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Provides a way to sync objects between browser and QuickJS


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Build a secure plugin system in web browsers

This library wraps quickjs-emscripten and provides a way to sync object state between the browser and sandboxed QuickJS.

  • Exchange and sync values between the browser (host) and QuickJS seamlessly
    • Primitives (number, boolean, string, symbol)
    • Arrays
    • Functions
    • Classes and instances
    • Objects with prototypes and any property descriptors
    • Promises
  • Expose objects as a global object in QuickJS
  • Marshaling limitation for specific objects
  • Register a pair of objects that will be considered the same between the browser and QuickJS
npm install quickjs-emscripten quickjs-emscripten-sync
import { getQuickJS } from "quickjs-emscripten";
import { Arena } from "quickjs-emscripten-sync";

class Cls {
  field = 0;

  method() {
    return ++this.field;

const ctx = (await getQuickJS()).newContext();
const arena = new Arena(ctx, { isMarshalable: true });

// We can pass objects to the context and run code safely
const exposed = {
  cls: new Cls(),
  syncedCls: arena.sync(new Cls()),

arena.evalCode(`cls instanceof Cls`); // returns true
arena.evalCode(`cls.field`);          // returns 0
arena.evalCode(`cls.method()`);       // returns 1
arena.evalCode(`cls.field`);          // returns 1

arena.evalCode(`syncedCls.field`);    // returns 0
exposed.syncedCls.method();           // returns 1
arena.evalCode(`syncedCls.field`);    // returns 1


Example code is available as the unit test code.

Operating Environment

  • Web browsers that support WebAssembly
  • Node.js

If you want to run quickjs-emscripten and quickjs-emscripten-sync in a web browser, they have to be bundled with a bundler tool such as webpack, because quickjs-emscripten is now written in CommonJS format and web browsers cannot load it directly.


import { getQuickJS } from "quickjs-emscripten";
import { Arena } from "quickjs-emscripten-sync";

(async function() {
  const ctx = (await getQuickJS()).newContext();

  // init Arena
  // ⚠️ Marshaling is opt-in for security reasons.
  // ⚠️ Be careful when activating marshalling.
  const arena = new Arena(ctx, { isMarshalable: true });

  // expose objects as global objects in QuickJS context
    console: {
      log: console.log
  arena.evalCode(`console.log("hello, world");`); // run console.log
  arena.evalCode(`1 + 1`); // 2

  // expose objects but also enable sync
  const data = arena.sync({ hoge: "foo" });
  arena.expose({ data });

  arena.evalCode(`data.hoge = "bar"`);
  // eval code and operations to exposed objects are automatically synced
  console.log(data.hoge); // "bar"
  data.hoge = "changed!";
  console.log(arena.evalCode(`data.hoge`)); // "changed!"

  // Don't forget calling arena.dispose() before disposing QuickJS context!

Marshaling Limitations

Objects are automatically converted when they cross between the host and the QuickJS context. The conversion of a host's object to a handle is called marshaling, and the conversion of a handle to a host's object is called unmarshaling.

And for marshalling, it is possible to control whether the conversion is performed or not.

For example, exposing the host's global object to QuickJS is very heavy and dangerous. This exposure can be limited and controlled with the isMarshalable option. If false is returned, just undefined is passed to QuickJS.

import { Arena, complexity } from "quickjs-emscripten-sync";

const arena = new Arena(ctx, {
  isMarshalable: (target: any) => {
    // prevent passing globalThis to QuickJS
    if (target === window) return false;
    // complexity is a helper function to detect whether the object is heavy
    if (complexity(target, 30) >= 30) return false;
    return true; // other objects are OK

arena.evalCode(`a => a === undefined`)({});       // false
arena.evalCode(`a => a === undefined`)(window); // true
arena.evalCode(`a => a === undefined`)(document); // true

The complexity function is useful to detect whether the object is too heavy to be passed to QuickJS.

Security Warning

QuickJS has an environment isolated from the browser, so any code can be executed safely, but there are edge cases where some exposed objects by quickjs-emscripten-sync may break security.

quickjs-emscripten-sync cannot prevent such dangerous case, so PLEASE be very careful and deliberate about what you expose to QuickJS!

Case 1: Prototype pollution

import { set } from "lodash-es";

  danger: (keys, value) => {
    // This function may cause prototype pollution in the browser by QuickJS
    set({}, keys, value)

arena.evalCode(`danger("__proto__.a", () => { /* injected */ })`);

Case 2: Unintended HTTP request

It is very dangerous to expose or use directly or indirectly the window object, localStorage, fetch, XMLHttpRequest ...

This is because it enables the execution of unintended code such as XSS attacks, such as reading local storage, sending unintended HTTP requests, and manipulating DOM objects.

  // This function may cause unintended HTTP requests
  danger: (url, body) => {
    fetch(url, {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      body: JSON.stringify(body)

arena.evalCode(`danger("/api", { dangerous: true })`);

By default, quickjs-emscripten-sync doesn't prevent any marshaling, even in such cases. And there are many built-in objects in the host, so please note that it's hard to prevent all dangerous cases with the isMarshalable option alone.



The Arena class manages all generated handles at once by quickjs-emscripten and automatically converts objects between the host and the QuickJS context.

new Arena(ctx: QuickJSContext, options?: Options)

Constructs a new Arena instance. It requires a quickjs-emscripten context initialized with quickjs.newContext().

Options accepted:

type Options = {
  /** A callback that returns a boolean value that determines whether an object is marshalled or not. If false, no marshaling will be done and undefined will be passed to the QuickJS VM, otherwise marshaling will be done. By default, all objects will be marshalled. */
  isMarshalable?: boolean | "json" | ((target: any) => boolean | "json");
  /** Pre-registered pairs of objects that will be considered the same between the host and the QuickJS VM. This will be used automatically during the conversion. By default, it will be registered automatically with `defaultRegisteredObjects`.
   * Instead of a string, you can also pass a QuickJSHandle directly. In that case, however, you have to dispose of them manually when destroying the VM.
  registeredObjects?: Iterable<[any, QuickJSHandle | string]>;
  /** Register functions to convert an object to a QuickJS handle. */
  customMarshaller?: Iterable<
    (target: unknown, ctx: QuickJSContext) => QuickJSHandle | undefined
  /** Register functions to convert a QuickJS handle to an object. */
  customUnmarshaller?: Iterable<
    (target: QuickJSHandle, ctx: QuickJSContext) => any
  /** A callback that returns a boolean value that determines whether an object is wrappable by proxies. If returns false, note that the object cannot be synchronized between the host and the QuickJS even if arena.sync is used. */
  isWrappable?: (target: any) => boolean;
  /** A callback that returns a boolean value that determines whether an QuickJS handle is wrappable by proxies. If returns false, note that the handle cannot be synchronized between the host and the QuickJS even if arena.sync is used. */
  isHandleWrappable?: (handle: QuickJSHandle, ctx: QuickJSContext) => boolean;
  /** Compatibility with quickjs-emscripten prior to v0.15. Inject code for compatibility into context at Arena class initialization time. */
  compat?: boolean;


isMarshalable: Determines how marshalling will be done when sending objects from the host to the context. Make sure to set the marshalling to be the minimum necessary as it may reduce the security of your application. Please read the section on security above.

  • "json" (default, safety): Target object will be serialized as JSON in host and then parsed in context. Functions and classes will be lost in the process.
  • false (safety): Target object will not be always marshalled as undefined.
  • (target: any) => boolean | "json" (recoomended): You can control marshalling mode for each objects. If you want to do marshalling, usually use this method. Allow partial marshalling by returning true only for some objects.
  • true (risky and not recommended): Target object will be always marshaled. This setting may reduce security.

registeredObjects: You can pre-register a pair of objects that will be considered the same between the host and the QuickJS context. This will be used automatically during the conversion. By default, it will be registered automatically with defaultRegisteredObjects. If you want to add a new pair to this, please do the following:

import { defaultRegisteredObjects } from "quickjs-emscripten-sync";

const arena = new Arena(ctx, {
  registeredObjects: [
    [Math, "Math"]

Instead of a string, you can also pass a QuickJSHandle directly. In that case, however, you have to dispose of them manually when destroying the context.


Dispose of the arena and managed handles. This method won't dispose the context itself, so the context has to be disposed of manually.

evalCode<T = any>(code: string): T | undefined

Evaluate JS code in the context and get the result as an object on the host side. It also converts and re-throws error objects when an error is thrown during evaluation.

executePendingJobs(): number

Almost same as ctx.runtime.executePendingJobs(), but it converts and re-throws error objects when an error is thrown during evaluation.

expose(obj: { [k: string]: any })

Expose objects as global objects in the context.

By default, exposed objects are not synchronized between the host and the context. If you want to sync an objects, first wrap the object with sync method, and then expose the wrapped object.

sync<T>(target: T): T

Enables sync for the object between the host and the context and returns objects wrapped with proxies.

The return value is necessary in order to reflect changes to the object from the host to the context. Please note that setting a value in the field or deleting a field in the original object will not synchronize it.

register(target: any, code: string | QuickJSHandle)

Register a pair of objects that will be considered the same between the host and the QuickJS context.

unregisterAll(targets: Iterable<[any, string | QuickJSHandle]>)

Execute register methods for each pair.

unregister(target: any)

Unregister a pair of objects that were registered with registeredObjects option and register method.

unregisterAll(targets: Iterable<any>)

Execute unregister methods for each target.

defaultRegisteredObjects: [any, string][]

Default value of registeredObjects option of the Arena class constructor.

complexity(target: any, max?: number): number

Measure the complexity of an object as you traverse the field and prototype chain. If max is specified, when the complexity reaches max, the traversal is terminated and it returns the max. In this function, one object and function are counted as a complexity of 1, and primitives are not counted as a complexity.


How to work

quickjs-emscripten can execute JS code safely, but it requires to deal with a lot of handles and lifetimes. Also, when destroying the context, any un-destroyed handle will result in an error.

quickjs-emscripten-sync will automatically manage all handles once generated by QuickJS context in an Arena class. And it will automatically "marshal" objects as handles and "unmarshal" handles as objects to enable seamless data exchange between the browser and QuickJS. It recursively traverses the object properties and prototype chain to transform objects. A function is called after its arguments and this arg are automatically converted for the environment in which the function is defined. The return value will be automatically converted to match the environment of the caller. Most objects are wrapped by proxies during conversion, allowing "set" and "delete" operations on objects to be synchronized between the browser and QuickJS.


Class constructor

When initializing a new instance, it is not possible to fully proxy this arg (a.k.a. inside the class constructor. Therefore, after the constructor call, the fields set for this are re-set to this on the context side. Therefore, there may be some edge cases where the constructor may not work properly.

class Cls {
  constructor() {
    this.hoge = "foo";

arena.expose({ Cls });
arena.evalCode(`new Cls()`); // Cls { hoge: "foo" }

Operation synchronization

For now, only the set and deleteProperty operations on objects are subject to synchronization. The result of Object.defineProperty on a proxied object will not be synchronized to the other side.


MIT License