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File metadata and controls

492 lines (374 loc) · 11.9 KB


Webdav cli client library.

Based on webdavclient library:

System Requirement

If you do not use your packager to install python libraries

  • libcurl4-openssl devel sources
  • libxml2 devel sources
  • libxslt1 devel sources

Python library dependencies

- argcomplete>=1.9.2 - lxml>=3.8.0 - pycurl>=7.43.0 - webdavclient>=1.0.8


This will install python libraries and pydav-client script.

# ArchLinux
$ sudo pacman -Sy --needed libxslt python-lxml python-pycurl python-argcomplete

# Debian
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

# Manually build it into specific folder
#$ /usr/bin/env python3 build --build-base=/path/to/pybuild/foo-1.0

# Install python package
$ /usr/bin/env python3 install --user --record installed-files.txt
$ export PYTHONPATH="$(echo $HOME/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages)"
$ export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}
# or
$ /usr/bin/env python3 install --home=~ --record installed-files.txt
$ export PYTHONPATH="$(echo $HOME/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages)"
$ export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}
# or
$ /usr/bin/env python3 install --prefix=/usr/local --record installed-files.txt
$ export PYTHONPATH="$(echo /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages)"
$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:${PATH}

If you use a custom install path, do not forget to setup PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME ```bash # if you used it with --prefix=/usr/local $ export PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/lib/python3.X" ```

📓 For more installation options, see:

Your packages will be installed under:

echo $(find "$(find "$(/usr/bin/env python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)')/lib/" -maxdepth 1 -name 'python3*')/site-packages/" -maxdepth 1 -iname "PyDav*" -type d)
# or
echo $(find "$(find "$(/usr/bin/env python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.exec_prefix)')/lib/" -maxdepth 1 -name 'python3*')/site-packages/" -maxdepth 1 -iname "PyDav*" -type d)


$ cat installed-files.txt | xargs sudo rm -rf
# or if you do not have installed-files.txt
$ pip uninstall PyDav --user
$ pip uninstall webdavclient argcomplete --user

Script Use

For a Quick&Easy use, call pydav-client from cli.

📓 All command launched with this script will impact remote Webdav in the limit of the directory defined as the sharing point in **config.ini** section **[webdav]**, option **'share'**.


pydav-client -h

usage: /home/amaibach/.virtualenvs/pydav/bin/pydav-client -c [/path/to/config.ini] (-l|-s|-u|-d|-i|-m|-r)|(--list|--search|--upload|--download|--duplicate|--move|--delete)

Webdav client

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c path/to/config.ini, --config path/to/config.ini
                        PyDav config file path
  -l [(optional value to specify Webdav path in share directory)], --list [(optional value to specify Webdav path in share directory)]
                        Allow to list Webdav share content
  -s [[word] (Webdav/share/searching/path/dir) [[word] (Webdav/share/searching/path/dir) ...]], --search [[word] (Webdav/share/searching/path/dir) [[word] (Webdav/share/searching/path/dir) ...]]
                        Allow to search for a resource containing a word
  -u [[/path/to/local/resource] (Webdav/share/path/dir) [[/path/to/local/resource] (Webdav/share/path/dir) ...]], --upload [[/path/to/local/resource] (Webdav/share/path/dir) [[/path/to/local/resource] (Webdav/share/path/dir) ...]]
                        Upload a resource to your Webdav share directory
  -d [[Webdav/share/resource] (path/to/localdest) [[Webdav/share/resource] (path/to/localdest) ...]], --download [[Webdav/share/resource] (path/to/localdest) [[Webdav/share/resource] (path/to/localdest) ...]]
                        Download a resource from your Webdav share directory
  -i [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] ...]], --duplicate [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] ...]]
                        Duplicate a Webdav resource
  -m [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] ...]], --move [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] [[webdav/share/src] [webdav/share/dst] ...]]
                        Move a Webdav resource
  -r webdav/share/resource, --delete webdav/share/resource
                        Remove a Webdav resource

List resources

To list webdav path resources you can use -l or --list option.

If you invoke -l without value behind, you will list recursively all your Webdav share path defined in config.ini

If you want to only list a specific path in your Webdav share path you can add the path (which will be add after your Webdav root share path defined in config.ini section [webdav], option 'share') after the -l/--list option.

cmd="pydav-client -c $config"

$cmd -l
$cmd --list documents

Search for resources

cmd="pydav-client -c $config"

$cmd -s .txt documents
$cmd --search .txt documents/

Uploading resources

cmd="pydav-client -c $config"

$cmd --upload ~/Downloads/photos/
$cmd -u ~/Downloads/ scripts/

Downloading resources

cmd="pydav-client -c $config"

$cmd -d 'documents/test.mp3'
$cmd --download Music/ ~/Downloads/music-vrac

Moving resources

cmd="pydav-client -c $config"

$cmd -i Music/music-vrac /vrac
$cmd --move /vrac Music/torem

Erasing resources

cmd="pydav-client -c $config"

$cmd -r Music/torem
$cmd --delete /photos
$cmd --delete scripts/
$cmd --delete scripts

Python Use

To start using it, first import it.

  from PyDav import tools


During the init, you will be required to specify a config.ini file.

If you do not give it, a default ini file will be generated at the same place where is executed your python script.

Here is an example of config file:

cat > "./config.ini" << EOF
# Local filesystem path where download will be done.
localpath = /home/amaibach/pydav-datas

# Webdav global informations part
# Your webdav URI
rhost =
# Webdav login
rlogin = johnDoe
# Webdav password
rpass = None
# Webdav root location (for nextcloud for example you will need to
# set it to /remote.php/webdav/
webdav_root = /
# Webdav target path where to put uploads
share = /synced

# Define here your logging destination
# This can be to console, or to syslog into user facility or directly to a file
logdst = console
# If you specified file for logdst, this item will be requested
logfilepath = /var/log/

Now that you have set up your config file, you can call webdav tools.

  webdavClient = tools.core("/path/to/your/config.ini")

All method calls will return a dict with 'code' and 'content':

  • Code can be 0 or 1 (for success of fail).
  • Content will give you error string in case of failure and result (if there is something to return) in case of success.

Connect to your webdav

You are ready to connect to your Webdav, to do so, just invoke connect() method:

  connected = webdavClient.connect()
  if connected['code'] != 0:

As previously said, the *connect()* call has returned a dict which we have exploited in this sample.

Manipulate locations

PyDav' tools will use your configuration file to set local and remote locations but if you need it, you can manipulate them like this:

  print( webdavClient.localPath )
  # Set it to a new location
  webdavClient.localPath = "other/local/location"

  print( webdavClient.webdavShare )
  webdavClient.webdavShare = "other/remote/location"

Be aware that changing these variables means updating them for all next part of your code, until you set it again or close the connection


To cleanly close your webdav connection, just do this:


List target path content

Use the **remote_list()** method and play with returned content

  remotefiles = webdavClient.remote_list()
  if remotefiles['code'] != 0:
    remotefiles = remotefiles['content']

Search for something

⚠️ 1. It can be very very slow on directories with many files.

⚠️ 2. It is not really efficient but it can help sometimes .. maybe ...

You can look for a **word** in your webdav and the **remote_search(matchword=str)** method will return any files path matching found.

import os
word = 'vrac'

woriginalpath = webdavClient.webdavShare
newloc = "/public/vrac"
wcurrpath = "{}/{}".format(webdavClient.webdavShare, newloc)
wcurrpath = os.path.normpath(wcurrpath)
webdavClient.webdavShare = wcurrpath

resfound = webdavClient.remote_search(word)
if resfound['code'] == 0 :
  for rfilename in resfound['content']:
    fileloc = "{0}/{1}".format(webdavClient.localPath, rfilename)

webdavClient.webdavShare = woriginalpath

Upload resources

Here how to use **upload(local=str)** method

  # upload a local directory
  resource = '/path/to/local/dir'

  res = webdavClient.upload(resource)
  if res['code'] == 1:

  # upload a local single file
  resource = '/path/to/local/file.txt'

  res = webdavClient.upload(resource)
  if res['code'] == 1:

Download resources

Here how to use **download(remote=str, local=str)** method

  # remote resource (located on webdav) to retrieve
  file2dl = 'toto-2/zigzag/mp3'

  # Formatting local destination
  remoteres = "{}/{}".format(webdavClient.webdavShare, file2dl)
  localres = "{0}/{1}".format(webdavClient.localPath, remoteres)

  if, localres)['code'] == 1:

Copy resources

Here how to use **remote_duplicate(src=str, dst=str)** method

  # remote resource (located on webdav) to duplicate
  file2cp = 'mp3'
  # remote resource (located on webdav) duplication destination
  dst = 'toto-1/zigzag/zizi/mp3'

  rescp = webdavClient.remote_duplicate(file2cp, dst)
  if rescp['code'] != 0:

Move resources

Here how to use **remote_move(src=str, dst=str)** method

  # remote resource (located on webdav) to move
  file2mv = 'toto-1/zigzag/zizi/mp3'
  # remote resource (located on webdav) destination
  dst = 'toto-2/zigzag/mp3'

  resmv = webdavClient.remote_move(file2mv, dst)
  if resmv['code'] != 0:

Remove resources

Here how to use **remote_remove(resource=str)** method

  err = False
  # list of resources to remove
  res2del = ['toto-1/', 'toto-2/', 'mp3','']

  for r in res2del:
    resdel = webdavClient.remote_remove(r)
    if resdel['code'] != 0:
      err = True

  if not err:
    remotefiles = webdavClient.remote_list()
    if remotefiles['code'] != 0:
      remotefiles = remotefiles['content']
    print("WARN: Some errors occured during remove see logs for more informations.")