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Tutorial : rendering simple 3D object

In this document we will walk through creation of simple application similar to pumexviewer example.

The goal of our tutorial application is to load a 3D model provided in a command line and render it without textures. Application creates only one logical device, one surface, one window and one render graph ( with single render operation ) for rendering.

Resulting application structure is presented on the diagram below :

tutorial structure

main() function

We start by parsing the command line. This piece of code will be skipped for clarity, and only description of the parameters available in command line will be presented :

  -h, --help                        display this help menu
  -d                                enable Vulkan debugging
  -f                                create fullscreen window
  -p [presentation_mode]            presentation mode
  -u [update_frequency]             number of update calls per second
  -m [model]                        3D model filename

Parameters will be provided in a following variables :

  • -d - enableDebugging ( bool )
  • -f - useFullScreen ( bool )
  • -p - presentMode ( VkPresentModeKHR )
  • -u - updateFrequency ( uint32_t )
  • -m - modelFileName ( std::string )

First object that we must create is pumex::Viewer responsible for creation of Vulkan VkInstance and for collecting information about physical devices ( GPUs ). All data required to create pumex::Viewer is provided in pumex::ViewerTraits structure. Our example does not need to use any Vulkan instance extensions, so we leave that variable empty. pumex::ViewerTraits structure also defines update frequency ( how many times per second will be update called ) - we have that value from command line parameters:

std::vector<std::string> instanceExtensions;
std::vector<std::string> requestDebugLayers;
if (enableDebugging)

pumex::ViewerTraits viewerTraits{ "pumex viewer", instanceExtensions, requestDebugLayers, updateFrequency };

viewerTraits.debugReportFlags = VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT;

viewer = std::make_shared<pumex::Viewer>(viewerTraits);

pumex::Viewer object created a VkInstance and collected information about available physical devices in its constructor.

pumex::Viewer manages memory for all frame buffers used in all surfaces. We must set the pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator for that. In our example 16 MB of memory will be enough for that job:

std::shared_ptr<pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator> frameBufferAllocator = std::make_shared<pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator>(VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT, 16 * 1024 * 1024, pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator::FIRST_FIT);


Now we must create a logical device ( pumex::Device corresponding to VkDevice ). We will use physical device with index 0 to create our logical device ( well, I hope we have at least one GPU able to use Vulkan API :) ). Our device must be able to use swapchain images, so appropriate device extension must be declared :

std::vector<std::string> requestDeviceExtensions = { VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME };
auto device = viewer->addDevice(0, requestDeviceExtensions);

Our next goal after device creation is creation of a window. Creation of windows and surfaces is done separately in Pumex, so that we can create different kinds of windows ( windows native for specified operating system, or QT windows for example ). In our case we are creating native window ( Win32 on Windows OS, or XCB on Linux OS ) :

std::string windowName = "Pumex viewer : ";
windowName += modelFileName;
pumex::WindowTraits windowTraits{ 0, 100, 100, 640, 480, useFullScreen ?pumex::WindowTraits::FULLSCREEN : pumex::WindowTraits::WINDOW, windowName, true };

std::shared_ptr<pumex::Window> window = pumex::Window::createNativeWindow(windowTraits);

We can see that our window will be created on screen number 0, with specified position, size and name. If user requested fullscreen window in command line then the window will be fullscreen ( without OS specific window decorations ).

Next step is a surface creation ( pumex::Surface corresponding to VkSurface ). To create a surface - pumex::SurfaceTraits structure must be provided. pumex::SurfaceTraits must define following elements :

  • pumex::ResourceDefinition object describing format and number of array layers. There exists handy function pumex::SWAPCHAIN_DEFINITION() which does it. Function takes VkFormat and number of array layers ( usually 1 ) as parameters.
  • imageCount - quantity of images that swapchain must provide ( usually 3 )
  • color space of these images
  • swapchainPresentMode - a method of presenting image by swapchain ( fifo, mailbox, etc. ). We collected that value from command line parameters
  • image transformation
  • how the alpha will be treated

Our new pumex::Surface will be using earlier created device to do its work. And it will be shown on earlier created window :

pumex::ResourceDefinition swapChainDefinition = pumex::SWAPCHAIN_DEFINITION(VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, 1);


std::shared_ptr<pumex::Surface> surface = window->createSurface(device, surfaceTraits);

Device layer is done at this point. Now we start to prepare a render graph. Render graph consists of render operations ( graph nodes ) and render transitions ( graph edges ). Render operation represents some amount of work that is performed by Vulkan, while transitions represent some data ( attachments, images or buffers ) where results of operation is stored. Render operations may have arbitrary number of inputs and outputs - outputs of one operation are connected to inputs of consecutive operations.

In our tutorial we have one operation named "rendering" and it has two outputs : depth buffer and swapchain image. Each operation entry ( input or output ) must have its type defined. Both of our outputs will have the same size corresponding to surface size. We declare all that data as shown below:

pumex::ImageSize fullScreenSize{ pumex::isSurfaceDependent, glm::vec2(1.0f,1.0f) };

pumex::ResourceDefinition depthSamples(VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT, fullScreenSize, pumex::atDepth);

Now we are ready to create our rendering operation :

pumex::RenderOperation rendering("rendering", pumex::opGraphics, fullScreenSize);

rendering.setAttachmentDepthOutput("depth", depthSamples,  pumex::loadOpClear(glm::vec2(1.0f, 0.0f)));

rendering.addAttachmentOutput(pumex::SWAPCHAIN_NAME, swapChainDefinition, pumex::loadOpClear(glm::vec4(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f)));

When our render operation is defined - we are ready to define render graph itself :

 std::shared_ptr<pumex::RenderGraph> renderGraph = std::make_shared<pumex::RenderGraph>("viewer_render_graph");

Render graph will be later compiled and registered in a viewer and added to a surface.

We must now build a scene graph that will be connected to the one and only render operation that we declared. To do this - we create a pumex::Group node that will serve as a root node of our scene graph:

auto renderRoot = std::make_shared<pumex::Group>();
renderGraph->setRenderOperationNode("rendering", renderRoot);

Scene graph must deliver three things required to render anything :

  • graphics pipeline
  • node that stores vertex and index data
  • node that invokes one of the vkCmdDraw commands

Optionally it must also deliver descriptor sets if our shaders expect some input parameters ( and they usually do ).

In our case we will provide camera parameters and model position in two distinct uniform buffers. To create such descriptor set - we must first declare its layout :

std::vector<pumex::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding> layoutBindings =
auto descriptorSetLayout = std::make_shared<pumex::DescriptorSetLayout>(layoutBindings);

Shaders used by our pumex::GraphicsPipeline will be using above defined descriptor set layout. It means that we have to declare it in a pipeline layout. Moreover - graphics pipeline also needs a pumex::PipelineCache object :

auto pipelineLayout = std::make_shared<pumex::PipelineLayout>();

auto pipelineCache = std::make_shared<pumex::PipelineCache>();

auto pipeline = std::make_shared<pumex::GraphicsPipeline>(pipelineCache, pipelineLayout);

Every pumex::GraphicsPipeline must declare at least three things :

  • all used shader stages : vertex shader, geometry shader, fragment shader and so on.
  • definition of a vertex input : how does vertex layout looks like ( position, normals, texture coordinates and so on ). Such definition is called vertex semantic in Pumex library.
  • blending state for each output color attachment. In our case we have only one output color attachment and it does not use blending
std::vector<pumex::VertexSemantic> requiredSemantic = { { pumex::VertexSemantic::Position, 3 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::Normal, 3 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::TexCoord, 2 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::BoneWeight, 4 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::BoneIndex, 4 } };

pipeline->shaderStages =
  { VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, std::make_shared<pumex::ShaderModule>(viewer, "shaders/viewer_basic.vert.spv"), "main" },
  { VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, std::make_shared<pumex::ShaderModule>(viewer, "shaders/viewer_basic.frag.spv"), "main" }

pipeline->vertexInput =
  { 0, VK_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_VERTEX, requiredSemantic }

pipeline->blendAttachments =
  { VK_FALSE, 0xF }

Our graphics pipeline is ready, so we will add it to our scene graph :


pumex::Asset class represents a 3D model loaded from file and consists of :

  • geometries ( meshes ) storing vertex and index data. Each mesh may have different vertex semantic
  • skeleton used to animate an asset
  • animations
  • materials - sets of properties defining mesh outlook

To retrieve a pumex::Asset from a file we must use pumex::AssetLoader descendant. Currently only one loader is available in Pumex library - an Assimp loader ( pumex::AssetLoaderAssimp ). We will force this loader to load an asset from file so that the meshes have vertex semantic identical to one declared in graphics pipeline :

pumex::AssetLoaderAssimp loader;
std::shared_ptr<pumex::Asset> asset(loader.load(viewer, modelFileName, false, requiredSemantic));

pumex::AssetNode is a class that not only stores vertex and index data of an Asset instance, but also is able to invoke vkCmdDrawIndexed function during command buffer building. We will create it and add it to scene graph.

During its work pumex::AssetNode must create vertex and index buffers on a GPU, so it needs pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator . This allocator will have 64 MB of local GPU memory at its disposal.

auto verticesAllocator = std::make_shared<pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator>(VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT, 64 * 1024 * 1024, pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator::FIRST_FIT);

auto assetNode = std::make_shared<pumex::AssetNode>(asset, verticesAllocator, 1, 0);


The last part of a scene graph is a descriptor set. Its layout is defined already, but buffers connected to it are not. These buffers contain some dynamic data, like object position and camera parameters ( view matrix, projection matrix, etc. ).

We will move these buffers to external class that will be responsible for dynamic aspects of our application ( e.g. camera movement, animation of a model ). Let's call that class TutorialApplicationData. Definition of this class will be described later, for now we will just create it and use it. Buffers are created inside that class and they need to use GPU memory, so we will add another pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator to cover these needs - 1 MB of host visible memory will be more than enough. This memory is host visible, because we will be updating these buffers every frame:

auto buffersAllocator = std::make_shared<pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator>(VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT, 1 * 1024 * 1024, pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator::FIRST_FIT);

auto applicationData = std::make_shared<TutorialApplicationData>(buffersAllocator);

Camera movement will be handled by mouse and keyboard input events during update stage by dedicated input handler named pumex::BasicCameraHandler. We must create that input handler, connect it to a pumex::Viewer ( to capture input events ) and to the TutorialApplicationData ( to calculate current camera view matrix in render stage ) :

auto bcamHandler = std::make_shared<pumex::BasicCameraHandler>();

TutorialApplicationData stores both memory buffers. To create a descriptor set we must inform it how these buffers will be used ( as uniform buffers ) :

auto cameraUbo   = std::make_shared<pumex::UniformBuffer>(applicationData->cameraBuffer);
auto positionUbo = std::make_shared<pumex::UniformBuffer>(applicationData->positionBuffer);

Now we create a descriptor set with a specified layout and connect it to assetNode.

Similarly to buffers and memory allocators the descriptor set must have a descriptor pool from which it allocates its internal memory:

auto descriptorPool = std::make_shared<pumex::DescriptorPool>();

auto descriptorSet = std::make_shared<pumex::DescriptorSet>(descriptorPool, descriptorSetLayout);

descriptorSet->setDescriptor(0, cameraUbo);
descriptorSet->setDescriptor(1, positionUbo);

assetNode->setDescriptorSet(0, descriptorSet);

Now comes the time for compiling a render graph and connecting it to a surface. During render graph compilation the compiler must know specification of the queues on which the render graph will be performed ( queue traits ):

std::vector<pumex::QueueTraits> queueTraits{ { VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT, 0, 0.75f, pumex::qaExclusive } };

viewer->compileRenderGraph(renderGraph, queueTraits);

surface->addRenderGraph(renderGraph->name, true);

Application structure as defined on a diagram placed at the begining of the tutorial is ready to work. There are only few important things left.

We will start from viewer and surface render events. Pumex library defines following set of render events ( not to be mistaken with input events - these happen in update stage, not render stage ) :

  • pumex::Viewer::onEventRenderStart() - before the rendering on any surface begins
  • pumex::Surface::onEventSurfacePrepareStatistics() - not covered here, required to collect time statistics
  • pumex::Surface::onEventSurfaceRenderStart() - before particular surface rendering begins
  • pumex::Surface::onEventSurfaceRenderFinish() - when particular surface rendering finishes
  • pumex::Viewer::onEventRenderFinish() - when all surfaces finish its rendering

In our example we will use pumex::Viewer::onEventRenderStart() event to calculate current position and animation state of rendered object - this object's state must be the same on each surface.

Camera position is specific for every surface, so to calculate it - we will use event named pumex::Surface::onEventSurfaceRenderStart() triggered for each surface independently ( we only have one surface in our example ) :

viewer->setEventRenderStart( std::bind( &TutorialApplicationData::prepareModelForRendering, applicationData, std::placeholders::_1, asset) );

surface->setEventSurfaceRenderStart( std::bind(&TutorialApplicationData::prepareCameraForRendering, applicationData, std::placeholders::_1) );

Methods prepareModelForRendering() and prepareCameraForRendering() will be defined later in TutorialApplicationData class.

After setting up events in render stage, we have to implement the update stage.

Both render stage and update stage use Intel TBB flow graph internally to do their job. Flow graph consist of tasks that may be run in parallel.

Render flow graph is built automatically in pumex::Viewer class based on current device layer outlook.

But update flow graph must be built manually by user, because application doesn't know anything about user's intentions and cannot assume anything.

In our example the whole update flow graph will include only one task: a call to TutorialApplicationData::update() method :

tbb::flow::continue_node< tbb::flow::continue_msg > update(viewer->updateGraph, [=](tbb::flow::continue_msg) { applicationData->update(viewer); });

tbb::flow::make_edge(viewer->opStartUpdateGraph, update);
tbb::flow::make_edge(update, viewer->opEndUpdateGraph);

The whole application is ready - we need to start it :

return 0;

Viewer::run() method collects information about all VkQueue objects required by all render graphs, then uses this information to realize pumex::Devices ( that's the moment when these devices are created ) and pumex::Surfaces ( they're created at this moment as well ). After VkDevice and VkSurface creation - run() method starts separate render thread and performs updates in main thread. Both render thread and update thread perform its work until user requests exit from application.

At that moment Viewer::cleanup() method is called to remove all objects created in our tutorial ( surfaces, devices, windows, Vulkan instance, render graphs, scene graphs, etc. ).

Example class TutorialApplicationData

This class is responsible for storing, updating and sending data to rendering.

In our example we have only two data objects that need to be updated:

  • model position and animation state represented by PositionData structure.
  • camera parameters ( viewMatrix, projectionMartix, observer position ) represented bu pumex::Camera class

PositionData is a collection of 4x4 matrices defining current pose of an object and animation state of every bone in a skeleton:

const uint32_t MAX_BONES = 511;

struct PositionData
  PositionData(const glm::mat4& p)
    : position{ p }
  glm::mat4 position;
  glm::mat4 bones[MAX_BONES];

pumex::Camera class is used so often that it was promoted to Pumex library.

Both of these structures must have its shader counterpart ( SPIR-V ) , so both must obey std140 or std430 alignment rules ( which are much more strict than C++ rules ) depending if they are used in uniform buffers ( std140 ), or storage buffers ( std430 ). The simplest way to have these requirements met is to use glm::vec4 and glm::mat4 variables only :).

If above mentioned requirements are met - we are able to freely send this data between CPU and GPU. Let's see the declaration of variables used in TutorialApplicationData class:

struct TutorialApplicationData
  std::shared_ptr<pumex::Buffer<pumex::Camera>> cameraBuffer;
  std::shared_ptr<PositionData>                 positionData;
  std::shared_ptr<pumex::Buffer<PositionData>>  positionBuffer;
  std::shared_ptr<pumex::BasicCameraHandler>    camHandler;

Each memory buffer is an instance of templated pumex::Buffer class. If you want to send single object to GPU memory ( for example : pumex::Camera ), then just declare such buffer as :

std::shared_ptr<pumex::Buffer<pumex::Camera>> oneCameraBuffer;

You are also able to send many objects at once using std::vector of such objects ( it's very handy, especially when you are using storage buffers ) :

std::shared_ptr<pumex::Buffer<std::vector<PositionData>>> manyObjectsBuffer;

Let's go back to our TutorialApplicationData class. Here we have constructor that creates class instance and a method for setting up the camera handler. Buffers are created with provided pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator .

TutorialApplicationData( std::shared_ptr<pumex::DeviceMemoryAllocator> buffersAllocator )
  cameraBuffer     = std::make_shared<pumex::Buffer<pumex::Camera>>(buffersAllocator, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT, pumex::pbPerSurface, pumex::swOnce, true);

  positionData     = std::make_shared<PositionData>();
  positionBuffer   = std::make_shared<pumex::Buffer<PositionData>>(positionData, buffersAllocator, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT, pumex::pbPerDevice, pumex::swOnce);

void setCameraHandler(std::shared_ptr<pumex::BasicCameraHandler> bcamHandler)
  camHandler = bcamHandler;

There is one VERY IMPORTANT thing that has critical meaning, which we must discuss here :

cameraBuffer is created with pumex::pbPerSurface flag which means that it has a GPU copy of that buffer on each surface and may have different content on each surface.

In contrast positionBuffer is created with pumex::pbPerDevice flag which means that buffer's GPU copies exist on every logical device. If we have two surfaces using the same device then you have only one GPU copy of that buffer and both surfaces use the same buffer.

The next flag pumex::swOnce means that on each device/surface there is only one copy of the buffer. To explain what does it mean we must explain how command buffers work in Pumex library:

During command buffer building surface uses as many primary command buffers as there is swapchain images.

If you use three swapchain images - surface creates three primary command buffers : one for each swapchain image. When you acquire a swapchain image - it means that corresponding command buffer is not in use and may be rebuilt if required - or it may just be submited to queue instantly when there's no need to rebuild.

Question is : in what situation there is a need to rebuild a primary command buffer?

For memory buffers the answer is simple: when buffer was removed and created again. When does that happen ? When you want to change the size of the buffer. You may do it only by destroying old buffer and creating a new one with bigger size.

If you have buffer created with pumex::swOnce flag - it means that all three primary command buffers use the same buffer and at least one of them is currently executed on GPU ( command buffer is in pending state ). You cannot remove a memory buffer which is used by command buffer in pending state.


When you use pumex::swForEachImage flag - there will be as many copies of the buffer as there is swapchain images ( times copies resulting from pumex::pbPerDevice / pumex::pbPerSurface ). And you are able to freely manipulate the size of the underlying buffer.

cameraBuffer and positionBuffer only store one object each and will not change size during application work, so it's OK to use pumex::swOnce flag in this case.

As we mentioned before - camera setup happens in prepareCameraForRendering() method:

void prepareCameraForRendering(std::shared_ptr<pumex::Surface> surface)
  auto viewer           = surface->viewer.lock();
  float deltaTime       = pumex::inSeconds(viewer->getRenderTimeDelta());
  float renderTime      = pumex::inSeconds(viewer->getUpdateTime() - viewer->getApplicationStartTime()) + deltaTime;
  uint32_t renderWidth  = surface->swapChainSize.width;
  uint32_t renderHeight = surface->swapChainSize.height;
  glm::mat4 viewMatrix  = camHandler->getViewMatrix(surface.get());

  pumex::Camera camera;
  camera.setProjectionMatrix(glm::perspective(glm::radians(60.0f), (float)renderWidth / (float)renderHeight, 0.1f, 100000.0f));
  cameraBuffer->setData(surface.get(), camera);

pumex::Camera object has its properties set. and then it's sent to GPU buffer copy for this specific surface using method pumex::Buffer::setData(Surface, data)* .

Below is the definition of prepareModelForRendering() method.

void prepareModelForRendering(pumex::Viewer* viewer, std::shared_ptr<pumex::Asset> asset)
  // animate asset if it has animation
  if (asset->animations.empty())

  float deltaTime          = pumex::inSeconds(viewer->getRenderTimeDelta());
  float renderTime         = pumex::inSeconds(viewer->getUpdateTime() - viewer->getApplicationStartTime()) + deltaTime;
  pumex::Animation& anim   = asset->animations[0];
  pumex::Skeleton& skel    = asset->skeleton;
  uint32_t numAnimChannels = anim.channels.size();
  uint32_t numSkelBones    = skel.bones.size();

  std::vector<uint32_t> boneChannelMapping(numSkelBones);
  for (uint32_t boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < numSkelBones; ++boneIndex)
    auto it = anim.invChannelNames.find(skel.boneNames[boneIndex]);
    boneChannelMapping[boneIndex] = (it != end(anim.invChannelNames)) ? it->second : std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();

  std::vector<glm::mat4> localTransforms(MAX_BONES);
  std::vector<glm::mat4> globalTransforms(MAX_BONES);

  anim.calculateLocalTransforms(renderTime,, numAnimChannels);
  uint32_t bcVal = boneChannelMapping[0];
  glm::mat4 localCurrentTransform = (bcVal == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) ? skel.bones[0].localTransformation : localTransforms[bcVal];
  globalTransforms[0] = skel.invGlobalTransform * localCurrentTransform;
  for (uint32_t boneIndex = 1; boneIndex < numSkelBones; ++boneIndex)
    bcVal = boneChannelMapping[boneIndex];
    localCurrentTransform = (bcVal == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) ? skel.bones[boneIndex].localTransformation : localTransforms[bcVal];
    globalTransforms[boneIndex] = globalTransforms[skel.bones[boneIndex].parentIndex] * localCurrentTransform;
  for (uint32_t boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < numSkelBones; ++boneIndex)
    positionData->bones[boneIndex] = globalTransforms[boneIndex] * skel.bones[boneIndex].offsetMatrix;


What's important to note is that positionData is stored outside the positionBuffer. When this data changes - you need to call pumex::Buffer::invalidateData(), to send it to GPU. Moreover using pumex::Buffer::setData(data) or pumex::Buffer::invalidateData() methods means that data is the same on each device/surface - in contrast to pumex::Buffer::setData(Surface, data)* and pumex::Buffer::setData(Device, data)*.

Last part of the TutorialApplicationData clas is the update() method, which is called in update stage as defined earlier :

void update(std::shared_ptr<pumex::Viewer> viewer)
}; // end of TutorialApplicationData

At the beginning of update stage Viewer collects all input events ( mouse and keyboard ) from every window it manages. Then it sends these input events to input handlers. pumex::BasicCameraHandler gets these events and accumulates them. Then on each frame pumex::BasicCameraHandler::update() is called and if there were some new input events - new camera position is calculated.

One important notice: update stage calculates not only new position and orientation of a camera, but also its linear and angular velocity. Thanks to this during render stage we are able to extrapolate new camera position having temporal difference between update stage and render stage ( there exists special pumex::Kinematic structure that stores object position, rotation and velocites: linear and angular ).

Vertex and fragment shader

At the end of a tutorial we will show vertex and fragment shaders rendering the model.

Firstly our vertex shader must declare version and used extensions :

#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable

As we know - the vertex shader must use the same vertex semantic declared in pumex::GraphicsPipeline.

Let's look at the definition of vertex semantic once more :

std::vector<pumex::VertexSemantic> requiredSemantic = { { pumex::VertexSemantic::Position, 3 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::Normal, 3 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::TexCoord, 2 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::BoneWeight, 4 },{ pumex::VertexSemantic::BoneIndex, 4 } };

Vertex shader must declare inputs corresponding to above shown vertex semantic :

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inNormal;
layout (location = 2) in vec2 inUV;
layout (location = 3) in vec4 inBoneWeight;
layout (location = 4) in vec4 inBoneIndex;

Graphics pipeline uses two uniform buffers ( camera state and model state ) that must be declared here as well :

layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform CameraUbo
  mat4 viewMatrix;
  mat4 viewMatrixInverse;
  mat4 projectionMatrix;
  vec4 observerPosition;
} camera;

#define MAX_BONES 511
layout (set = 0, binding = 1) uniform PositionUbo
  mat4  position;
  mat4  bones[MAX_BONES];
} object;

You may compare above defined GLSL structures with their C++ counterparts.

pumex::Camera class corresponding to CameraUbo uniform buffer looks like this :

class Camera
  // methods ommited for clarity
  glm::mat4 viewMatrix;
  glm::mat4 viewMatrixInverse;
  glm::mat4 projectionMatrix;
  glm::vec4 observerPosition; // used for LOD computations. Usually the same as in viewMatrix
  glm::vec4 params;           // params.x = timeSinceStart

And PositionData struct corresponding to PositionUbo uniform buffer is declared like this :

const uint32_t MAX_BONES = 511;

struct PositionData
  // methods ommited for clarity
  glm::mat4 position;
  glm::mat4 bones[MAX_BONES];

Vertex shader now declares additional constants :

const vec3 lightDirection = vec3(0,0,1);

...and now outputs of the vertex shader are declared :

layout (location = 0) out vec3 outNormal;
layout (location = 1) out vec3 outColor;
layout (location = 2) out vec2 outUV;
layout (location = 3) out vec3 outViewVec;
layout (location = 4) out vec3 outLightVec;

Vertex shader main() function implements skeletal animation with directional lighting always parallel to camera viewing axis :

void main()
  mat4 boneTransform = object.bones[int(inBoneIndex[0])] * inBoneWeight[0];
  boneTransform     += object.bones[int(inBoneIndex[1])] * inBoneWeight[1];
  boneTransform     += object.bones[int(inBoneIndex[2])] * inBoneWeight[2];
  boneTransform     += object.bones[int(inBoneIndex[3])] * inBoneWeight[3];
  mat4 modelMatrix  = object.position * boneTransform;

  outNormal        = mat3(inverse(transpose(modelMatrix))) * inNormal;
  outColor         = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
  outUV            = inUV;
  vec4 eyePosition = camera.viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4(, 1.0);
  outLightVec      = normalize ( mat3( camera.viewMatrixInverse ) * lightDirection );
  outViewVec       =;

  gl_Position      = camera.projectionMatrix * eyePosition;

Input variables of a fragment shader must correspond to output variables of vertex shader.

#version 450

#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inNormal;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 inColor;
layout (location = 2) in vec2 inUV;
layout (location = 3) in vec3 inViewVec;
layout (location = 4) in vec3 inLightVec;

Output variable must be declared. It will be stored as a result in a swapchain image :

layout (location = 0) out vec4 outFragColor;

Fragment shader main() function implements simple Phong shading :

void main()
  vec4 color = vec4(inColor,1);

  vec3 N        = normalize(inNormal);
  vec3 L        = normalize(inLightVec);
  vec3 V        = normalize(inViewVec);
  vec3 R        = reflect(-L, N);
  vec3 ambient  = vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1);
  vec3 diffuse  = max(dot(N, L), 0.0) * vec3(0.9,0.9,0.9);
  vec3 specular = pow(max(dot(R, V), 0.0), 128.0) * vec3(1,1,1);
  outFragColor  = vec4(ambient + diffuse * color.rgb + specular, 1.0);