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File metadata and controls

144 lines (103 loc) · 4.08 KB

Create a client from your API

After we defined our API we have to derive a function/set of functions we can use to make our calls.

val Api =
  (api(Get[Json, User], Root / "user" / Segment[String]("name"))) :|:
  (apiWithBody(Put[Json, User], ReqBody[Json, User], Root / "user"))

First thing first, derive your functions

Lets derive our functions:

import typedapi.client._

final case class User(name: String)

// implicit encoders and decoders

val (get, create) = deriveAll(Api)


If you want to use http4s as your client backend you have to add the following code:

import typedapi.client.http4s._
import org.http4s.client.blaze.Http1Client

val client = Http1Client[IO]().unsafeRunSync
val cm     = ClientManager(client, "http://my-host", myPort)


If you want to use akka-http as your client backend you have to add the following code:

import typedapi.client.akkahttp._
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http

implicit val timeout = 5.second
implicit val system  = ActorSystem("akka-http-client")
implicit val mat     = ActorMaterializer()

import system.dispatcher

val cm = ClientManager(Http(), "http://my-host", myPort)


If you want to use scalaj-http as your client backend you have to add the following code:

import typedapi.client.scalajhttp._
import scalaj.http._

val cm = ClientManager(Http, "http://my-host", myPort)

Be aware that typedapi.util provides an Encoder[F[_], A] and Decoder[F[_], A] trait to marshall and unmarhsall bodies. You have to provide implementations for your types.

implicit val decoder = Decoder[Future, User] { json =>
  // unmarshall the json using some known lib like circe

implicit val encoder = Encoder[Future, User] { user =>
  // marshall the user using some known lib like circe


There is special support for Ammonite and ScalaScripts. It lets you tinker with the raw response and reduces the amount of imports you have to do:

import $ivy.`com.github.pheymann::typedapi-ammonite-client:<version>`

import typedapi._
import client._
import amm._

val cm = clientManager("http://localhost", 9000)

final case class User(name: String, age: Int)

val Api = api(Get[Json, User], Root / "user" / "url")

val get = derive(Api)

// gives you the raw scalaj-http response
val response = get().run[Id].raw(cm)


No Decoder needed if you use raw(cm). Under the covers it uses scalaj-http as a client library.

It can be, that Ammonite isn't able to load com.dwijnand:sbt-compat:1.0.0. If that is the case execute the following command:

interp.repositories() ++= Seq(coursier.ivy.IvyRepository.fromPattern(
  "" +:


If you want to compile to ScalaJS you have to use the Ajax with:

import typedapi.client.js._
import org.scalajs.dom.ext.Ajax

val cm = ClientManager(Ajax, "http://my-host", myPort)

Be aware that typedapi.util provides an Encoder[F[_], A] and Decoder[F[_], A] trait to marshall and unmarhsall bodies. You have to provide implementations for your types.

implicit val decoder = Decoder[Future, User] { json =>
  // unmarshall the json using some known lib like circe

implicit val encoder = Encoder[Future, User] { user =>
  // marshall the user using some known lib like circe


Now we can to use our client functions:

for {
  _    <- create(User("Joe", 42)).run[IO](cm)
  user <- get("Joe").run[IO](cm)
} yield user


Make sure you have the proper encoders and decoders in place.