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Ritzy Design

General Information

See the README for general information about Ritzy.

Real-time Character-by-character Collaborative Editing

Causal Tree CRDT

Ritzy’s real-time collaborative editing uses a different approach than Google Docs, which based on public information is based on operational transform (OT). Operational transforms require implementing a transform for every operation, and dealing specially with lots of corner cases, especially as the complexity of the model increases.

Instead, Ritzy uses operation-based conflict free replicated data types (CRDTs), specifically a causal tree, to implement the concurrency control required for real-time character-by-character collaborative editing. Just like OT, CRDTs allow changes to happen in different orders on each instance, but the final editor state to converge.

Character IDs

This is a simplification. Read the causal trees paper by Victor Grishchenko for details. Errors in the text below are our own.

Essentially, with causal trees, every character has a unique id made up of a Lamport timestamp and some other information. All operations and positioning is relative to these ids rather than character count offsets.

Merging Operations

Imagine our editor contents consist of the following text, cursor, and associated (simplified) id of each character:

Editor IDs

In this example, rather than the local cursor being described as "at position with offset 2", the cursor is instead "at position '360Zq'".

Say Joe and the local user type simultaneously. Rather than Joe’s operation being insert(1, 'x'), Joe’s causal tree operation is insert('360Zp', 'x'). The local user’s operation is insert('360Zq', 'y') rather than insert(2, 'y'). With index-based operations and OT, one of them will be received by the server before the other (say Joe’s). The other (say the local user’s) will need to be transformed from insert(2, 'y') to insert(3, 'y'). But with a causal tree CRDT, as long as causality is maintained i.e. this character exists before this new one, the operations will merge to the same end result on both Joe’s editor and the local users'.

Deletes are handled by storing the deleted IDs in the character position before the deletion. This allows inserts by other users at that deleted ID to maintain their causal relationships, and therefore be positioned correctly within the causal tree.

This greatly simplifies simultaneous operations, at the cost of significantly greater disk and memory requirements. This is generally not an issue for text content on modern machines, and compression, tombstone clearing, and indexing mechanisms can be applied to reduce the performance overhead (Ritzy does not yet do this).

In addition, with a causal tree, simultaneous offline editing — extremely difficult with OT and diff-match-patch algorithms — is not only realistic, but comes built-in.

Supported Operations

Currently, the supported operations are insert, remove, and setAttributes. See RichText.js.


The heavy lifting of the operation-based CRDT is done by Swarm.js, a Javascript library created by Victor Grishchenko. On top of that base, Ritzy implements a rich text CRDT.

Ritzy requires a NodeJS or io.js server running Swarm.js and bidirectionally connected to each editor client via WebSockets or a long-polling mechanism. The server is responsible for receiving changes from all editors and transmitting them back to other editors. A simple server implementation is provided as part of the Ritzy project.

JavaScript Surface and Layout Engine

The contentEditable attribute used by most editors allows the editor to delegate the capture of user input and the display of the editor contents and selections to the browser. This is "easy" and performs very well, but is limited and broken by browser capabilities and incompatibilities in contentEditable implementations, and by the underlying HTML data model which is not suited for collaborative editing. Instead, Ritzy implements a custom surface and layout engine like Google Docs:

Let’s start by talking about the editing surface, which processes all user input and makes the application feel like a regular editor. To you, the new editor looks like a fairly normal text box. But from the browser’s perspective, it’s a webpage with JavaScript that responds to any user action by dynamically changing what to display on each line. For example, the cursor you see is actually a thin, 2 pixel-wide div element that we manually place on the screen. When you click somewhere, we find the x and y coordinates of your click and draw the cursor at that position. This lets us do basic things like slanting the cursor for italicized text, and it also allows more powerful capabilities like showing multiple collaborators’ cursors simultaneously, in the same document.

Pros and Cons

This approach is more flexible than contentEditable. The logic is consistent across browsers, and there are no browser-specific workarounds for the document model. The document model is only ever modified through explicit application action (rather than by the browser as happens with contentEditable), ensuring that the content of the internal document model is repeatable and consistent.

The document model is not HTML — it is completely independent of the editor surface. Therefore it should be easier to support applications that need to customize the editor surface with new controls and/or behavior. Examples of this would be inline spelling error notations or comments.

The downside is that having a custom editor surface unmanaged by the browser requires significant complexity to do things the browser would normally provide for free, such as: cursor motion and positioning (even blinking the cursor!), dealing with accessibility concerns, non-left-to-right text orientations, user inputs that are not raised as application events by the browser, dealing correctly with touch-driven interfaces, and other such capabilities. While cursor motion and positioning is implemented in Ritzy, some of the rest may be impossible or at the very least, quite hard, to solve with this approach.

Editor Surface

The editor uses Facebook’s React to manage rendering for the editor surface. React is perfect for this purpose as most user input and selection operations alter the surface only slightly — to insert or remove characters, to highlight selections, and to position the cursor. For each of these, React can instruct the browser to make the minimum number of required changes to the DOM that represents the editor surface. Since modifying the DOM is an expensive operation performance-wise, React is key to Ritzy’s smooth performance. React’s virtual DOM / state abstraction also makes code maintenance simpler.

React Component Tree

Ritzy is a series of React components. The hierarchy of the components is:

Flux Pattern

Ritzy uses the Facebook flux pattern — all state changes are made by the EditorStore, and all actions that trigger state changes, such as arrow keys or clicks, or events from remote editors via Swarm.js, trigger an EditorAction.

The line state, cursor position, selection, and remote cursor positions and selections are all part of the React Editor state. This state is updated by the EditorStore as local events are received such as arrow keys or clicks, or events from remote editors via Swarm.js.

The Editor component listens to state changes from the EditorStore, causing React to render the Editor component, which passes the required state subset to the various child components as props. Thus only the DOM changes necessary to reflect the new state are applied to the editor surface.


Managing the layout in JavaScript requires knowledge of the x-y positions of individual characters, for example to position the cursor when the user clicks on text, or to wrap text within the editor’s bounding box.

For performance, Ritzy prefers using Opentype.js to obtain the required text metrics from the underlying font, such as advance widths for the glyphs that represent each character.

When the browser/OS platform supports linear subpixel positioning and faithfully follows the font’s instructions for it’s text rendering, the font metrics are sufficient to calculate x-y positions. However, on some browsers on some platforms at some font sizes, for various complicated reasons the font metrics are ignored in favor of hinting or other mechanisms. In these situations, the layout engine falls back to a slower but reliable mechanism using the canvas measureText function. In addition, the canvas measureText function is used to calculate the width of characters for which the glyph is not available from the loaded font file.

To use the Opentype.js mechanism, all fonts displayed by Ritzy must be available as TrueType or OpenType font files. Note that Opentype.js does not currently support WOFF font files, but usually TrueType or OpenType equivalents are available. In addition, the font is loaded into memory twice: by the browser and by Ritzy.

See TextFontMetrics.js for details of the font metrics calculations.