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HELM Chart for Puppet Server


This chart bootstraps Puppet Server and its components on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Code Repos

  • You must specify your Puppet Control Repo using puppetserver.puppeturl variable in the values.yaml file or include --set puppetserver.puppeturl=<your_public_repo> in the command line of helm install. You can specify your separate Hieradata Repo as well using the hiera.hieradataurl variable.

  • You can also use private repos. Just remember to specify your credentials using r10k.code.viaSsh.credentials.ssh.value or r10k.code.viaHttps.credentials.netrc.value. You can set similar credentials for your Hieradata Repo.

Load-Balancing Puppet Server

In case a Load Balancer (LB) must sit in front of Puppet Server - please keep in mind that having a Network LB (operating at OSI Layer 4) is preferable.

NGINX Ingress Controller Configuration

The Ingress resource is disabled by default, but if it is enabled then ssl-passthrough must be used so that puppet agents will get the expected server certificate when connecting to the service. This feature must be enabled on the Ingress resource itself, but also must be enabled via command line argument to the NGINX Ingress Controller. More information on that can be found here.

NOTE: Ingress URLs must be passed in the Values.puppetserver.masters.fqdns.alternateServerNames. Also - in the Values.puppetserver.compilers.fqdns.alternateServerNames (if Puppet Compilers and their Ingress resources are deployed).

Migrating from Bare-Metal Puppet Infrastructure

Auto-Signing Certificate Requests

In general, the easiest way to switch the Puppet Agents from using one Puppet master to another is by enabling the auto-signing of CSRs. By default, that has been pre-enabled in the Puppet Server Docker container. It can be disabled in the Values file by passing an extra environment variable: AUTOSIGN=false (in .Values.puppetserver.masters.extraEnv).

You will also need to remove the existing certificates in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl on each Puppet agent.

Using Pre-Generated Puppet Master Certificates

If you prefer not to auto-sign or manually sign the Puppet Agents' CSRs - you can use the same Puppet master and PuppetDB certificates which you used in your bare-metal setup. Please archive into two separate files and place your certificates in the init/puppet-certs/puppetserver and init/puppet-certs/puppetdb directories and enable their usage in the Values file (.Values.puppetserver.preGeneratedCertsJob.enabled).

NOTE: For more information please check - For more general knowledge on the matter you can also read the article -

Using Single CA

If you prefer, you can use a single externally issued CA - Enable it with .Values.singleCA.enable, add the crl.pem url with .Values.singleCA.crl.url.

Generate puppet & puppetdb secret (must be name puppet.pem & puppetdb.pem):

kubectl create secret generic puppet-certificate --from-file=puppet.pem --from-file=puppet.key --from-file=ca.pem
kubectl create secret generic puppetdb-certificate --from-file=puppetdb.pem --from-file=puppetdb.key --from-file=ca.pem

finally set .Values.singleCA.certificates.existingSecret.puppetserver and .Values.singleCA.certificates.existingSecret.puppetdb.

Additionnaly, if you use a public certificate authority, you can't use private SAN name, so you have to override puppetdb name with .Values.singleCA.puppetdb.overrideHostname (with the full name ie:

If you prefer, you can use crl update as cronjob instead of sidecar, it reduce resources utilization because only 1 pod is running. :warning: it may not work on multi zone cluster. that why it's not enable by default

Horizontal Scaling

To achieve better availability and higher throughput of Puppet Infrastructure, you'll need to scale out Puppet Masters and/or Puppet Compilers.

Multiple Puppet Masters

To achieve better availability of Puppet Infrastructure, you can scale out Puppet Server Masters using .Values.puppetserver.masters.multiMasters. These Servers are known as masters, and are responsible for the creation and signing of your Puppet Agents' certificates. They are also responsible for receiving catalog requests from agents and synchronize the results with each other.

Multiple Puppet Compilers

To achieve better throughput of Puppet Infrastructure, you can enable and scale out Puppet Server Compilers using .Values.puppetserver.compilers. These Servers are known as compile masters, and are simply additional load-balanced Puppet Servers that receive catalog requests from agents and synchronize the results with each other.

Multiple PostgreSQL Read Replicas

For now it's not available anymore, since bitnami cleanned their old release. for multiple Postgresql we have to use postgresql-ha. Read replica return an error on puppetdb: ERROR [] Will retry database connection after temporary failure: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: PDBMigrationsPool: default - Connection is not available, request timed out after 3002ms.

Deploy R10K as deployment

⚠️ may not work in multi zone environment. that why it's not enable by default

You can configure r10k to run as deployment instead of sidecar to avoid r10k container multiplication (and avoid r10k run conflict) to share r10k data between all componant (master or compiler), change the following values:

# values.yaml

# change this only if you use compilers
        kind: Deployment

  asSidecar: false

Deploy Puppetserver deployment (master & compilers) as non root

⚠️ for now only puppetserver can run as non root, it's not available for the puppetdb It will run a pre-install job to configure all repository & permissions for masters & compilers


  • running puppetserver with limited permissions
  • improve puppetserver deployment (because certificate are not regenerated each time)

You can enable it using:

global.runAsNonRoot: true

Chart Components

  • Creates three deployments: Puppet Server Master/s, and PuppetDB.
  • Creates three statefulsets (optional): Puppet Server Compiler/s, PostgreSQL Master, and PostgreSQL Read Replicas.
  • Creates seven services that expose: Puppet Server Masters, Puppet Server Compilers (optional), PuppetDB, PostgreSQL, and Puppetboard (optional).
  • Creates secrets to hold credentials for PuppetDB, PosgreSQL, and r10k.

Installing the Chart

Add Puppet Server Helm Repository

Before installing Puppet Server Helm chart, you need to add the Puppet Server Helm repository to your Helm client as below.

helm repo add puppet

Install the Chart

To install the chart with the release name puppetserver.

helm install --namespace puppetserver --name puppetserver puppet/puppetserver --set puppetserver.puppeturl='$SOMEUSER/control-repo.git'

Note - If you do not specify a name, helm will select a name for you.

Installed Components

You can use kubectl get to view all of the installed components.

$ kubectl get --namespace puppetserver all
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/puppetserver-postgresql-master-0                   1/1     Running   0          9m25s
pod/puppetserver-postgresql-slave-0                    1/1     Running   0          9m25s
pod/puppetserver-puppetdb-fc4978b6d-z9bsx              2/2     Running   0          9m25s
pod/puppetserver-puppetserver-compiler-0               2/2     Running   0          9m25s
pod/puppetserver-puppetserver-master-7b59cb946-9bwv6   2/2     Running   0          9m25s

NAME                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                    AGE
service/agents-to-puppet                   ClusterIP   <none>        8140/TCP                   9m25s
service/puppet                             ClusterIP     <none>        8140/TCP                   9m25s
service/puppet-compilers                   ClusterIP    <none>        8140/TCP                   9m25s
service/puppet-compilers-headless          ClusterIP   None            <none>        443/TCP                    9m25s
service/puppetdb                           ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP,8081/TCP,80/TCP   9m25s
service/puppetserver-postgresql            ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP                   9m25s
service/puppetserver-postgresql-headless   ClusterIP   None            <none>        5432/TCP                   9m25s
service/puppetserver-postgresql-read       ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP                   9m25s

NAME                                               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/puppetserver-puppetdb              1/1     1            1           9m25s
deployment.apps/puppetserver-puppetserver-master   1/1     1            1           9m25s

NAME                                                         DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/puppetserver-puppetdb-fc4978b6d              1         1         1       9m25s
replicaset.apps/puppetserver-puppetserver-master-7b59cb946   1         1         1       9m25s

NAME                                                  READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/puppetserver-postgresql-master       1/1     9m25s
statefulset.apps/puppetserver-postgresql-slave        1/1     9m25s
statefulset.apps/puppetserver-puppetserver-compiler   1/1     9m25s

NAME                                                                    REFERENCE                                         TARGETS                        MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/puppetserver-compilers-autoscaler   StatefulSet/puppetserver-puppetserver-compilers   33%/75%, 47%/75%               1         3         0          9m25s


from 7.x to 8.0

customPersistentVolumeClaim was removed instead check puppetdb.persistence.existingClaim or puppetserver.persistence.*.existingClaim for similar functionnality.

Added support for setting the size and Storage Class of individual Persistent Volume Claims fullfilling most uses of customPersistentVolumeClaim check puppetdb.persistence.size puppetdb.persistence.storageClass, puppetserver.persistence.*.storageClass and puppetserver.persistence.*.size for more information.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Puppetserver chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
global.runAsNonRoot run puppetserver as non root false
global.curl.image curl image curlimages/curl
global.curl.tag curl image tag 7.87.0
global.curl.imagePullPolicy curl image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array []
global.pgchecker.image pgchecker image
global.pgchecker.tag pgchecker image tag 1.36
global.pgchecker.imagePullPolicy pgchecker image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.puppetdbexporter.image puppetdb exporter image camptocamp/prometheus-puppetdb-exporter
global.puppetdbexporter.tag puppetdb exporter image tag 1.1.0
global.puppetdbexporter.imagePullPolicy puppetdb exporter image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.postgresql.auth.username puppetdb and postgresql username puppetdb
global.postgresql.auth.password puppetdb and postgresql password unbreakablePassword
global.postgresql.auth.existingSecret existing k8s secret that holds puppetdb and postgresql username and password ``
global.postgresql.* please refer to ``
global.r10k.image r10k image puppet/r10k
global.r10k.tag r10k img tag 3.15.2
global.r10k.imagePullPolicy r10k image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.extraEnv.* add extra environment variables to all containers ``
global.extraEnvSecret add extra environment variables to all containers from pre-existing secret `` puppetserver component label puppetserver
puppetserver.image puppetserver image voxpupuli/container-puppetserver
puppetserver.tag puppetserver img tag 7.17.0-v1.5.0
puppetserver.pullPolicy puppetserver img pull policy IfNotPresent Persists /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/ in a PVC true If non-empty, use a pre-defined PVC for puppet data `` If existingClaim is empty, the accessModes of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the storageClass of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the annotations of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.annotations If existingClaim is empty, the size of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.size
puppetserver.persistence.puppet.existingClaim If non-empty, use a pre-defined PVC for the puppet directory ``
puppetserver.persistence.puppet.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the accessModes of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.puppet.storageClass If existingClaim is empty, the storageClass of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.puppet.annotations If existingClaim is empty, the annotations of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.annotations
puppetserver.persistence.puppet.size If existingClaim is empty, the size of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.size
puppetserver.persistence.code.existingClaim If non-empty, use a pre-defined PVC for the puppet code ``
puppetserver.persistence.code.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the accessModes of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.code.storageClass If existingClaim is empty, the storageClass of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.code.annotations If existingClaim is empty, the annotations of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.annotations
puppetserver.persistence.code.size If existingClaim is empty, the size of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.size If non-empty, use a pre-defined PVC for the puppet CA certificates `` If existingClaim is empty, the accessModes of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the storageClass of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the annotations of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.annotations If existingClaim is empty, the size of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.size
puppetserver.persistence.confd.enabled Persists /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/ in a PVC true
puppetserver.persistence.confd.existingClaim If non-empty, use a pre-defined PVC for the puppet conf.d directory ``
puppetserver.persistence.confd.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the accessModes of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.confd.storageClass If existingClaim is empty, the storageClass of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.confd.annotations If existingClaim is empty, the annotations of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.annotations
puppetserver.persistence.confd.size If existingClaim is empty, the size of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.size
puppetserver.persistence.server.existingClaim If non-empty, use a pre-defined PVC for the puppetserver ``
puppetserver.persistence.server.accessModes If existingClaim is empty, the accessModes of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.server.storageClass If existingClaim is empty, the storageClass of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.accessModes
puppetserver.persistence.server.annotations If existingClaim is empty, the annotations of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.annotations
puppetserver.persistence.server.size If existingClaim is empty, the size of the PVC created by the chart the value of storage.size
puppetserver.masters.resources puppetserver masters resource limits ``
puppetserver.masters.podAntiAffinity puppetserver masters pod affinity constraints false
puppetserver.masters.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget on puppetserver masters false
puppetserver.masters.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable represents the number of Pods that must be available (integer or percentage) on puppetserver masters 1
puppetserver.masters.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable represents the number of Pods that can be unavailable (integer or percentage) on puppetserver masters ``
puppetserver.masters.networkPolicy.enabled enable networkPolicy on puppetserver masters false
puppetserver.masters.networkPolicy.policyTypes default networkpolicy type n puppetserver masters [ Egress, Ingress ]
puppetserver.masters.networkPolicy.additionnalIngressRules puppetserver masters resource limits allow 8140 from everywhere
puppetserver.masters.extraContainers Extra containers to inject into the master pod ``
puppetserver.masters.extraEnv puppetserver masters additional container env vars ``
puppetserver.masters.extraEnvSecret puppetserver masters additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
puppetserver.masters.extraLabels puppetserver masters additional labels ``
puppetserver.masters.updateStrategy puppetserver masters update strategy RollingUpdate
puppetserver.masters.readinessProbeInitialDelay the initial delay for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 180
puppetserver.masters.readinessProbePeriodSeconds how often (in seconds) to perform the puppetserver masters readiness probe 60
puppetserver.masters.readinessProbeTimeout the timeout for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 20
puppetserver.masters.readinessProbeFailureThreshold the failure threshold for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 3
puppetserver.masters.readinessProbeSuccessThreshold the success threshold for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 1
puppetserver.masters.readinessProbeScheme the readiness probe scheme to be used HTTPS
puppetserver.masters.livenessProbeInitialDelay the initial delay for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 420
puppetserver.masters.livenessProbePeriodSeconds how often (in seconds) to perform the puppetserver masters liveness probe 30
puppetserver.masters.livenessProbeTimeout the timeout for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 10
puppetserver.masters.livenessProbeFailureThreshold the failure threshold for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 3
puppetserver.masters.livenessProbeSuccessThreshold the success threshold for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 1
puppetserver.masters.startupProbePeriodSeconds the timeout for the puppetserver masters startup probe 60
puppetserver.masters.fqdns.alternateServerNames puppetserver masters alternate fqdns ``
puppetserver.masters.service.type puppetserver masters svc type ClusterIP
puppetserver.masters.service.ports puppetserver masters svc exposed ports puppetserver
puppetserver.masters.service.annotations puppetserver masters svc annotations ``
puppetserver.masters.service.labels puppetserver additional masters svc labels ``
puppetserver.masters.service.loadBalancerIP puppetserver masters svc loadbalancer ip ``
puppetserver.masters.ingress.enabled puppetserver masters ingress creation enabled false
puppetserver.masters.ingress.annotations puppetserver masters ingress annotations ``
puppetserver.masters.ingress.extraLabels puppetserver masters ingress extraLabels ``
puppetserver.masters.ingress.hosts puppetserver masters ingress hostnames ``
puppetserver.masters.ingress.tls puppetserver masters ingress tls configuration ``
puppetserver.masters.multiMasters.enabled If true, creates multiple Puppetserver masters false
puppetserver.masters.multiMasters.manualScaling.masters If multiple masters are enabled, this field sets masters count 1
puppetserver.masters.multiMasters.autoScaling.enabled If true, creates masters Horizontal Pod Autoscaler false
puppetserver.masters.multiMasters.autoScaling.minMasters If masters autoscaling enabled, this field sets minimum masters count 1
puppetserver.masters.multiMasters.autoScaling.maxMasters If masters autoscaling enabled, this field sets maximum masters count 3
puppetserver.masters.multiMasters.autoScaling.cpuUtilizationPercentage Target masters CPU utilization percentage to scale 75
puppetserver.masters.multiMasters.autoScaling.memoryUtilizationPercentage Target masters memory utilization percentage to scale 75
puppetserver.masters.backup.enabled If true, enable master backup with a kubernetes CronJob and restic false
puppetserver.masters.backup.resources puppetserver restic backup CronJob resource limits ``
puppetserver.masters.backup.failedJobsHistoryLimit puppetserver restic backup CronJob failedJobsHistoryLimit 5
puppetserver.masters.backup.successfulJobsHistoryLimit puppetserver restic backup CronJob successfulJobsHistoryLimit 2
puppetserver.masters.backup.schedule puppetserver restic backup CronJob schedule @every 12h
puppetserver.masters.backup.image puppetserver restic backup CronJob image restic/restic
puppetserver.masters.backup.tag puppetserver restic backup CronJob image tag 0.13.1
puppetserver.masters.backup.pullPolicy puppetserver restic backup CronJob image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
puppetserver.masters.backup.caConfigMap puppetserver restic backup CronJob configmap for custom ca-certificates.crt ``
puppetserver.masters.backup.restic.keep_last puppetserver restic backup CronJob keep last n days 90
puppetserver.masters.backup.restic.repository puppetserver restic backup CronJob s3 compatible repository ``
puppetserver.masters.backup.restic.access_key_id puppetserver restic backup CronJob s3 access_key_id ``
puppetserver.masters.backup.restic.secret_access_key puppetserver restic backup CronJob s3 secret_access_key ``
puppetserver.masters.backup.restic.password puppetserver restic backup CronJob encryption password ``
puppetserver.compilers.enabled If true, creates Puppetserver compilers false
puppetserver.compilers.resources puppetserver compilers resource limits ``
puppetserver.compilers.podAntiAffinity puppetserver compilers pod affinity constraints false
puppetserver.compilers.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget on puppetserver compilers false
puppetserver.compilers.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable represents the number of Pods that must be available (integer or percentage) on puppetserver compilers 1
puppetserver.compilers.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable represents the number of Pods that can be unavailable (integer or percentage) on puppetserver compilers ``
puppetserver.compilers.networkPolicy.enabled enable networkPolicy on puppetserver compilers false
puppetserver.compilers.networkPolicy.policyTypes default networkpolicy type on puppetserver compilers [ Egress, Ingress ]
puppetserver.compilers.networkPolicy.additionnalIngressRules puppetserver compilers resource limits allow 8140 from everywhere
puppetserver.compilers.annotations puppetserver compilers statefulset annotations ``
puppetserver.compilers.extraContainers Extra containers to inject into the compiler pod ``
puppetserver.compilers.extraEnv puppetserver compilers additional container env vars ``
puppetserver.compilers.extraEnvSecret puppetserver compilers additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
puppetserver.compilers.extraLabels puppetserver compilers additional labels ``
puppetserver.compilers.updateStrategy puppetserver compilers update strategy RollingUpdate
puppetserver.compilers.readinessProbeInitialDelay the initial delay for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 180
puppetserver.compilers.readinessProbePeriodSeconds how often (in seconds) to perform the puppetserver masters readiness probe 60
puppetserver.compilers.readinessProbeTimeout the timeout for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 20
puppetserver.compilers.readinessProbeFailureThreshold the failure threshold for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 3
puppetserver.compilers.readinessProbeSuccessThreshold the success threshold for the puppetserver masters readiness probe 1
puppetserver.compilers.readinessScheme the readiness probe scheme to be used HTTPS
puppetserver.compilers.livenessProbeInitialDelay the initial delay for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 420
puppetserver.compilers.livenessProbePeriodSeconds how often (in seconds) to perform the puppetserver masters liveness probe 30
puppetserver.compilers.livenessProbeTimeout the timeout for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 10
puppetserver.compilers.livenessProbeFailureThreshold the failure threshold for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 3
puppetserver.compilers.livenessProbeSuccessThreshold the success threshold for the puppetserver masters liveness probe 1
puppetserver.compilers.manualScaling.compilers If multiple compilers are enabled, this field sets compiler count 1
puppetserver.compilers.autoScaling.enabled If true, creates compilers Horizontal Pod Autoscaler false
puppetserver.compilers.autoScaling.minCompilers If autoscaling enabled, this field sets minimum compiler count 1
puppetserver.compilers.autoScaling.maxCompilers If compilers autoscaling enabled, this field sets maximum compiler count 3
puppetserver.compilers.autoScaling.cpuUtilizationPercentage Target compilers CPU utilization percentage to scale 75
puppetserver.compilers.autoScaling.memoryUtilizationPercentage Target compilers memory utilization percentage to scale 75
puppetserver.compilers.podManagementPolicy puppetserver compilers statefulset pod management policy OrderedReady
puppetserver.compilers.fqdns.alternateServerNames puppetserver compilers alternate fqdns ``
puppetserver.compilers.service.type puppetserver compilers svc type ClusterIP
puppetserver.compilers.service.ports puppetserver compilers svc exposed ports puppetserver
puppetserver.compilers.service.annotations puppetserver compilers svc annotations ``
puppetserver.compilers.service.labels puppetserver compilers additional svc labels ``
puppetserver.compilers.service.loadBalancerIP puppetserver compilers svc loadbalancer ip ``
puppetserver.compilers.service.headless.ports puppetserver compilers headless svc loadbalancer ip https
puppetserver.compilers.service.headless.annotations puppetserver compilers headless svc annotations ``
puppetserver.compilers.service.headless.labels puppetserver compilers additional headless svc labels ``
puppetserver.compilers.ingress.enabled puppetserver compilers ingress creation enabled false
puppetserver.compilers.ingress.annotations puppetserver compilers ingress annotations ``
puppetserver.compilers.ingress.extraLabels puppetserver compilers ingress extraLabels ``
puppetserver.compilers.ingress.hosts puppetserver compilers ingress hostnames ``
puppetserver.compilers.ingress.tls puppetserver compilers ingress tls configuration ``
puppetserver.preGeneratedCertsJob.enabled puppetserver pre-generated certs false
puppetserver.preGeneratedCertsJob.importPuppetdb import puppetdb pre-generated certs true
puppetserver.preGeneratedCertsJob.jobDeadline puppetserver pre-generated certs job deadline in seconds 60
puppetserver.puppeturl puppetserver control repo url ``
puppetserver.serviceAccount.enabled Enable service account (Note: Service Account will only be automatically created if puppetserver.serviceAccount.create is not set. false
puppetserver.serviceAccount.create puppetserver additional masters svc labels false
puppetserver.rbac.create Enable PodSecurityPolicy's RBAC rules false
puppetserver.psp.create Whether to create a PodSecurityPolicy. WARNING: PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in Kubernetes v1.21 or later, unavailable in v1.25 or later false
puppetserver.customconfigs.enabled puppetserver additional config map enabled false
puppetserver.customconfigs.configmaps puppetserver additional config maps which will be mounted in /etc/puppetlab/puppetserver/conf.d/ ``
puppetserver.customentrypoints.enabled puppetserver additional entrypoint scripts. will be executed before puppetserver launch false
puppetserver.customentrypoints.configmaps puppetserver additional configmaps ``
puppetserver.extraSecrets puppetserver additional secret which will be mounted in pod ``
puppetserver.extraInitArgs puppetserver additional initArgs `` r10k component label r10k
r10k.image r10k img puppet/r10k
r10k.tag r10k img tag 3.15.2
r10k.pullPolicy r10k img pull policy IfNotPresent
r10k.code.resources r10k control repo resource limits ``
r10k.code.command r10k entrypoint command [/bin/sh,-c]
r10k.code.args r10k entrypoint command argument [/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/;]
r10k.code.readinessProbe r10k entrypoint [/bin/sh, -ec, test -f {{ .Values.r10k.code.cronJob.successFile }}]
r10k.code.cronJob.enabled enable or disable r10k control repo cron job schedule policy true
r10k.code.cronJob.schedule r10k control repo cron job schedule policy */15 * * * *
r10k.code.cronJob.splay apply random sleep before running r10k control repo cron job true
r10k.code.cronJob.splayLimit maximum splay in seconds applied before running r10k control repo cron job 60
r10k.code.cronJob.timeout timeout in seconds to apply when running r10k control repo cron job takes too long ``
r10k.code.cronJob.successFile path to file reflecting success of r10k control repo cron job ~/.r10k_code_cronjob.success
r10k.code.defaultRepoExtraConf yaml to be added to the default repo in r10k_code.yaml ``
r10k.code.extraArgs r10k control repo additional container env args ``
r10k.code.extraEnv r10k control repo additional container env vars ``
r10k.code.extraEnvSecret r10k control repo additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
r10k.code.viaSsh.credentials.ssh.value r10k control repo ssh key file ``
r10k.code.viaSsh.credentials.known_hosts.value r10k control repo ssh known hosts file ``
r10k.code.viaSsh.credentials.existingSecret r10k control repo ssh secret that holds ssh key and known hosts files ``
r10k.code.viaHttps.credentials.netrc.value r10k control repo https .netrc file ``
r10k.code.viaHttps.credentials.existingSecret r10k control repo https secret that holds .netrc file contents in netrc key ``
r10k.code.viaHttps.customCa.cert.value r10k control repo https custom CA file in PEM format ``
r10k.code.viaHttps.customCa.existingSecret r10k control repo https secret that holds custom CA file in PEM format in cert key ``
r10k.hiera.resources r10k hiera data resource limits ``
r10k.hiera.cronJob.enabled enable or disable r10k hiera data cron job schedule policy true
r10k.hiera.cronJob.schedule r10k hiera data cron job schedule policy */2 * * * *
r10k.hiera.cronJob.splay apply random sleep before running r10k hiera data cron job true
r10k.hiera.cronJob.splayLimit maximum splay in seconds applied before running r10k hiera data cron job 60
r10k.hiera.cronJob.timeout timeout in seconds to apply when running r10k hiera data cron job takes too long ``
r10k.hiera.cronJob.successFile path to file reflecting success of r10k hiera data cron job ~/.r10k_hiera_cronjob.success
r10k.hiera.defaultRepoExtraConf yaml to be added to the default repo in r10k_hiera.yaml ``
r10k.hiera.extraArgs r10k hiera data additional container env args ``
r10k.hiera.extraEnv r10k hiera data additional container env vars ``
r10k.hiera.extraEnvSecret r10k hiera data additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
r10k.hiera.viaSsh.credentials.ssh.value r10k hiera data ssh key file ``
r10k.hiera.viaSsh.credentials.known_hosts.value r10k hiera data ssh known hosts file ``
r10k.hiera.viaSsh.credentials.existingSecret r10k hiera data ssh secret that holds ssh key and known hosts files ``
r10k.hiera.viaHttps.credentials.netrc.value r10k hiera data https .netrc file ``
r10k.hiera.viaHttps.credentials.existingSecret r10k hiera data https secret that holds .netrc file contents in netrc key ``
postgresql.* please refer to ``
postgresql.primary.initdb.scriptsConfigMap postgres initdb scripts run at first boot postgresql-custom-extensions
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabled postgres database persistence true
postgresql.primary.persistence.existingClaim postgres manually managed pvc ``
postgresql.primary.persistence.size postgres persistence pvc size 10Gi
postgresql.primary.persistence.annotations postgres annotations for the PVC keep
postgresql.networkPolicy.enabled enable networkPolicy on postgresql true
puppetdb.enabled puppetdb component enabled true puppetdb component label puppetdb
puppetdb.image puppetdb img voxpupuli/container-puppetdb
puppetdb.tag puppetdb img tag 7.18.0-v1.5.0
puppetdb.pullPolicy puppetdb img pull policy IfNotPresent
puppetdb.resources puppetdb resource limits ``
puppetdb.extraEnv puppetdb additional container env vars ``
puppetdb.extraEnvSecret puppetdb additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
puppetdb.extraLabels puppetdb additional labels ``
puppetdb.fqdns.alternateServerNames puppetdb alternate fqdns ``
puppetdb.service.type define spec.type for the puppetdb service ClusterIP
puppetdb.service.annotations puppetdb service annotations ``
puppetdb.service.labels puppetdb service labels ``
puppetdb.service.loadBalancerIP define a fixed IP for the loadBalancerIP service ``
puppetdb.service.clusterIP define a fixed IP for the ClusterIP service ``
puppetdb.updateStrategy puppetdb update strategy Recreate
puppetdb.metrics.enabled puppetdb metrics enable/disable flag false If true, use custom PVC for storage `` Configuration for custom PVC for storage ``
puppetdb.securityContext default puppetdb security context ``
puppetdb.networkPolicy.enabled enable networkPolicy on puppetdb false
puppetdb.networkPolicy.policyTypes default networkpolicy type on puppetdb [ Egress, Ingress ]
puppetdb.networkPolicy.additionnalIngressRules puppetdb resource limits allow 9090 from everywhere
puppetdb.extraContainers Extra containers to inject into the puppetdb pod ``
puppetdb.extraInitContainers Extra initContainers to inject into the puppetdb pod ``
puppetdb.serviceAccount.enabled Enable service account (Note: Service Account will only be automatically created if puppetdb.serviceAccount.create is not set. false
puppetdb.customconfigs.enabled puppetdb additional config map enabled false
puppetdb.serviceAccount.create puppetdb additional masters svc labels false
puppetdb.rbac.create Enable PodSecurityPolicy's RBAC rules false
puppetdb.psp.create Whether to create a PodSecurityPolicy. WARNING: PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in Kubernetes v1.21 or later, unavailable in v1.25 or later false
puppetboard.enabled puppetboard availability false puppetboard component label puppetboard
puppetboard.image puppetboard img xtigyro/puppetboard
puppetboard.tag puppetboard img tag 2.1.2
puppetboard.port puppetboard container port 9090
puppetboard.pullPolicy puppetboard img pull policy IfNotPresent
puppetboard.resources puppetboard resource limits ``
puppetboard.extraEnv puppetboard additional container env vars ``
puppetboard.extraEnvSecret puppetboard additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
puppetboard.service.targetPort target port for the puppetboard service port puppetboard
puppetboard.ingress.enabled puppetboard ingress creation enabled false
puppetboard.ingress.annotations puppetboard ingress annotations ``
puppetboard.ingress.extraLabels puppetboard ingress extraLabels ``
puppetboard.ingress.hosts puppetboard ingress hostnames ``
puppetboard.ingress.tls puppetboard ingress tls configuration `` hiera component label hiera
hiera.hieradataurl hieradata repo url ``
hiera.config hieradata yaml config ``
hiera.eyaml.private_key hiera eyaml private key ``
hiera.eyaml.public_key hiera eyaml public key ``
nameOverride puppetserver components name for component: labels ``
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment ``
affinity Affinity for pod assignment ``
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment ``
priorityClass Leverage a priorityClass to ensure your pods survive resource shortages ``
podAnnotations Extra Pod annotations ``
storage.accessModes Storage Access Modes (expects array) ["ReadWriteOnce"]
storage.storageClass Storage Class ``
storage.annotations Storage annotations ``
storage.size PVCs Storage Size 400Mi
singleCA.enabled Enable single CA false
singleCA.crl.cronJob.schedule crl cron job schedule policy * 0 * * * *
singleCA.crl.extraEnv crl additional container env vars ``
singleCA.crl.extraEnvSecret crl additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
singleCA.crl.resources crl container resource limits ``
singleCA.crl.config override the default crl script to retrieve the crl.pem see values.yaml
singleCA.crl.url set the url where crl.pem is located (MANDATORY) ``
singleCA.crl.asSidecar configure crl updater with Kubernetes CronJob instead of pod sidecar (may not work with multi zone) false
singleCA.crl.cronJob.schedule define CronJob schedule 0 * * * *
singleCA.crl.cronJob.failedJobsHistoryLimit puppetserver crl CronJob failedJobsHistoryLimit 2
singleCA.crl.cronJob.successfulJobsHistoryLimit puppetserver crl CronJob successfulJobsHistoryLimit 2
singleCA.crl.image crl updater container image puppet/r10k
singleCA.crl.tag crl updater container image tag 3.15.2
singleCA.crl.imagePullPolicy crl updater container image pull policy IfNotPresent
singleCA.crl.resources crl updater container ressources ``
singleCA.puppetdb.overrideHostname override the puppetdb hostname, needed when using CA where you can't add private SAN name ``
singleCA.certificates.existingSecret.puppetserver existing k8s secret that holds ca.pem, puppet.pem & puppet.key ``
singleCA.certificates.existingSecret.puppetdb existing k8s secret that holds ca.pem, puppetdb.pem & puppetdb.key ``
metrics.prometheus.enabled enable prometheus exporter false
metrics.prometheus.image puppetdb exporter image camptocamp/prometheus-puppetdb-exporter
metrics.prometheus.tag puppetdb exporter tag 1.1.0
metrics.prometheus.imagePullPolicy puppetdb exporter pull policy IfNotPresent
metrics.prometheus.port puppetdb exporter svc exposed ports 9635
metrics.prometheus.resources puppetdb exporter container resource limits ``
metrics.prometheus.extraEnv puppetdb exporter additional container env vars ``
metrics.prometheus.extraEnvSecret puppetdb exporter additional container env vars from pre-existing secret ``
metrics.prometheus.metricRelabelings relabel prometheus metrics ``
metrics.prometheus.relabelings rewrite the label set of a target before it gets scraped ``
metrics.prometheus.jobLabel The label to use to retrieve the job name from. puppetdb
metrics.prometheus.interval Interval between consecutive scrapes 30s
metrics.prometheus.honorLabels HonorLabels chooses the metric’s labels on collisions with target labels. true
metrics.prometheus.disableAPICheck ``
metrics.prometheus.scrapeTimeout Timeout after which the scrape is ended If not specified, the Prometheus global scrape interval is used. ``
metrics.prometheus.honorTimestamps controls whether Prometheus respects the timestamps present in scraped data. ``
metrics.prometheus.enableHttp2 Whether to enable HTTP2. ``
metrics.prometheus.followRedirects specifies whether the client should follow HTTP 3xx redirects. ``
metrics.prometheus.additionalLabels puppetdb exporter additional service monitor labels ``
metrics.prometheus.namespace puppetdb exporter service monitor if different of puppet namespace ``
metrics.prometheus.namespaceSelector Selector to select which namespaces the Endpoints objects are discovered from. ``

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

helm install --namespace puppetserver --name puppetserver puppet/puppetserver --set puppetserver.puppeturl='$SOMEUSER/puppet.git',hiera.hieradataurl='$SOMEUSER/hieradata.git'

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

helm install --namespace puppetserver --name puppetserver puppet/puppetserver -f values.yaml

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Testing Helm Chart (in progress)

It would be great to test all ressources to avoid regression in the future

run test:

helm unittest . -3

Testing the Deployed Chart Resources

kubectl port-forward -n puppetserver svc/agents-to-puppet 8140:8140 &
kubectl port-forward -n puppetserver svc/puppet-compilers 8141:8140 &

TIME_NOW="$(date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M")"
cp "/etc/hosts"{,.backup_"$TIME_NOW"}
echo ' puppet agents-to-puppet puppet-compilers' >> /etc/hosts
# if Ingress is used, e.g.
# INGRESS_IP="$(kubectl -n puppetserver get ingress | grep '\-masters' | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -d',' -f1)"
# echo "$INGRESS_IP" puppet.local.masters puppet.local.compilers >> /etc/hosts

docker run -dit --network host --name goofy_xtigyro --entrypoint /bin/bash puppet/puppet-agent
docker exec -it goofy_xtigyro bash
puppet agent -t --server puppet --masterport 8140 --waitforcert 15 --summarize --certname ubuntu-goofy_xtigyro
puppet agent -t --server puppet-compilers --ca_server agents-to-puppet --masterport 8141 --ca_port 8140 --summarize --certname ubuntu-goofy_xtigyro
# if Ingress is used, e.g.
# puppet agent -t --server puppet.local.compilers --ca_server puppet.local.masters --masterport 443 --ca_port 443 --summarize --certname ubuntu-goofy_xtigyro
puppet agent -t --server puppet-compilers --masterport 8141 --summarize --certname ubuntu-goofy_xtigyro
docker rm -f goofy_xtigyro

docker run -dit --network host --name buggy_xtigyro --entrypoint /bin/bash puppet/puppet-agent
docker exec -it buggy_xtigyro bash
puppet agent -t --server puppet-compilers --ca_server agents-to-puppet --masterport 8141 --ca_port 8140 --summarize --certname ubuntu-buggy_xtigyro
puppet agent -t --server puppet-compilers --masterport 8141 --summarize --certname ubuntu-buggy_xtigyro
# if Ingress is used, e.g.
# puppet agent -t --server puppet.local.compilers --ca_server puppet.local.masters --masterport 443 --ca_port 443 --summarize --certname ubuntu-buggy_xtigyro
puppet agent -t --server puppet --masterport 8140 --waitforcert 15 --summarize --certname ubuntu-buggy_xtigyro
docker rm -f buggy_xtigyro

yes | mv "/etc/hosts.backup_"$TIME_NOW"" "/etc/hosts"
unset TIME_NOW

jobs | grep 'port-forward' | grep 'puppetserver'
# [1]+  Running                 kubectl port-forward -n puppetserver svc/puppet 8140:8140 &
kill %[job_numbers_above]
