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This is the official implementation of GSVNet: Guided Spatially-Varying Convolution for Fast Semantic Segmentation on Video

Please cite our ICME 2021 paper if our paper/implementation is helpful for your research:

      title={GSVNet: Guided Spatially-Varying Convolution for Fast Semantic Segmentation on Video}, 
      author={Shih-Po Lee and Si-Cun Chen and Wen-Hsiao Peng},


Create a conda environment under Python 3.7

conda create --name gsvnet python=3.7
conda activate gsvnet

Install python packages from requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install python package apex for distributed training

git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./

Supported model weights

Image-based segmentation network pre-trained on Cityscapes

Model Pre-trained weight
BiSeNet Download
SwiftNet Download
FlowNet2S Download

Move the downloaded weights to weights/

Preparation of dataset - Cityscapes

Please download the dataset from the official site.

This dataset requires you to download the source data manually: You have to download files from - Download (This dataset requires registration). The config file is written for and the fine annotations files from To use other datasets, you require additional configa, which are not included.

Aternatively, For downloading using command line, as shared by cemsaz,

Use below cmd by specifying your username and password,

wget --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies=cookies.txt --post-data 'username=myusername&password=mypassword&submit=Login'

and provide the packageID of the required zip file.

wget --load-cookies cookies.txt --content-disposition

Hint : You can get the package id from the download link of the file you need to download. In our case, for and, it is packageID=14 & 1.

data_path = './data/cityscapes'

Modify the data_path in config/

Training of GSVNet

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 1111 \ 
--nproc_per_node 2 --segnet <segnet_name> --dataset <dataset_name> \
--optical-flow-network <of_name> --checkname <SAVE_DIR>

<segnet_name> = swiftnet/bisenet <dataset_name> = cityscapes_2k/camvid <of_name> = light/flownet

Inference of GSVNet on Cityscapes

python --evaluate 1 --batch-size 1 --resume 1

Performance and Benchmarks

The experimental results were conducted on Nvidia GTX 1080Ti.

  • Avg. mIoU: the average mIoU over the keyframe and non-keyframes.
  • Min. mIoU: the minimum mIoU among frames. (It should be the last non-keyframe)
  • Scale: The scaling factor of input resolution.
  • Avg. Flops: the average floating-point operations per second (FLOPS) over the keyframe and non-keyframes.
  • l=K: The keyframe interval.

Accuracy vs. Throughput


Model Method Scale Avg. mIoU Min. mIoU FPS Weight
Ours-SN-R18(l=3) Video 0.75 72.5 70.3 125 Download
Ours-BN-R18(l=3) Video 0.75 72.0 70.5 123 Download
TDNet-BN-R18 Video 0.75 75.0 75.0 approx. 61
Accel-DL-R101-18(l=5) Video 1.0 72.1 None 2.2
BiSeNet-R18 Image 0.75 73.7 73.7 61
BiSeNet-R18 Image 0.75 69.0 69.0 105
SwiftNet-R18 Image 0.75 74.4 74.4 63


Model Scale # of Parameters Avg. FLOPS
Ours-SN-R18(l=3) 0.75 50.4M 21.3G
SwiftNet-R18 0.75 47.2M 58.5G
SwiftNet-R18 0.5 47.2M 26.0G
BiSeNet-R18 0.75 49.0M 58.0G