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Meteor package to affirm actions of users. Sends a one-time token that user will need to input to confirm their actions. Token will be sent via another messaging platform (factor) that is configurable.

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Import class TokenAffirm from the package.

import { TokenAffirm } from 'meteor/freelancecourtyard:tokenaffirm';



// creates an instance of TokenAffirm on client and server-side
Affirm = new TokenAffirm('unique-identifier', /*config*/);

Creates an instance of TokenAffirm, config is an optional parameter, more details below.


// request a confirmation token
Affirm.requestToken((error, session)=>{
  if (error) {throw Meteor.Error('unable request token');}
  else {
    // also send the token via configured factor
    // session is used to match with token for verification purpose
    console.log('session id: '+session);

Request a confirmation session-token, session id will be returned to client while token is sent to the other factor. Previous session if any will be invalidated. Only one active session per client may be open at the same time.

// verify token
Affirm.verifyToken(session, token, (error, isVerified)=>{
  if (error) {console.log('verification failed')}
  else {
    // isVerified is true when token is correct for the session
    console.log('token is verified: '+isVerified);

Verifies a valid session-token pair is sent, once user have gotten the token, use this function to verify the token. This sets session.isVerified to true, which then can be used to affirm user action on server-side. See below.


// check session had been verified
function resumeUserAction(){
  if (! Affirm.isVerified(connectionId)){
    // not verified
    throw new Meteor.Error(`action not affirmed`);
  } else {
    // continue user actions

Check if session is verified, for use in server-side to check whether user action is affirmed.


// TODO: give an example


constructor(identifier, [options]) server-side

constructor(identifier) client-side

Instantiate class


Type: string (unique for server-side, need to be same as server instance for client-side)

Unique identifier for server-side instance of TokenAffirm, this string will be used to name the Meteor methods required for client-side communication with server. Multiple client-side instances may communicate with the same server-side instance by using the same identifier.

options server-side-only


Type: object

Object containing the configurable factors used to send the token.


Type: object

Object containing the send function used to send the token. factor_name is name/type of factor, should be a string for contact method, i.e. 'telegram', 'SMS' or 'email'.


Type: function(contact, token, factor, settings, callback)

Default: (contact, token, factor, settings, callback)=>{callback(undefined, 'success');}

Send function used to send the token, is typically an asynchronous function requiring callback. settings refer to settings object, see [factor_name].settings.


Type: function

Sending function should call callback function to assure asynchronous function have completed. Timeout function will be called otherwise and is assumed to have failed.


Type: error

Error thrown by user-defined sending method. If error object is not already Meteor.Error instance, it will be wrapped as one and eventually thrown back to client.


Type: success

Success object returned by sending method. Will only be used to check for success, ignored otherwise.


Type: object|null|undefined

Default: undefined

Settings used with send function.


Type: integer (optional)

Default: 1000 (milliseconds, see timeout)

How long to wait for sending server to reply before assuming operation failed.


Type: function() (return string)

Default: ()=>

Generate function for the token, return result should be string.


Type: function(userId) (return boolean)

Default: (userId)=>true

Validate function for meteor method, limits user by id who may affirm actions.


Type: object|null|undefined

Default: null

Settings that may be useful (currently unused)


Type: integer

Default: 1000 (milliseconds)

How long before assuming sending token operation failed.


Type: integer

Default: 5*(60*1000) (milliseconds)

How long before verification token expire


Type: integer

Default: 5*(60*1000) (milliseconds)

How long to retain verified token


Type: integer

Default: (10*1000) (milliseconds)

How long user must wait before requesting another token and other Meteor methods


Type: integer

Default: 1

How many times user may call Meteor methods within requestInterval


Type: string

Default: TokenAffirm

Where contacts details used to send user token is stored within profile. Default is pointing to Meteor.user().profile['TokenAffirm']

requestToken(contact, factor) server-side

requestToken(callback) client-side

Create a session for confirmation with token for active Meteor user. Sends token via another factor and return session id. Also invalidates any old session still pending if any. Sets active session to result on success callback.

Only 1 session may be active at one time.

contact server-side-only

Type: string

Contact address of user via the factor (contact method), typically phone numbers or email addresses.

factor server-side-only

Type: string

The type of factor (contact method), e.g. 'telegram', 'email' or 'SMS'.

callback client-side

Type: function(error, result)

Callback function to call when Meteor method returns.


Type: undefined|Meteor.Error

Is undefined if meteor method successfully execute, Meteor.Error otherwise.


Type: undefined|string

Is undefined if meteor method returns error. Is true if confirmation session successfully created. Meanwhile a token will be sent via another factor.

verifyToken(connectionId, token) server-side

verifyToken(token, callback) client-side

Verify user sent the right token for active session. Only one session may be open at a time.

connectionId server-side-only

Type: string

Id of DDP connection.


Type: string

Token to verify session.

callback (client-side-only)

Type: function(error, result)

Callback function to call when Meteor method returns.


Type: undefined|Meteor.Error

Is undefined if meteor method successfully execute, Meteor.Error otherwise.


Type: undefined|boolean

Is undefined if meteor method returns error. Is true if right token is sent, false otherwise.

invalidateSession(connectionId) server-side

invalidateSession([callback]) client-side

Invalidates confirmation session. Sets active session to null on success callback.

connectionId server-side-only

Type: string

Id of DDP connection, used to query for active session as each TokenAffirm instance may only have 1 active session per user client.

callback (client-side-only)

Type: function(error, result)

Callback function to call when Meteor method returns.


Type: undefined|Meteor.Error

Is undefined if meteor method successfully execute, Meteor.Error otherwise.


Type: undefined|boolean

Is undefined if meteor method returns error. Is 1 if session is invalidated.

verifyContact() server-side

verifyContact(callback) client-side

Verify contact of user used to send token.

returns (server-side-only)

Type: object

Contact details stored in Meteor.user().profile[instance.profile]. Expects to be {contact, factor}


Type: string

The name/type of factor to send token via, i.e. 'email', 'telegram' or 'SMS'.

Type: string

The identifier used by factor to send token i.e. email address or phone number.

callback (client-side-only)

Type: function(error, result)

Callback function to call when Meteor method returns.


Type: undefined|Meteor.Error

Is undefined if meteor method successfully execute, Meteor.Error otherwise.


Type: undefined|object

Is undefined if meteor method returns error. Is {factor, contact} otherwise.


Type: string

The name/type of factor to send token via, i.e. 'email', 'telegram' or 'SMS'.

Type: string

The identifier used by factor to send token i.e. email address or phone number.

assertOpenSession(connectionId) server-side

assertOpenSession(callback) client-side

Check that there is an open unverified session still pending token verification.

returns (server-side-only)

Type: boolean

Is true when there is an unexpired, unverified session pending verification, false otherwise.

callback (client-side-only)

Type: function(error, result)

Callback function to call when Meteor method returns.


Type: undefined|Meteor.Error

Is undefined if meteor method successfully execute, Meteor.Error otherwise.


Type: undefined|boolean

Is undefined if meteor method returns error. Is true when there is an unexpired, unverified session pending verification, false otherwise.

isVerified() server-side

Verify that confirmation session has been verified.


Type: boolean

Is true if session exists and has been verified, false otherwise.




  • write tests
  • documentation for configuration
  • documentation for dependencies
  • documentation for license
  • documentation for assertOpenSession()
  • add optional server-side callback to verifyToken to aid in resuming action?
  • added wrappedAsync send function
  • use connectionId
  • publish in Meteor
  • create examples
  • prune .jshintrc


Affirm actions of users






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