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vmad stands for virtual machine automated differentation framework.

The word virtual machine here does not mean much (think vm in LLVM), other than emphasizing that the computation graph is always traversed with an explicit linear order -- the order the nodes are triggerred as the graph was built. This means we do not even try to do dependency based scheduling. The only optimization is to skip irrelevant nodes during the calculation.

This is the third iteration of the design; it has become too big to be kept as an embeded file in abopt. Two previous iterations can be found in the optimization package abopt (gradually being deprecated):

The core algorithm is stable. vmad uses tape-based automated differentation. A good reference on tape based auto-diff is in the PhD thesis of Maclaurin, who wrote autograd: .

Each operator consists of three types of primitives:

  • apl : the application of operator; forward propagation
  • jvp : jacobian vector product; forward jacobian propagation
  • vjp : vector jacobian product; backward jacobian propagation
  • rcd : declaring what to be recorded on the tape. (unstable)

Unlike autograd, the operators in vmad do not form a closed group. As a result there is no support for higher order differentiation (e.g. Hessian), but it makes the syntax for declaring operators leaner. Note that Hessian of a Chi-square problem can be approximated as a product of jvp and vjp. (See wikipedia on Gauss-Newton optimization). In many cases this is sufficiently good. [reference needed]

Complex numbers are treated as individual degrees of freedom; mathematically inferior, but intuitive and avoiding a hermitian conjugate between gradients and parameter update.

The interface is still experimental; hence documentation is sparse. There are three main concepts, model, operator, and autooperator.

Automated differentation can be performed on a model, which is a collection of operators, connected by symbols. The forward pass on the model will substitute symbols with values, and resulting a tape that records these values for backward and forward propagation of the jacobians, which is what automated differentiation does.

autooperator is a model that can be used as an operator, the model is built on-demand and it provides the jacobian operators via automated differentiation. Currently the tape of the autooperator node is recorded on the full tape, we will add option to recompute the tape (trading computation and memory).

A small library of operators for linear algebra (backed by numpy), particle-mesh simulation(backed by pmesh), and MPI (mpi4py) are in vmad.lib. The focus has been on CPU and MPI, mostly because we are close to a super computing facility (NERSC) that provide plenty of CPU and MPI. There are already PyTorch or Tensorflow for GPU oriented work.

A higher level Chi-square inversion problems are built on with abopt, and can be found in contrib directory. This mostly implements the procedures described in for inversion of cosmic structure formation with a few million degrees of freedom.

Here is an example operator, add,

from vmad import operator

class add:
    ain = 'x1', 'x2'
    aout = 'y'

    def apl(ctx, x1, x2):
        return dict(y=x1 + x2)

    def vjp(ctx, _y):
        return dict(_x1=_y, _x2=_y)

    def jvp(ctx, x1_, x2_):
        return dict(y_=x1_+x2_)

and and example autooperator

from vmad import operator
from vmad.lib import linalg

class myoperator:
    ain = 'x1', 'x2', 'x3'
    aout = 'y'

    # (x1 + x2) * |x3|^2

    def main(ctx, x1, x2, x3):
        x12 = x1 + x2
        x3sq = linalg.to_scalar(x3)
        return dict(y = x12 * x3sq)


A simple autodiff and a small library of operators.







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