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GitHub Profile README / About Me Generator 💯

forthebadge made-with-python Github Profile README Generator - A Few inputs+ ~15mins= Github Profile reaches a new level 🔥 | Product Hunt Streamlit-Badge

This web app lets you build a cool README for your profile.

Screencast of Github AboutMe/Profile ReadMe Generator

A few inputs + ~15 mins = Your GitHub Profile reaches a new level 🔥

Live 🌞

Go to - Live Site

Article 📝

The article contains resources for GIFs, royalty free images/icons and tutorials on how to create your secret repo for the About Me Page, setting up the blog flow action etc.

Usage 🔧

  • Fill in the text boxes. Leave the ones you do not wish to fill blank.
  • By default the generated ReadMe has GitHub stats and Wakatime stats, feel free to remove them.
  • If you want to build on top of the Readme, refer to the article I mentioned above for resources and tips
  • If you used this app to build your README, consider adding yourself to the "Users who used this app to generate a README" section. You can showcase your README and others will be able to view it and star it. You are guaranteed a star from me ⭐

Built With 🧰

Features 💿

  • GIFs
  • Social Icons
  • Skill Icons
  • Visitors Badge
  • Github Stats
  • WakaTime Stats
  • .yml file to display Blog Posts from your feed
  • Ability to add image banners at beginning of README
  • Random Jokes Card

Update 05-01-2020 🗓

  • Clicking on Skills shows your github repos filtered on that skill
  • Chose GitHub Stats Card Type
  • Cool Image in About Me section
  • Fixed styling
  • Added Default Content

Update 07-05-2022 🗓

  • Fixed Some Gif Issues
  • Added Banner Images Sugesstions
  • Updated Streamlit beta elements

Running Locally 🖥️

  1. Clone the repo or your fork.
  2. Create a virtual environment
    python -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment
    # Windows 
    # Linux/macOS
    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install required dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the App
    streamlit run

Contributors ✨

Contributing 🤝

Feature Suggestion and Problems 💎

Go to Issues on the repo.

  • Create an explaining the Feature.
  • If you find any errors/issues, feel free to create an Issue.

Pull Requests 🔀

How to make code changes and add them to this repo with a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Clone it using the URL from the Code button.
    git clone FORK_URL
  3. Create your Feature Branch
    git checkout -b feat-my-feature
  4. Commit your Changes
    git commit -m 'Add some Amazing Feature'
  5. Push to the Branch
    git push origin feat-my-feature
  6. Go to Pull Requests of the original repo.
  7. Create a Pull Request. Compare across forks and pick your fork and your branch.

Once your PR is merged, I will add you as a contributor :)

Or if you wish to add yourself to 'Users who used this app' list, simply fork the repo, update the README and make a PR. Follow this format:

- <a href = ''> DISPLAY NAME </a>

Or just reach out to me on Twitter/LinkedIn and I'll add you :)

To keep your fork's main branch up to date with that of the original repo, then on your fork on GitHub click the Fetch Upstream button near the top.

Plans for future release 📆

  • Adding more badges
  • Giving user ability to chose between different ReadMe designs
  • Increasing number of social Icons

Users who used this app to generate a README 🌠

License ⚖️

  • Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
