example:

    first trigger ROS    time: 1702577874035860000
    first trigger sensor time: 24809136000
    num triggers: 1712
    avg time between triggers:
    ROS time:    0.0499567s
    sensor time: 0.0499567s
    processed 202 number of messages

    The ROS and sensor times of the first trigger event serve as inputs for image reconstruction tools such as bag_to_frames.

  • ros2 run event_camera_tools plot_events -b name_of_bag -o name_of_plot_file -t topic

    Creates file with 4 columns (time, x, y, polarity) for plotting. Also useful for clear text viewing of events in bag file.


This software is issued under the Apache License Version 2.0.


tools related to event_array_msgs







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