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An enhanced version of GADA, a fast and sparse segmentation algorithm


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eGADA (enhanced Genomic Alteration Detection Algorithm) is an enhanced version of GADA (Pique-Regi 2007, Pique-Regi 2008).

It is a fast segmentation algorithm utilizing the Sparse Bayesian Learning (or Relevance Vector Machine) technique from Tipping 2001. It can be applied to array intensity data, sequencing coverage data, or any sequential data that displays characteristics of step-wise functions.

eGADA (Huang 2023) vs GADA (Pique-Regi 2007):

  • Use a customized Red-Black tree to expedite the final backward elimination step.
  • Code in C++, not C.
  • Use Boost libraries extensively.
  • More friendly help and commandline-argument processing.
  • More friendly input and output formats.
  • A dynamic library (packaged via Boost.Python) that offers API to Python.
  • Minor changes/bugfixes.

Prerequisites to build eGADA

  • libboost-program-options-dev: Boost program-options dev library
  • libboost-iostreams-dev: Boost iostreams dev library
  • libboost-python-dev: Boost python dev library

Build the eGADA using g++

cd src;


To run

The C++ binary

./src/eGADA -i ../data/input.txt -o ../data/output2.tsv.gz
  • The input is a single-column plain text file. It can also read gzipped file (.gz).
  • The output is a 4-column tsv file (both .tsv and .tsv.gz are supported.):
    • Start is the starting index (1-based) of the segment.
    • Stop is the ending index (1-based and inclusive) of the segment.
    • Length is the number of data points/bins/probes included in the segment.
    • Ampl (Amplitude) is the average amplitude/coverage of the segment.
# eGADA: enhanced Genome Alteration Detection Algorithm
# Authors: Yu Huang, Roger Pique-Regi
# Parameters: a=0.2,T=5,MinSegLen=0,sigma2=0.207949,BaseAmp=0, convergenceDelta=1e-08, maxNoOfIterations=50000, convergenceMaxAlpha=1e+08, convergenceB=1e-20.
# Reading M=80000 probes in input file
# Overall mean 0.00135799
# Sigma^2=0.207949
# Convergence: delta=9.88473e-09 after 924 EM iterations.
# Found 1915 breakpoints after SBL
# Kept 442 breakpoints after BE
Start   Stop    Length  Ampl
1       25      25      0.881578
26      75      50      -1.08218
76      125     50      1.04644
126     175     50      -0.973855
176     226     51      0.912763
227     275     49      -0.954001
276     325     50      0.963878
326     375     50      -1.16553
376     427     52      0.948964
  • Type eGADA or eGADA -h for more help.
yh@fusilier:~/src/eGADA/src$ ./eGADA
program name is ./eGADA.

  -h [ --help ]                         Produce this help message.
  -T [ --TBackElim ] arg (=5)           Minimal T-stat during the backward 
                                        elimination of breakpoints. T-stat = 
                                        (mean1-mean2)/stddev between two 
                                        adjacent segments.
  -a [ --aAlpha ] arg (=0.5)            SBL hyper prior parameter for a 
                                        breakpoint. It is the shape parameter 
                                        of the Gamma distribution. Higher 
                                        (lower) value means less (more) 
  -M [ --MinSegLen ] arg (=0)           Minimal length required for any 
  --BaseAmp arg (=0)                    The amplitude for the copy-neutral 
                                        state. It is used if the -c option 
                                        value is non-zero and the algorithm 
                                        need to classify segments into 
  -s [ --sigma2 ] arg (=-1)             Variance of input data values. If 
                                        negative, it will be estimated by the 
                                        algorithm. We recommend it to be 
                                        estimated by the algorithm (~ trimmed 
  -c [ --SelectClassifySegments ] arg (=0)
                                        Non-zero value to classify segments 
                                        into normal/gain/loss state.
  --SelectEstimateBaseAmp arg (=1)      Non-zero value to estimate BaseAmp from
                                        data, rather than user-supplied.
  --convergenceDelta arg (=1e-08)       A delta number controlling convergence 
                                        in the EM algorithm
  --maxNoOfIterations arg (=50000)      The maximum number of iterations before
                                        the EM convergence algorithm is 
  --convergenceMaxAlpha arg (=100000000)
                                        One convergence related number.
  --convergenceB arg (=9.9999999999999995e-21)
                                        one convergence related number.
  -b [ --debug ]                        Toggle debug/verbose mode for more 
                                        status output
  -r [ --report ]                       Toggle report mode
  --reportIntervalDuringBE arg (=100000)
                                        How often to report any break point 
                                        removed during backward elimination.
  -i [ --inputFname ] arg               Input file path. It could be specified 
                                        as an option or positional argument. If
                                        the suffix is .gz, the software will 
                                        unzip it upon reading. It is a 
                                        single-column text file with no header.
  -o [ --outputFname ] arg              Output filepath. If the suffix is .gz, 
                                        the software will zip the output 

./eGADA -i /tmp/input.tsv.gz -o /tmp/output.tsv.gz -M 10 --convergenceDelta 0.001

Calling the dynamic library from Python

./src/ -i ./data/input.txt -o ./data/output_a0.5T4M5.tsv

Docker image


  1. Huang YS. eGADA: enhanced Genomic Alteration Detection Algorithm. bioRxiv. 2023
  2. Tipping ME. Sparse Bayesian learning and the relevance vector machine. Journal of machine learning research. 2001;1(Jun):211-44.
  3. Pique-Regi R, Tsau ES, Ortega A, Seeger R, Asgharzadeh S. Wavelet footprints and sparse bayesian learning for DNA copy number change analysis. In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing-ICASSP'07 2007 Apr 15 (Vol. 1, pp. I-353). IEEE.
  4. Pique-Regi R, Monso-Varona J, Ortega A, Seeger RC, Triche TJ, Asgharzadeh S. Sparse representation and Bayesian detection of genome copy number alterations from microarray data. Bioinformatics. 2008 Feb 1;24(3):309-18.
  5. R implementation of GADA.