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Lively Wallpaper File

Dani John edited this page Jan 21, 2020 · 11 revisions


Currently the purpose of lively wallpaper file is for easy sharing of wallpaper. Just drag & drop the file into lively window and the wallpaper will get imported into library with live preview & details.

Under the hood it is a compressed .zip file with LivelyInfo.json metadata file.

It is recommended to use Lively to create this file inorder to ensure compatibility with future versions of the software.

Lively can generate thumbnail and preview gif when opening wallpaper, after adding to library you can right click -> Export Lively .zip to generate this file.

Application type wallpaper(unity, app, godot etc) will show a warning before starting.

Library is meant for offline files only, so certan wallpaper type such as url will be unavailable.

Build in fully featured wallpaper editing software is planned for future release.