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This is a Vagrant Environment for a playing with Talos.

For playing with Sidero see the rgl/sidero-vagrant repository.

Table Of Contents



Install docker, vagrant, vagrant-libvirt, and the Ubuntu Base Box.

Login into docker hub to have a higher rate limits.

If you want to connect to the external physical network, you must configure your host network as described in rgl/ansible-collection-tp-link-easy-smart-switch (e.g. have the br-rpi linux bridge) and set CONFIG_PANDORA_BRIDGE_NAME in the Vagrantfile.

Bring up the cluster virtual machines:

time ./ | tee bring-up.log

Access talos:

export TALOSCONFIG="$PWD/shared/talosconfig"
./shared/talosctl --nodes cp1,w1 version

Access kubernetes:

export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/shared/kubeconfig"
./shared/kubectl get nodes -o wide

Start an example service in each worker node:

vagrant ssh -c 'bash /vagrant/' pandora

Access the example service:

vagrant ssh -c "watch -n .2 'wget -qO- http://example-daemonset.\$(hostname --domain)?format=text | tail -25; kubectl get pod -l app=example-daemonset -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName,STATUS:.status.phase,'" pandora

List this repository dependencies (and which have newer versions):


Network Packet Capture

You can easily capture and see traffic from the host with the script, e.g., to capture the traffic from the eth1 interface:

./ pandora eth1

Host DNS resolver

To delegate the talos.test zone to the kubernetes managed external dns server (running in pandora) you need to configure your system to delegate that DNS zone to the pandora DNS server, for that, you can configure your system to only use dnsmasq.

For example, on my Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop, I have uninstalled resolvconf, disabled NetworkManager, and manually configured the network interfaces:

sudo su -l
for n in NetworkManager NetworkManager-wait-online NetworkManager-dispatcher network-manager; do
    systemctl mask --now $n
apt-get remove --purge resolvconf
cat >/etc/network/interfaces <<'EOF'
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp3s0
iface enp3s0 inet dhcp

Then, replaced systemd-resolved with dnsmasq:

sudo su -l
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends dnsutils dnsmasq
systemctl mask --now systemd-resolved
cat >/etc/dnsmasq.d/local.conf <<EOF
# delegate to the Cloudflare/APNIC Public DNS IP addresses.
# NB iif there's no entry in /etc/hosts.
# delegate to the Google Public DNS IP addresses.
# NB iif there's no entry in /etc/hosts.
cat >/etc/dnsmasq.d/talos.test.conf <<EOF
# delegate the talos.test zone to the pandora DNS server IP address.
# NB use the CONFIG_PANDORA_IP variable value defined in the Vagrantfile.
rm /etc/resolv.conf
cat >/etc/resolv.conf <<EOF
systemctl restart dnsmasq

Then start all the machines and test the DNS resolution:

vagrant up
dig pandora.talos.test

Network Booting

This environment uses PXE/TFTP/iPXE/HTTP/UEFI-HTTP to network boot the machines.

The Virtual Machines are automatically configured to network boot.

To boot Physical Machines you have to:

  • Create a Linux Bridge that can reach a Physical Switch that connects to your Physical Machines.
  • Add your machines to machines.yaml.
  • Configure your machines to PXE boot.

Tested Physical Machines

This was tested on the following physical machines and boot modes:


  • The machine boot order must be disk and network.
    • Talos expects to be run from disk.
  • Do not configure any default nodes with talosctl config node.
    • Instead, explicitly target the node with talosctl -n {node}.
    • Having default nodes could lead to mistakes (e.g. upgrading the whole cluster at the same time).
  • The user only needs to access the talos control plane machines.
    • A control plane machine will proxy the requests to the internal cluster nodes.


  • Talos
    • Troubleshooting Control Plane
    • talosctl -n cp1 service etcd status
    • talosctl -n cp1 etcd members
    • talosctl -n cp1 get members
    • talosctl -n cp1 dashboard
    • talosctl -n cp1 logs controller-runtime
    • talosctl -n cp1 logs kubelet
    • talosctl -n cp1 disks
    • talosctl -n cp1 mounts
    • talosctl -n cp1 get resourcedefinitions
    • talosctl -n cp1 get machineconfigs -o yaml
    • talosctl -n cp1 get staticpods -o yaml
    • talosctl -n cp1 get staticpodstatus
    • talosctl -n cp1 get manifests
    • talosctl -n cp1 get services
    • talosctl -n cp1 get extensions
    • talosctl -n cp1 get addresses
    • talosctl -n cp1 get nodeaddresses
    • talosctl -n cp1 list -l -r -t f /etc
    • talosctl -n cp1 list -l -r -t f /system
    • talosctl -n cp1 list -l -r -t f /var
    • talosctl -n cp1 list -l /sys/fs/cgroup
    • talosctl -n cp1 read /proc/cmdline | tr ' ' '\n'
    • talosctl -n cp1 read /proc/mounts | sort
    • talosctl -n cp1 read /etc/resolv.conf
    • talosctl -n cp1 read /etc/containerd/config.toml
    • talosctl -n cp1 read /etc/cri/containerd.toml
    • talosctl -n cp1 read /etc/cri/conf.d/cri.toml (registry credentials)
    • talosctl -n cp1 read /etc/cri/conf.d/hosts/ (registry mirror)
    • talosctl -n cp1 ps
    • talosctl -n cp1 containers -k
    • talos-poke cp1
  • Kubernetes
    • kubectl get events --all-namespaces --watch
    • kubectl --namespace kube-system get events --watch
    • kubectl run busybox -it --rm --restart=Never --image=busybox:1.33 -- nslookup -type=a pandora.talos.test

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